997 resultados para PLA Folding


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Concurs per redacció del pla de millora urbana del sector PMU-LCC (La Clota Conservació) al barri de La Clota de Barcelona


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Contracte de serveis per a l'assistència tècnica per a la redacció del projecte bàsic i d’execució, la certificació deficiència energètica del projecte, l’estudi de seguretat i salut, el projecte d’activitats per a llicència ambiental, l’estudi geotècnic, el pla de gestió de residus, el pla de gestió de residus i posterior direcció d’obra i certificació d’eficiència energètica de final d’obra corresponent a la nova construcció d'un centre residencial d'acció educativa (crae) a Barcelona (Carrer Císter). clau: bse-09320 (2 voltes)


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Hsp70 is a central molecular chaperone that passively prevents protein aggregation and uses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to solubilize, translocate, and mediate the proper refolding of proteins in the cell. Yet, the molecular mechanism by which the active Hsp70 chaperone functions are achieved remains unclear. Here, we show that the bacterial Hsp70 (DnaK) can actively unfold misfolded structures in aggregated polypeptides, leading to gradual disaggregation. We found that the specific unfolding and disaggregation activities of individual DnaK molecules were optimal for large aggregates but dramatically decreased for small aggregates. The active unfolding of the smallest aggregates, leading to proper global refolding, required the cooperative action of several DnaK molecules per misfolded polypeptide. This finding suggests that the unique ATP-fueled locking/unlocking mechanism of the Hsp70 chaperones can recruit random chaperone motions to locally unfold misfolded structures and gradually disentangle stable aggregates into refoldable proteins.


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PURPOSE: To study the kinetics of polylactide (PLA) nanoparticle (NP) localization within the intraocular tissues and to evaluate their potential to release encapsulated material. METHODS: A single intravitreous injection (5 micro L) of an NP suspension (2.2 mg/mL) encapsulating either Rh-6G (Rh) or Nile red (Nr) was performed. Animals were killed at various times, and the NPs localization within the intraocular tissues was studied by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), confocal microscopy, light microscopy histology, fluorescence microscopy, and immunohistochemistry. Eyes injected with blank NPs, free Rh, or PBS solution were used as the control. RESULTS: ESEM showed the flow of the NPs from the site of injection into the vitreous cavity and their rapid settling on the internal limiting membrane. Histology demonstrated the anatomic integrity of the injected eyes and showed no toxic effects. A mild inflammatory cell infiltrate was observed in the ciliary body 6 hours after the injection and in the posterior vitreous and retina at 18 to 24 hours. The intensity of inflammation decreased markedly by 48 hours. Confocal and fluorescence microscopy and immunohistochemistry showed that a transretinal movement of the NPs was gradually taking place with a later localization in the RPE cells. Rh encapsulated within the injected NPs diffused and stained the retina and RPE cells. PLA NPs were still present within the RPE cells 4 months after a single intravitreous injection. CONCLUSIONS: Intravitreous injection of PLA NPs appears to result in transretinal movement, with a preferential localization in the RPE cells. Encapsulated Rh diffuses from the NPs and stains the neuroretina and the RPE cells. The findings support the idea that specific targeting of these tissues is feasible. Furthermore, the presence of the NPs within the RPE cells 4 months after a single injection shows that a steady and continuous delivery of drugs can be achieved.


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Projecte presentat per al Concurs de projectes amb intervenció de jurat per al desenvolupament a nivell d'avanprojecte del Pla de Millora Urbana del Sector FECSA-ENDESA i Casernes, a Sant Boi del Llobregat


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El projecte vol desenvolupar un programari per Android destinat al guiatge d'un usuari per diferents punts d'interès, els quals han estat extrets de forma automàtica dels seus propis documents. Per poder aconseguir-ho, el programa serà capaç d'analitzar fitxers de text pla i extreure els diferents punts d'interès que apareguin (paraules clau). Un cop extrets, haurà d'assignar una Geolocalització a cadascun. Posteriorment, i connectant-se a l’API de GoogleMaps, l'aplicació permetrà a l'usuari visualitzar els punts d'interès i definir un recorregut (circuit, ruta, ruta pròxima,...).