1000 resultados para Queima da castanha de caju
In Brazil many types of bioproducts and agroindustrial waste are generated currently, such as cacashew apple bagasse and coconut husk, for example. The final disposal of these wastes causes serious environmental issues. In this sense, waste lignocellulosic content, as the shell of the coconut is a renewable and abundant raw material in which its use has an increased interest mainly for the 2nd generation ethanol production. The hydrolysis of cellulose to reducing sugars such as glucose and xylose is catalysed by a group of enzymes called cellulases. However, the main bottleneck in the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose is the significant deactivation of the enzyme that shows irreversible adsorption mechanism leading to reduction of the cellulose adsorption onto cellulose. Studies have shown that the use of surfactants can modify the surface property of the cellulose therefore minimizing the irreversible binding. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of chemical and biological surfactants during the hydrolysis of coconut husk which was subjected to two pre-treatment in order to improve the accessibility of the enzymes to the cellulose, removing this way, part of the lignin and hemicellulose present in the structure of the material. The pre-treatments applied to coconut bagasse were: Acid/Alkaline using 0.6M H2SO4 followed by 1M NaOH, and the one with Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide at a concentration of 7.35% (v/v) and pH 11.5. Both the material no treatment and pretreated were characterized using analysis of diffraction X-ray (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and methods established by NREL. The influence of both surfactants, chemical and biological, was used at concentrations below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), and the concentrations equal to the CMC. The application of pre-treatment with coconut residue was efficient for the conversion to glucose, as well as for the production of total reducing sugars, it was possible to observe that the pretreatment fragmented the structure as well as disordered the fibers. Regarding XRD analysis, a significant increase in crystallinity index was observed for pretreated bagasse acid/alkali (51.1%) compared to the no treatment (31.7%), while that for that treated with PHA, the crystallinity index was slightly lower, around 29%. In terms of total reducing sugars it was not possible to observe a significant difference between the hydrolysis carried out without the use of surfactant compared to the addition of Triton and rhamnolipid. However, by observing the conversions achieved during the hydrolysis, it was noted that the best conversion was using the rhamnolipíd for the husk pretreated with acid/alkali, reaching a value of 33%, whereas using Triton the higher conversion was 23.8%. The coconut husk is a residue which can present a high potential to the 2nd generation ethanol production, being the rhamonolipid a very efficient biosurfactant for use as an adjuvant in the enzymatic process in order to act on the material structure reducing its recalcitrance and therefore improving the conditions of access for enzymes to the substrate increasing thus the conversion of cellulose to glucose.
In a scenario of increasing competitiveness of the global industrial sector and with a consumer market increasingly demanding, there is an increased demand for new materials and, consequently, possibilities to explore new research and technological advances towards the development of new manufacturing methods or the improvement of existing technologies. In the case of cast irons, new grades of them have been developed so that their mechanical properties have been improved, making them more competitive with steel, expanding the applications and thus represents great economic gain for metallurgy and manufacturing sectors. This increases the interest and creates new opportunities to study these materials and identify how they respond in terms of the surface integrity, tool wear, cutting forces, among others, when machined by grinding operation. In this context, due to the lack of results from grinding of cast irons and studies comparing grindability among several grades of cast irons found in the literature, this work aims to generate scientific and technological contribution to the metallurgical and metal working sector through roughness results (Ra and Rz parameters) and evaluation and analysis of the subsurface integrity of three cast iron grades (gray, compacted graphite and nodular). The machining trials were performed on a surface grinding machine with silicon carbide grinding wheel at different cutting conditions. The input variables were the radial depth of cut (15 and 30 μm), worktable speed, vw (5 and 10 m/min) and the abrasive grain size of the grinding wheel. The results showed that surface roughness increased with the radial depth of cut for all materials tested; and the lowest values were obtained for gray cast iron. Also, roughness was sensitive to variation of worktable speed and the lowest values were obtained after machining with vw = 5 m/min. With respect to the abrasive grain size, as it decreased the roughness values increased to gray and nodular cast iron grades. Furthermore, grinding burns marks were observed on the surfaces of nodular cast iron and compacted graphite iron grades after grinding the smallest grain size, contrary to what is usually reported in literature. However, no evidence of severe thermal damages below the machined surfaces of all cast iron grades was observed after analyzing the results of hardness and the SEM micrograph images.
MELO, Maxymme Mendes de ; PINHEIRO, Andrea Santos ; NASCIMENTO, R. M. ; MARTINELLI, Antonio Eduardo ; DUTRA, Ricardo Peixoto Suassuna ; MELO, Marcus Antônio de Freitas . Análise microestrutural de misturas cerâmicas de grês Porcelanato com adição de chamote de telhas cerâmicas. Cerâmica (São Paulo. Impresso), v. 55, p. 356-364, 2009
VARELA, M. L. et al. Influência da adição de resíduo de caulim nas propriedades tecnológicas de uma massa padrão de porcelanato produzido em escala industrial. Cerâmica, v.55, n.334 p.209-215. 2009.ISSN 0366-6913.Disponível em:
FORMIGA, Felipe Lira et al. Avaliação da Potencialidade de Uso do Resíduo Proveniente da Indústria de Beneficiamento do Caulim na Produção de Piso Cerâmico. Cerâmica Industrial, v. 14, p. 41-45, 2009.
