995 resultados para Oracle Express


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Dans une société du consentement, chacun devrait pouvoir exprimer sa voix. Mais tout enfant apprend à parler en faisant usage de la parole des autres. Dans quelle mesure ce que dit le nouveau venu n'est-il pas une pure reproduction de ce que disent ses aînés ? Si chacun a la voix de sa communauté, qu'est-ce que peut bien vouloir dire « liberté d'expression » ? J'aimerais montrer qu'une voix n'est pas quelque chose que l'on a, mais quelque chose que l'on fait entendre au cours d'un apprentissage. Le problème est politique : ma voix est liée à ma place dans une communauté. In a society of consent, each and everyone should express their own voice. However, a child learns how to speak using the words of the others. To which extent the newcomer isn't just reproducing what his elders say ? If everyone speaks through their community's voice, what does « freedom of speech » mean ? I want to demonstrate that a voice isn't something that one has, it's something that one acquires through education. This is a political problem : my voice is linked to my place in a community.


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Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) mediate neuronal communication at synapses throughout vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems. We have characterized a family of iGluR-related genes in Drosophila, which we name ionotropic receptors (IRs). These receptors do not belong to the well-described kainate, AMPA, or NMDA classes of iGluRs, and they have divergent ligand-binding domains that lack their characteristic glutamate-interacting residues. IRs are expressed in a combinatorial fashion in sensory neurons that respond to many distinct odors but do not express either insect odorant receptors (ORs) or gustatory receptors (GRs). IR proteins accumulate in sensory dendrites and not at synapses. Misexpression of IRs in different olfactory neurons is sufficient to confer ectopic odor responsiveness. Together, these results lead us to propose that the IRs comprise a novel family of chemosensory receptors. Conservation of IR/iGluR-related proteins in bacteria, plants, and animals suggests that this receptor family represents an evolutionarily ancient mechanism for sensing both internal and external chemical cues.


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Although the assembly of a ternary complex between the SNARE proteins syntaxin-1, SNAP25 and VAMP2 is known to be crucial for insulin exocytosis, the mechanisms controlling this key event are poorly understood. We found that pancreatic beta-cells express different isoforms of tomosyn-1, a syntaxin-1-binding protein possessing a SNARE-like motif. Using atomic force microscopy we show that the SNARE-like domain of tomosyn-1 can form a complex with syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 but displays binding forces that are weaker than those observed for VAMP2 (237+/-13 versus 279+/-3 pN). In pancreatic beta-cells tomosyn-1 was found to be concentrated in cellular compartments enriched in insulin-containing secretory granules. Silencing of tomosyn-1 in the rat beta-cell line INS-1E by RNA interference did not affect the number of secretory granules docked at the plasma membrane but led to a reduction in stimulus-induced exocytosis. Replacement of endogenous tomosyn-1 with mouse tomosyn-1, which differs in the nucleotide sequence from its rat homologue and escapes silencing, restored a normal secretory rate. Taken together, our data suggest that tomosyn-1 is involved in a post-docking event that prepares secretory granules for fusion and is necessary to sustain exocytosis of pancreatic beta-cells in response to insulin secretagogues.


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Since ethical concerns are calling for more attention within OperationalResearch, we present three approaches to combine Operational Researchmodels with ethics. Our intention is to clarify the trade-offs faced bythe OR community, in particular the tension between the scientificlegitimacy of OR models (ethics outside OR models) and the integrationof ethics within models (ethics within OR models). Presenting anddiscussing an approach that combines OR models with the process of OR(ethics beyond OR models), we suggest rigorous ways to express the relationbetween ethics and OR models. As our work is exploratory, we are trying toavoid a dogmatic attitude and call for further research. We argue thatthere are interesting avenues for research at the theoretical,methodological and applied levels and that the OR community can contributeto an innovative, constructive and responsible social dialogue about itsethics.


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This paper argues that economic rationality and ethical behavior cannotbe reduced one to the other, casting doubts on the validity of formulaslike 'profit is ethical' or 'ethics pays'. In order to express ethicaldilemmas as opposing economic interest with ethical concerns, we proposea model of rational behavior that combines these two irreducible dimensions in an open but not arbitrary manner. Behaviors that are neither ethicalnor profitable are considered irrational (non-arbitrariness). However,behaviors that are profitable but unethical, and behaviors that are ethicalbut not profitable, are all treated as rational (openness). Combiningethical concerns with economic interest, ethical business is in turn anoptimal form of rationality between venality and sacrifice.Because every one prefers to communicate that he acts ethically, ethicalbusiness remains ambiguous until some economic interest is actuallysacrificed. We argue however that ethical business has an interest indemonstrating its consistency between communication and behavior by atransparent attitude. On the other hand, venal behaviors must remainconfidential to hide the corresponding lack of consistency. Thisdiscursive approach based on transparency and confidentiality helpsto further distinguish between ethical and unethical business behaviors.