1000 resultados para Penal law
El propósito de este artículo es el femicidio considerado como un delito por razones de género. Ofrece un análisis feminista de las dimensiones conceptuales del tipo penal; incluye los principales argumentos explorados en América Latina, examina diferentes aspectos defendidos por feministas y activistas del movimiento de mujeres, tiene en cuenta algunas reacciones desencadenadas por la tipificación y considera la estructura general del delito tal como ha sido aprobado en seis países: Costa Rica (ley especial, 2007), Guatemala (ley especial, 2008), México (ley general, 2007), El Salvador (ley especial e integral, 2010), Colombia y Chile (reformas del código penal, 2008 y 2010). Este studio es muy importante porque los asuntos penales, además de generar diferentes debates a nivel judicial y legislativo han abierto nuevas vías para continuar la investigación crítica de esta expresión extrema de las violencias de género que atacan los cuerpos de las mujeres y menoscaban el derecho a vivir una vida libre de violencias.
The themes of this paper are equality, reasonableness and gender rights in the dynamics of two sequential and convergent processes: the constitutionalization of judicial law, and the internationalization of constitutional law. The thesis of this paper is that in the face of non-compliance of the obligation to regulate, guarantee and protect gender rights, the best option has been to strengthen judicial law, which has enabled the development of rules for protection, the adoption of contemporary methods of interpretation and adjudication of the law, as well as the resolution of shortfalls in protection based on said processes of the constitutionalization and internationalization of local law.
Transitional provisions are defined as the set of regulations that rule juridical relationships on the occasion of a legislative change. Out of this context of law succession, their indiscriminate application can lead to serious inconsistencies. The analysis of a Spanish private law example is offered to illustrate this fact. It concerns the administrative authorization for the demolition of rented buildings in the cities. A regulation repealed more than fifteen years ago and however widespread utilised on ancient constructions that, after recent urban development, have acquired great economic value; something that in the end explains the current importance of such provisions. What is happening in Spain: denaturalization of the original figure due to a mixture of formalist interpretations and speculative market interests, is presented here to call the attention on the necessary limitation of transitional provisions’ effects.
This paper affirms that the economic and political failure of the Radical Period provided opportunities for those who proposed Regeneration as a means of defending authority. Family law became an important tool in that process. During the period studied by this article, the equality clause remained in Colombian constitutions without any practical affect for the majority of the people. Discrimination was imposed through family law over those who had born outside of a Catholic marriage and/or had not previously legitimized their union through a Catholic ceremony. By the middle of the 20th century, the dramatic situation of the nation’s children led to efforts to change the social prejudices through legislation, that is, in the same way the prejudices had been imposed.
This article seeks to demonstrate how Law inter-related with Economy, constitutes in modern societies one of the main instruments for the construction of citizen consensus or the construction of political hegemony in modern societies. If we consider this affirmation —as is argued here— the transformations suffered in recent decades by Law as a consequence of the new phase of capitalistic globalization, have played an important role in the constitution of a new subjectivity (“single thought”) in the population.
El propósito del artículo se centra en analizar la necesidad que hay o no de crear una sanción especial para el sujeto con psicopatía, teniendo en cuenta sus particulares características (incurable, ausencia de remordimiento, ausencia de temor al castigo, alto nivel de reincidencia, cosificación del ser humano), y la naturaleza de las sanciones contenidas en la ley penal nacional, en defensa de la justicia, el respeto por los derechos humanos de víctima y victimario, la seguridad de la sociedad y la adecuada punición.