998 resultados para Poesia hebrea
The short story “Os desastres de Sofia” (1964), of Clarice Lispector, can be read as fictional metaphor for the way as the writer elaborated and presented the concept of “Vanguard”. Philosophical reflections of Walter Benjamin (1933) contains the arguments that Clarice, in this narrative, invigorates, by the use of modern keys, vanguardist, according to her conception, which Benjamin sanctioned by the melancholic look of the past. Clarice is notable as a writer of prose affiliated with the brazilian modern poetry.
Lying under the contribution of a display of characteristics with multiple meanings (Catholicism, Surrealism, unite of contraries, and the dialogue with other types of art), Murilo Mendes focalizes some subjects that are made to become appealing in his works. Some of these subjects appear in his 1945’s poetry book, As metamorfoses, the object of analysis in this present work: the poet’s figure, insert in the historical view of the World War II and by the poet devastated; the muse’s figure, carrier of the sacred and the profane, whose body represents a repository of descriptions with surrealistic meanings, that is shown indistinctly as the poetry itself; and, concluding, the poetry (or the metapoetry) expressed in this context (historical and literary). Therefore, we intend to search, based in the analysis of poems, how each of this instances are configured inside the poetic universe of Murilo Mendes, with the intention of enlighten the constitution of the sewing made of them by the poet from Juiz de Fora; instances that are very precious when we deal with the poetry that gives to his writings the patent feature of modernity.
Starting from general considerations on the Orpheus myth and its resonance on Brazilian poetry, this essay aims at an interpretative analysis of the prose poem “Orpheus” from José Paulo Paes, published in one of the author’s latest books, A meu esmo (1995).
The (usually rotten) fruit theme or motif is recurring in Ferreira Gullar‟s poetic work (from A luta corporal, 1954, to Em alguma parte alguma, 2010). It can be said that the semantic-metaphoric field comprises metapoetic to political and social issues –expressive aspects in the author‟s trajectory. Thus, starting from the fruit topic which is characteristic of the bucolic-pastoral poetic tradition and tracing its presence in Brazil, this paper aims, by analysing some of Gullar‟s poems, to reflect on the peculiar way the problem is subverted in his lyric.
Partindo da conceituação de termos caros à teoria e à crítica da poesia lírica, perfaço um breve estudo da poesia em prosa do simbolista brasileiro Cruz e Sousa (1861-1898), consubstanciada nos livros Missal (1893) e Evocações (1898). Procurei evidenciar o processo de composição das duas obras e as diferenças entre ambas, frisando inclusive o modo pelo qual o poeta configura suas imagens poéticas. Assim, articulando os conceitos de Imagem e Epifania – utilizados pelo poeta de maneira moderna e original –, busquei ressaltar sua importância no processo construtivo de Cruz e Sousa, salientando, por fim, o lugar de destaque que o poeta ocupa nos quadros da poesia brasileira.