997 resultados para Posterior-fossa Surgery
Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Posterior Sub-Tenon (PST) Triamcinolone Acetonide (TA) injection for persistent macular oedema associated with non-ischemic Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO) or Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO) in non-vitrectomized eye. Methods: Fourteen consecutive eyes of 14 patients characterized by macular oedema lasting more than 3 months and with a visual acuity of less than 20/40 were enrolled. Six eyes presented with BRVO, 8 eyes with CRVO. PST injection of 40 mg TA was performed in topical anaesthesia. All patients were phakic, and followed for at least 6 months. Snellen visual acuity converted to LogMAR units and anatomic responses were evaluated before, and at 1, 3, 6, and 12 (if required) months after injections and re-injection considered. Results: In the BRVO group, mean foveal thickness was 548.2±49.50 μm preoperatively, and 452.8±56.2 μm and 280.8±62.5 μm at 1 and 12 month follow-up, respectively. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between preoperative and postoperative measurements (P<.05, paired t test) 3 months after injections. Improvement of visual acuity by at least 0.2 LogMAR was seen in 3(50%) of the 6 eyes. No re-injection was needed. In the CRVO group, mean foveal thickness was 543.7±34.4 μm preoperatively, and 283.0±29.0 μm and 234.8±23.6 μm at 1 and 12 month follow-up, respectively. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between preoperative and postoperative measurements (P<.05, paired t test). Improvement of visual acuity by at least 0.2 LogMAR was seen in 7 eyes (88%). Mean number of re-injection was of 2.1±0.3. Intraocular pressure elevation of 22 mm Hg or higher was found in 2/14 eyes (14%). Cataract progression was noted in 5/14 eyes (36%). Conclusions: PST injection of TA appears to be as safe and effective treatment for chronic macular oedema associated due to both non-ischemic BRVO or CRVO, with a better efficacy in BRVO.
Estudo retrospectivo de dois casos de hemorragia craniana de localização atípica em 777 recém-natos internados na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal da Casa de Saúde São José, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Foram avaliados os aspectos clínicos e o diagnóstico por métodos de imagem. Verificamos que a ultrassonografia foi diagnóstica nos dois casos quando comparada com a ressonância magnética. Em relação à etiologia, esta foi multifatorial, e a manifestação clínica silenciosa independente da localização. Até o presente momento, a avaliação neurológica tem tido curso satisfatório, embora os pacientes ainda tenham baixa idade para a avaliação neurológica definitiva.
A literatura relata somente alguns casos de recém-nascidos com ascite urinária, geralmente secundária a ruptura de bexiga urinária e não de um cálice renal. Este relato de caso descreve um caso raro de ascite urinária em recém-nascido com válvula de uretra posterior que teve ruptura de um cálice renal, neste caso diagnosticada, até onde sabemos, pela primeira vez por ultrassonografia.