1000 resultados para Petrologia - Amazonas
A case-control study on the morbidity of Chagas heart disease was carried out in the municipality of Barcelos in the microregion of the Rio Negro, state of Amazonas. One hundred and six individuals, who were serologically positive for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, as confirmed by at least two techniques with different principles, were matched according to age and sex with an equal number of seronegative individuals. The cases and controls were evaluated using an epidemiological questionnaire and clinical, electrocardiograph and echocardiograph examinations. In the seroepidemiological evaluation, 62% of the interviewees recognised triatomines and most of them confirmed that they had seen these insects in the piassava plantations of the riverside communities of the Negro River tributaries. Of the seropositive patients, 25.8% affirmed that they had been stung by the triatomines and 11.7% denied having been stung. The principal clinical manifestations of the seropositive individuals were palpitations, chest pain and dyspnoea upon effort. Cardiac auscultation revealed extrasystoles, bradycardia and systolic murmurs. The electrocardiographic alterations were ventricular extrasystoles, left and right bundle branch block, atrioventricular block and primary T wave alterations. The echocardiogram was altered in 22.6% of the seropositive individuals and in 8.5% of the seronegative individuals.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Aedes aegyptimass trapping using the sticky trap MosquiTRAP (MQT) by performing a cluster randomised controlled trial in Manaus, state of Amazonas, Brazil. After an initial questionnaire and baseline monitoring of adultAe. aegyptiabundance with BG-Sentinel (BGS) traps in six clusters, three clusters were randomly assigned to the intervention arm where each participating household received three MQTs for mass trapping during 17 months. The remaining three clusters (control arm) did not receive traps. The effect of mass trapping on adult Ae. aegyptiabundance was monitored fortnightly with BGS traps. During the last two months of the study, a serological survey was conducted. After the study, a second questionnaire was applied in the intervention arm. Entomological monitoring indicated that MQT mass trapping did not reduce adult Ae. aegyptiabundance. The serological survey indicated that recent dengue infections were equally frequent in the intervention and the control arm. Most participants responded positively to questions concerning user satisfaction. According to the results, there is no evidence that mass trapping with MQTs can be used as a part of dengue control programs. The use of this sticky trap is only recommendable for dengue vector monitoring.
In the Brazilian Amazon, American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) is endemic and presents a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations due, in part, to the circulation of at least seven Leishmaniaspecies. Few reports of Leishmania (Viannia) naiffiinfection suggest that its occurrence is uncommon and the reported cases present a benign clinical course and a good response to treatment. This study aimed to strengthen the clinical and epidemiological importance of L. (V.) naiffiin the Amazon Region (Manaus, state of Amazonas) and to report therapeutic failure in patients infected with this species. Thirty Leishmania spp samples isolated from cutaneous lesions were characterised by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. As expected, the most common species was Leishmania (V.) guyanensis (20 cases). However, a relevant number ofL. (V.) naiffi patients (8 cases) was observed, thus demonstrating that this species is not uncommon in the region. No patient infected withL. (V.) naiffievolved to spontaneous cure until the start of treatment, which indicated that this species may not have a self-limiting nature. In addition, two of the patients experienced a poor response to antimonial or pentamidine therapy. Thus, either ATL cases due to L. (V.) naifficannot be as uncommon as previously thought or this species is currently expanding in this region.
Synopsis of the genus Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Macrotomini). The genus Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860 with its twelve known species are briefly treated herein: S. batesi Lameere, 1903, S. bullatus Bates, 1872, S. championi Bates, 1884, S. corticarius (Erichson, 1848), S. dohrni Lameere, 1903, S. fryi Lameere, 1912, S. graniger Bates, 1884, S. hirticollis Tippmann, 1953, S. kraepelini Lameere, 1903, S. macrotomoides Tippmann, 1953, S. sericans Tippmann, 1953, S. sericeus Zajciw, 1970. The genus as well as the species, Strongylaspis championi, S. bullatus and S. corticarius are redescribed; the last one including characterization of wings and male and female terminalia. Four new species are added: S. aureus sp. nov. (BRASIL, Amazonas), S. migueli sp. nov. (BRASIL, Mato Grosso), S. christianae sp. nov. (BRASIL, Mato Grosso) and S. bolivianus sp. nov. (BOLIVIA). All the species, but S. dohrni, are illustrated and keyed. Maps of distribution are also given.
A new species of Xylocopa Latreille, 1802, and notes on Xylocopa transitoria Pérez and X. mordax Smith (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) orthogonaspis sp. nov. (Brazil, Amazonas) is described. It is a remarkable species from the Amazonian Region easily recognized by the strong and sharp right angle between upper and posterior portions of the scutellum; the wings are slightly brown with a brassy hue and a little vinaceous apex. Some notes to separate Xylocopa (N.) orthogonaspis sp. nov. from X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901, and X. (N.) mordax Smith, 1874, are given. Xylocopa (N.) submordax Cockerell, 1935, on the other hand, is considered as a new synonym of X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901.
Bakeriella lata sp. nov. (Brazil, Rondônia), Bakeriella aurata sp. nov. (Brazil, Amazonas) and Bakeriella sulcaticeps sp. nov. (Brazil, Amazonas) are described and illustrated. New geographic records and variation data for B. cristata Evans, 1964, B. floridana Evans, 1964, B. flavicornis Kieffer, 1910, B. incompleta Azevedo, 1994, B. mira Evans, 1997, B. montivaga (Kieffer, 1910), B. olmeca Evans, 1964 and B. subcarinata Evans, 1965 are provided. The male of B. incompleta is described for the first time.
O gênero Lophyraspis e as seguintes espécies, juntamente com algumas mudanças nomenclaturais, são tratados: Lophyraspis Stål, 1869 = Gerridius Fowler, 1896 syn. rest.; Lophyraspis muscaria (Fabricius, 1803) = Gerridius scutellatus Fowler, 1896 syn. nov. = Gerridius abbreviatus Baker, 1907 syn. nov.; Lophyraspis pygmaea (Fabricius, 1803); Lophyraspis scutellata (Fabricius, 1803) = L. cristata Stål, 1869 syn. nov. = L. armata Haviland, 1925 syn. nov.; Lophyraspis spinosa (Funkhouser, 1930) comb. nov. (anteriormente em Mina Walker, 1858); Lophyraspis fenestrata sp. nov. (Brasil, Amazonas); Lophyraspis diminuta sp. nov. (Brasil, Mato Grosso).
Cerambycidae coletados em Surumoni, Amazonas, Venezuela, com o auxílio de uma grua, por armadilha de interceptação de vôo e armadilha luminosa nas copas de Matayba guianensis Aubl e Vochysia sp. resultaram em novos registros para 14 espécies e descrição de quatro novas: Erythropterus urucuri sp. nov. (Heteropsini), Eriphus ruBELLus sp. nov. (Trachyderini), Lissonotus kuaiuba sp. nov. (Lissonotini) e Acyphoderes itaiuba sp. nov. (Rhinotragini).
O gênero Kroeberia e a espécie K. fuliginosa Lindner, 1930, são redescritos. Uma espécie nova, K. minor, é descrita do Brasil (Pará e Amazonas). As duas espécies são ilustradas e uma chave de identificação é fornecida.
Três novas espécies de Anomiopus Westwood, 1842 são acrescentadas ao grupo virescens: A. lunatipes sp. nov. (Brasil: Amazonas), A. paraguaiensis sp. nov. (Paraguai) e A. tuberifrons sp. nov. (Brasil: Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul e São Paulo). Chave para as espécies do grupo virescens é fornecida.