998 resultados para Physics, Fluids


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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A second-order closure is developed for predicting turbulent flows of viscoelastic fluids described by a modified generalised Newtonian fluid model incorporating a nonlinear viscosity that depends on a strain-hardening Trouton ratio as a means to handle some of the effects of viscoelasticity upon turbulent flows. Its performance is assessed by comparing its predictions for fully developed turbulent pipe flow with experimental data for four different dilute polymeric solutions and also with two sets of direct numerical simulation data for fluids theoretically described by the finitely extensible nonlinear elastic - Peterlin model. The model is based on a Newtonian Reynolds stress closure to predict Newtonian fluid flows, which incorporates low Reynolds number damping functions to properly deal with wall effects and to provide the capability to handle fluid viscoelasticity more effectively. This new turbulence model was able to capture well the drag reduction of various viscoelastic fluids over a wide range of Reynolds numbers and performed better than previously developed models for the same type of constitutive equation, even if the streamwise and wall-normal turbulence intensities were underpredicted.


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The sensitivities to anomalous quartic photon couplings at the Large Hadron Collider are estimated using diphoton production via photon fusion. The tagging of the protons proves to be a very powerful tool to suppress the background and unprecedented sensitivities down to 7 x 10(-15) GeV-4 are obtained, providing a new window on extra dimensions and strongly interacting composite states in the multi-TeV range. Generic contributions to quartic photon couplings from charged and neutral particles with arbitrary spin are also presented.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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This work reports the study of an attractive interfacial wave for application in ultrasonic NDE techniques for inspection and fluid characterization. This wave, called quasi-Scholte mode, is a kind of flexural wave in a plate in contact with a fluid which presents a good sensitivity to the fluid properties. In order to explore this feature, the phase velocity curve of quasi-Scholte mode is experimentally measured in a plate in contact with a viscous fluid, showing a good agreement with theory.


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Fluidization consists in a bed of solid particles acquire fluid behavior by using a fluid (in this case air) flowing through the solid particles. Because of this, it can be a good mix of these materials, as well as to show increased rates of heat and mass transport. The fluid flowing through the spaces between the particles gives an interstitial velocity, that if is too low does not cause movement of the particulates. The gradual increase in speed will generate small vibrations between the particles promotes its fluidization. Our study focus in the fluid state of solid bed , when the fluid velocity reaches a state where the drag forces are sufficient to support the weight of the solid particles making these solids behave like fluids . Knowledge of the minimum velocity required to fluidize that particles is of great importance since below this speed there is no fluidization, and far above it, the solids are carried out of the bed. The fluidized bed reactor is widely used in physics and engineering, particularly in gas-solid fluidization, with emphasis on thermochemical processes


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The study of movements of ideals fluids is more simple that the viscous fluids because do not have the presence of tension of shear. The normal tensions are the one that must be considered in this analysis. The theory corresponding to these flows is the same used in other fields of the physics called Theory of Potentials Fields, which the vector identity is fundamental. Any flow into irrotational (null vorticity) physically possibly has a current function and a potential of velocity that satisfied the equation of Laplace. Reciprocally, any solution of equation of Laplace represents a current function or a potential of velocity of a flow into physically possible. Once the equation of Laplace is linear, the addiction of any numbers of solutions is also a solution. So, several potentials flows into can be constructed superposing configurations of elementary flows into. The purpose of the superposition of elementary flows into is a production of similar configurations to those of practical interest. The combination of mathematical elegancy with utility in the potential flow into attracted many for its study. Some of the most famous mathematician of history studied the theory and application of hydrodynamic, how was called the potential fluid into before 1900


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notrio que o livro didtico desempenha um papel fundamental na prtica pedaggica da maioria dos professores de Fsica constituindo importante fonte de referncia para professores e estudantes. Ao mesmo tempo representa a memria impressa das demandas e paradigmas de ensino, e procura atender s exigncias prescritas na legislao e diretrizes, de uma determinada localidade e perodo. Atualmente, a insero de Fsica Moderna e Contempornea no currculo do Ensino Mdio brasileiro est entre as prioridades, preconizando, entre. outros, o ensino do efeito fotoeltrico, em funo da relevncia do fenmeno ao corroborar a interpretao corpuscular da natureza da luz, e o consequente laureio de Albert Einstein com o Prmio Nobel. Estudos realizados apontam que muitos dos livros didticos apresentam a histria do efeito fotoeltrico de maneira superficial ou errnea, e expem incorretamente a funo trabalho e o conceito de fton (Klassen, 2011). Tendo em vista o exposto, objetivamos analisar como ocorre a apresentao do efeito fotoeltrico especificamente em dez colees didticas brasileiras aprovadas pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico do Ensino Mdio 2012 do governo federal, tendo como aporte terico as consideraes de Yves Chevallard (Brockington e Pietrocola, 2005). Procuramos resposta para a seguinte pergunta: Quais so as transposies ocorridas na apresentao do efeito fotoeltrico (saber sbio) para se tornar o saber a ensinar em materiais escolares? Nossa anlise centrou-se no processo de descontextualizao, entendido como o processo pelo qual o saber sbio passa para que seja ensinvel, sendo necessrio que seja arrancado de seu contexto original, ou seja, o seu processo histrico.