Os sensores lambda resistivos possuem as vantagens de simplicidade e menor custo relativamente à utilização generalizada de sensores potenciométricos de oxigénio. Nesse sentido, os titanatos de estrôncio têm sido alvo de diversos estudos. Para a produção de uma relação inequívoca entre a condutividade destes materiais e a pressão parcial de oxigénio é necessária a adição de um dopante dador que suprime a condução eletrónica do tipo-p na região de pressões parciais de oxigénio próximas de ar. Contudo, a adição de um dopante dador produz respostas lentas destes materiais quando densos a variações da pressão parcial de oxigénio. Além da preparação usual dos pós por reação do estado sólido, foram preparadas diversas composições por mecanossíntese. Tal relaciona-se com o fato exaustivamente reportado de as amostras destes materiais, especialmente quando dopados com dadores, apresentarem comportamentos dependentes das condições de processamento. Teve ainda o intuito de avaliar a viabilidade da sua preparação por este método, e consequentemente verificar se este método de preparação, que presumivelmente produzirá pós com composição mais homogénea e mais reativos, permite alterar/manipular a resposta obtida por amostras com eles produzidas. Foram preparados diversos filmes, tipologia muito usada na produção de sensores resistivos, e amostras porosas com diversas composições à base de titanato de estrôncio produzidos com variadas condições de processamento. Foram realizadas diversas caracterizações sobre estes espécimes numa tentativa de melhor compreender as propriedades destes materiais e a dependência destas com parâmetros microestruturais como o tamanho de grão e a porosidade. Foi verificado que os exemplares de titanato de estrôncio não dopado, quer em filmes quer em amostras porosas, apresentam um comportamento elétrico semelhante ao apresentado por amostras densas deste material. Apurou-se ainda, que as suas características apresentam uma variação ténue com a alteração das condições de processamento. Já espécimes de titanato de estrôncio dopados com dador revelam uma forte dependência das suas propriedades com as condições de processamento utilizadas, nomeadamente, a temperatura de sinterização e o tempo de permanência a essa temperatura. Para o fabrico de sensores resistivos de oxigénio poderá ser preferível o recurso a amostras porosas pelo facto de mais facilmente se manipularem as suas características microestruturais e devido à exclusão dos problemas associados à interação entre o substrato de alumina e o filme. As composições não dopadas são as indicadas para esta função se a gama de pressões de oxigénio a avaliar for relativamente pouco extensa sendo aconselhadas as composições dopadas com dador se for pretendida uma medição da pressão parcial de oxigénio em zonas mais extensas correspondentes à queima com deficiência ou excesso de oxigénio. Mesmo em amostras de elevada porosidade poderá ocorrer resposta transiente do material dopado com dador.
agricultural, pharmaceutical, cosmetic or bioenergy applications. They contain bioactive compounds, namely, polysaccharides Fucoidan. These polysaccharides are mainly constituted by fucose residues and sulfate esters, and have been reported to possess a broad variety of bioactivities, such as anticoagulant, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antiviral and antioxidant. In this work, the fucoidans from brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus from “Ria de Aveiro” were isolated and characterized in order to add value to this natural resource of the region. The polysaccharides from the algae were extracted with hot water and fractioned by ethanol precipitation and calcium chloride salts. They were further purified by using anion-exchange chromatography, allowing to separate the neutral polysaccharides (laminaranas) from those negatively charged (sulfated fucoidans and alginate). The purified polysaccharides showed high content of fucose (41 mol%) and sulfates (50 mol%), having also galactose residues (6 mol%), which confirm the presence of only sulfated fucoidans. Glycosidic linkages analysis show the presence of high amounts of terminal fucose (25%) and (1→3,4)-Fuc (26%), allowing to infer that the fucoidans were highly branched. These fucoidans are composed also by (1→2)-Fuc (14%) and (1→3)-Fuc linkages (10-16%). In this work it was also tested an alternative extraction technology, the microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity system, where it was possible to extract sugars, although in low yields. However, this methodology allowed to extract polysaccharides, constituted mainly by fucose and uronic acids, as well as mannitol, without the need to add any solvent, obtaining at the end the dry alga. The current work allowed to characterize the structure of the fucoidans isolated from “Ria de Aveiro” F. vesiculosus. The presence of high content of sulfate residues and the high branch degree of the purified fucoidans allow to infer that these polysaccharides could have potential to be studied for biomedical applications, according to their biological activities.
Esta dissertação é composta por 5 artigos.
MELO, Maxymme Mendes de ; PINHEIRO, Andrea Santos ; NASCIMENTO, R. M. ; MARTINELLI, Antonio Eduardo ; DUTRA, Ricardo Peixoto Suassuna ; MELO, Marcus Antônio de Freitas . Análise microestrutural de misturas cerâmicas de grês Porcelanato com adição de chamote de telhas cerâmicas. Cerâmica (São Paulo. Impresso), v. 55, p. 356-364, 2009
VARELA, M. L. et al. Influência da adição de resíduo de caulim nas propriedades tecnológicas de uma massa padrão de porcelanato produzido em escala industrial. Cerâmica, v.55, n.334 p.209-215. 2009.ISSN 0366-6913.Disponível em: