998 resultados para Próteses das valvas cardíacas
With advances in health care, has been na increase of demand for material that could replace the functions of the human body parts, thus evolved biomedic prosthesis which today are responsible for the constant improvement of the quality of life. The Titanium alloys are widely used as implants due to its properties, like high mechanical resistance, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, and the addition alloying elements like Zirconium, may improve some of those properties. Such properties are related to the microstructure and consequently to the type of processing performed. The purpose of this dissertation was to characterize the experimental alloy Ti15Zr after route of processsing and heat treatment in order to extend the knowledge about this alloy. The latter has been abtained by fusion of pure metals in a arc melting furnace with an inert argon atmosphere. The material has been homogenized in a tube furnace at 950ºC for 24h and cold worked by swaging, after that, bars with 10 mm of diameter were obtained by the process of rotary forging. The samples were solubilized at 900º C for 2 hours and quenched in water. After that, 4 samples were submitted to the aging, at 400º C, 450º C, 500º C and 550º C. The microstructure and phase analysis was done by optical microscopy and X-rays diffraction (XRD), the mechanical characterization was carried out by microhardness test and finally, evaluation of corrosion resistance of the alloy by electrochemical tests. The XRD and the optical microscopy made it possible to analyze that the heat treatment influenced the phase shifting from α to α', and probably affected the alloy hardness, at the first aged sample at 500º Chas been a sudden increase in the value of hardness, probably by appearance of omega phase, unwanted phase to the medical application duo to great fragility, and finally ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A large number of metal alloys are used in Dentistry for the manufacture of fixed and removable dentures. In the oral cavity, these structures are exposed to a chemically aggressive medium, like saliva and mechanical efforts, like mastication. In addition, acidic solutions containing fluoride ions are also frequently used in dental treatments to prevent dental plates and decays development. In this context, it was considered important to investigate the influence that a fourth element could exert when added to the ternary alloy Ni-Cr-Mo, largely used in Brazil. Therefore, electrochemical tests were done to evaluate the resistance to corrosion of quaternary alloy 65Ni-25Cr-5Mo-5Ta and 65Ni-25Cr-5Mo-5W in NaF solution 0,08mol / L, pH = 4.7. For greater understanding the microstructure and morphology of alloys were studied, through metallographic analysis, using optics microscopy and electron microscopy scanning. For the electrochemical tests were applied techniques traditionally used in corrosion researches, such as: potential measures in open circuit (OCP) and cyclic polarization (CP). It was found that both quaternary alloys showed very similar results. Comparing these quaternary alloys with the ternary 65Ni-25Cr-10Mo, it was found that the quaternary alloys exhibit greater resistance to corrosion, in other words, less passivation current density than the ternary alloy, showing that it is advantageous to add a fourth element in the alloy
Os peptídeos têm sido amplamente estudados e demonstrados como uma estratégia promissora no combate a micro-organismos patogênicos, devido aos inovadores mecanismos de ação que apresentam e a menor indução de resistência nos microorganismos. Os peptídeos da família das Histatinas, naturalmente presentes na saliva humana, são os principais agentes que auxiliam na cicatrização e oclusão de feridas, re-epitelização e, além disso, dispõem de mecanismos de ação contra microorganismos, em especial, a Candida albicans. O agente etiológico da Candidiose bucal é a Candida albicans, um patógeno de origem fúngica, que acomete indivíduos de todas as idades, indivíduos imunologicamente debilitados e, especialmente, os usuários de próteses dentárias. Um importante fator de virulência da Candida albicans é a habilidade de formar biofilmes, estrutura comunitária microbiana revestida por exopolissacarídeos, capaz de aderir-se a superfícies lisas. Os biofilmes associam-se com a capacidade de causar infecções, com o desenvolvimento de resistência contra o sistema imune do hospedeiro e contra os antifúngicos. O uso indiscriminado e a exposição prolongada aos antifúngicos induz o surgimento de resistência a esses medicamentos, além disso existem cepas de Candida albicans resistentes ao tratamento com antifúngicos azólicos. Devido a isso surge a necessidade de desenvolvimento de novos alvos terapêuticos. O objetivo desse estudo consiste no desenvolvimento de análogos da Histatina-5 com algumas modificações estruturais, a fim de potencializar a ação terapêutica já comprovada dos peptídeos da família das Histatinas. A Histatina-5GH apresenta maior carga positiva que os demais peptídeos devido a troca de duas glicinas na estrutura da Histatina-5 por duas histidinas. Por sua vez, a Histatina-5SC possui o resíduo de serina C-terminal substituído por...
With advances in health care, has been na increase of demand for material that could replace the functions of the human body parts, thus evolved biomedic prosthesis which today are responsible for the constant improvement of the quality of life. The Titanium alloys are widely used as implants due to its properties, like high mechanical resistance, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, and the addition alloying elements like Zirconium, may improve some of those properties. Such properties are related to the microstructure and consequently to the type of processing performed. The purpose of this dissertation was to characterize the experimental alloy Ti15Zr after route of processsing and heat treatment in order to extend the knowledge about this alloy. The latter has been abtained by fusion of pure metals in a arc melting furnace with an inert argon atmosphere. The material has been homogenized in a tube furnace at 950ºC for 24h and cold worked by swaging, after that, bars with 10 mm of diameter were obtained by the process of rotary forging. The samples were solubilized at 900º C for 2 hours and quenched in water. After that, 4 samples were submitted to the aging, at 400º C, 450º C, 500º C and 550º C. The microstructure and phase analysis was done by optical microscopy and X-rays diffraction (XRD), the mechanical characterization was carried out by microhardness test and finally, evaluation of corrosion resistance of the alloy by electrochemical tests. The XRD and the optical microscopy made it possible to analyze that the heat treatment influenced the phase shifting from α to α', and probably affected the alloy hardness, at the first aged sample at 500º Chas been a sudden increase in the value of hardness, probably by appearance of omega phase, unwanted phase to the medical application duo to great fragility, and finally ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB