999 resultados para Odontologia Forense


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The crisis that the Brazilian State have been crossing throughout the last decades has revealed intense oscillations in the the way of life of the population reality. In the health area, specifically of buccal health, new alternatives of attending to demands for odontological services have been increasing from the 1990 decade. The research had as objective to analyze the demand of the services of the clinic-school of odontology of the UFRN to identify the socio-economic profile of the users and the inflections of the standards of the National Politics of Buccal Health. The methodology is based on a dialectic perspective and a quali-quantitative boarding. It was used as instrument of data collection forms with open and closed questions, applied to two distinguished groups of citizens: 53 users of the services and 12 pupils of 9th and 10th term of the Odontology Course. The results reaffirm that, with the aggravation of the crisis of SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde- Single Health System) grow the difficulties of accessing the odontological services of the users majority. The subjects of the research make use of a regular socio-economic condition, with high school, own house, formal bond to labor and monthly medium income between 1 and 2 minimum wages. The conclusive analyses point to the selective and exculpatory character of the buccal health right, mainly, those users who find themselves in situation of extreme poverty and social vulnerability. Immediate and of lesser cost odontological assistance is what it s aimed, but the standards praised in the Public Politics of Buccal Health walk in another direction, requiring a bigger strongness of the formation bases and implementation of the programmatical actions since the academic field until the effectiveness of Politics of Buccal Health as a right while as a right to attention and care


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The use of prosthetic devices for correction of velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is an alternative treatment for patients with conditions that preclude surgery and for those individuals with a hypofunctional velopharynx (HV) with a poor prognosis for the surgical repair of VPI. Understanding the role and measuring the outcome of prosthetic treatment of velopharyngeal dysfunction requires the use of tools that allow for documenting pre- and post-treatment outcomes. Experimental openings in speech bulbs have been used for simulating VPI in studies documenting changes in aerodynamic, acoustic and kinematics aspects of speech associated with the use of palatal prosthetic devices. The use of nasometry to document changes in speech associated with experimental openings in speech bulbs, however, has not been described in the literature. Objective: This single-subject study investigated nasalance and nasality at the presence of experimental openings drilled through the speech bulb of a patient with HV. Material and Methods: Nasometric recordings of the word "pato" were obtained under 4 velopharyngeal conditions: no-opening (control condition), no speech bulb, speech bulb with a 20 mm(2) opening, and speech bulb with 30 mm(2) opening. Five speech-language pathologists performed auditory-perceptual ratings while the subject read an oral passage under all conditions. Results: Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant difference among conditions (p=0.0002), with Scheffe post hoc test indicating difference from the no-opening condition. Conclusion: The changes in nasalance observed after drilling holes of known sizes in a speech bulb suggest that nasometry reflect changes in transfer of sound energy related to different sizes of velopharyngeal opening.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nasoendoscopy is an important tool for assessing velopharyngeal function. The purpose of this study was to analyze velar and pharyngeal wall movement and velopharyngeal gap during nasoendoscopic evaluation of the velopharynx before and during diagnostic therapy. Nasoendoscopic recordings of 10 children with operated cleft lip and palate were analyzed according to the International Working Group Guidelines. Ratings of movement of velum and pharyngeal walls, and size, location and shape of gaps were analyzed by 3 speech-language pathologists (SLPs). Imaging was obtained during repetitions of the syllable /pa/ during a single nasoendoscopic evaluation: (a) before diagnostic therapy, and (b) after the children were instructed to impound and increase intraoral air pressure (diagnostic therapy). Once the patients impounded and directed air pressure orally, the displacement of the velum, right, left and posterior pharyngeal walls increased 40, 70, 80, and 10%, respectively. Statistical significance for displacement was found only for right and left lateral pharyngeal walls. Reduction in gap size was observed for 30% of the patients and other 40% of the gaps disappeared. Changes in gap size were found to be statistically significant between the two conditions. In nasoendoscopic assessment, the full potential of velopharyngeal displacement may not be completely elicited when the patient is asked only to repeat a speech stimulus. Optimization of information can be done with the use of diagnostic therapy's strategies to manipulate VP function. Assuring the participation of the SLP to conduct diagnostic therapy is essential for management of velopharyngeal dysfunction.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar as normas relativas à ética da pesquisa em seres humanos contidas nas Instruções aos Autores de revistas científicas brasileiras. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: As Instruções aos Autores de 139 revistas científicas brasileiras das áreas de medicina, biomedicina, enfermagem, odontologia e ciências gerais foram analisadas com relação às suas recomendações sobre os aspectos éticos. RESULTADOS: Das 139 revistas estudadas, 110 (79,1%) não fazem referências aos aspectos éticos; 17 (12,2%) exigem aprovação prévia pela Comissão de Ética; três (2,1%) fazem referência à Declaração de Helsinque; uma (0,7%) recomenda adotar o consentimento esclarecido; cinco (3,5%) seguem orientações dos requisitos uniformes para manuscritos submetidos a revistas biomédicas e três (2,1%) seguem princípios, normas e padrões éticos não especificados. Nas 29 revistas que fazem referências à ética, as exigências são solicitadas sob as seguintes formas: 15 (51,7%) exigem a inclusão da informação no texto do artigo; duas (6,8%) pedem carta assinada pelos autores; uma (3,4%) solicita cópia da autorização da Comissão de Ética; uma (3,4%) afirma supor que o autor cumpriu as exigências e dez (34,4%) não fazem qualquer referência específica. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do estudo indicam que na maioria das revistas científicas brasileiras há pouca preocupação em relação aos aspectos éticos da pesquisa em seres humanos, contidas nas Instruções aos Autores. Nas revistas que fazem referência aos aspectos éticos, as exigências são muito variáveis.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate through radiographic and microscopic analysis the efficiency of the filling techniques by vertical hidraulic compression after the root canal mechanical instrumentation in vitro as well to evaluate the marginal apical leakage through macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Thirty human mandibular molars were used , they were divided on three groups, these were subdivided on six subgroups with five specimens each, come down to 106 root canals filled. Initially, the teeth were instrumented with Profile system series 29 and filled with two ways: single accessory cone or single cone associated with gutta-percha secundary cone, with Fill Canal sealer or Sealer 26. Completed the filling, the teeth were coated with araldit and finger -nail polish except for the apical 2 mm and dried for 3 hours, thep radiographs were taken of the teeth in orto and disto-radiai directions. Next, the coronal seal was carried out with composite resin photopolymerized and with their process of making impermeable. Teeth of positive controls were used without araldit and finger-nail polish whereas the negative controls were used with total coat of araldit and finger-nail polish. The specimens were placed in 2% Methylene Blue dye for 24 hours and thermocycled for 7 days. Afterwards, sections were made of each tooth at mesial and distal roat, after this the teeth were radiographed at buccolíngual direction for a macroscopic analysis and at buccolingual and mesiodistal directions for assessment of the marginal apical leakage. Cross sections were made 3 mm to 3mm since the tooth apice. The sections obtained for each group were observed with a stereomicroscope to evaluate the quality of the root canal filling and the marginal apical leakage. The results showed that: In the four techniques the marginal dye leakage was present in the apical third; in all groups the quality of the root canal filling in the radiography was better at mesial root canal and the single cone technique showed inefficient when only a single distal root canal was present. In the radiographic evaluation the best quality of the root canal filling was observed in the 1A group (single accessory cone + FiIl Canal), as in the mesial root as in the distal root wich Shcwed twe root canals: when the distaI root had only one canal. the best result was showed by 28 group (single accessory cone associated with secundary cone + Fill Canal) In the macroscopic analysis of longitudinal !eaKage (outside surface). less leakage was showed as In the mesial root as in the distal root in the negative control group (3) followed 2A group (single accessory cone + Sealer 26). When the microscopic analysis of tranversal leakage of both roots (inside surface) was carried out. the groups that showed less dye leakage were the negative control (38) followed the 28 group (single acessory cone associated with secundary cone + Sealer 26). The homogeneity o filling was best noted in the 1 A group (.single accessoty cone + Fill Canal). The groups that showed less dye penetration in the tranversal leakage (total area) were negative control (3B) and 2B


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O presente trabalho, objetivou avaliar comparativamente o diagnóstico clínico, radiógráfico e histológico de molares permanentes humanos sem ou com lesão de cárie na superfície oclusa!. Vinte e quatro dentes que estavam armazenados em formalina a 10% foram selecionados e em seguida submetidos a um exame clínico, através da inspeção visual, onde foram separados em 3 grupos: grupo 1 (G1), formado por dentes hígidos; grupo 2(G2), por dentes com pigmento na superfície oclusal e grupo 3(G3), aqueles com lesão de cárie na oclusal. Este exame foi realizado com auxílio de luz artificial proveniente de um refletor odontológico, sem qualquer manipulação da superfície. Para cada dente foram realizados duas tomadas radiográficas com e sem tela milimetrada, no sentido vestibulo lingual por um dos avaliadores, simulando uma radiografia interproximal, onde o feixe incidiu perpendicular ao longo eixo do dente. Em seguida os dentes foram preparados histomorfologicamente para coloração com hematoxilina e eosina e análise microscópica. Pela avaliação dos resultados a partir da amostra de 100%, foi possível concluir: 1) Os dentes clinicamente considerados hígidos (G1) apresentaram radiograficamente 74,99% de ausência de imagem radiolúcida e em 25% presença desta imagem na Junção Amelo¬dentinária e microscopicamente ausência de cárie em 100%; 2) os dentes que clinicamente apresentaram fissura pigmentada' (G2) notou-se em 33,33%, ausência da imagem radiolúcida e em 66,66% presente esta imagem na junção amelodentinária, 100% de ausência de cárie através da análise microscópica; 3) clinicamente, os dentes que apresentaram lesão de cárie (G3), radiograficamente foram comprovados 100% de imagem radiolúcida sugestiva de cárie e microscopicamente dos 100% destas, foram considerados cáries rasa (16,66%), média (61,10%) e profunda (22,22%) respectivamente


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Periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition of infectious nature characterized by destruction of protecting and supporting dental tissues. It happens as a response produced by the host when attacked by microorganisms. Several factors are involved in this process. Among them, cytokines are key regulatory molecules in this immune response, playing a role either protective and/or destructive in lesion progression. Thus, this study investigated the immunohistochemical expression of IFN- , GATA-3, IL-17, IL-23, IL-6 and TGF- in gingival tissues of humans, in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the participation of Th1, Th2 and Th17 immune responses in the development of periodontal disease processes. To this end, eighty-two samples of gingival tissues were divided into three groups: Group 1 = 15 (samples of healthy gum tissue as controls), Group 2 = 36 (samples with chronic gingivitis) and Group 3 = 31 (samples with chronic periodontitis). All cases were submitted to morphological analysis from sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin and then subjected to staining by immunohistochemistry using the streptavidin-biotin method. Results showed positive labeling for all proteins. Nonetheless, we observed a greater expression of Th1 cytokines and Th17 cells in group 3. We found statistically significant difference between TGF- expression and the clinical condition of the samples (p=0.02). We conclude that Th1 and Th17 responses may act synergistically in the destructive process of periodontal tissue, overlapping the Th2 response that was also present in these tissues


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Myofibroblasts are cells that exhibit a hybrid phenotype, sharing the morphological characteristics of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, which is acquired during a process called differentiation. These cells then start to express -SMA, a marker that can be used for their identification. Studies suggest that myofibroblasts are related to the aggressiveness of different tumors and that TGF-1 and IFN- play a role in myofibroblast differentiation, stimulating or inhibiting this differentiation, respectively. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of myofibroblasts in epithelial odontogenic tumors, correlating the presence of these cells with the aggressiveness of the tumor. Immunohistochemistry was used to evaluate the expression of TGF-1 and IFN- in myofibroblast differentiation, as well as the expression of MMP-13, which is activated by myofibroblasts, and of EMMPRIN (extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer) as a precursor of this MMP. The sample consisted of 20 solid ameloblastomas, 10 unicystic ameloblastomas, 20 odontogenic keratocysts, and 20 adenomatoid odontogenic tumors. For evaluation of myofibroblasts, anti- -SMA-immunoreactive cells were quantified in connective tissue close to the epithelium. Immunoexpression of TGF-1, IFN-, MMP-13 and EMMPRIN was evaluated in the epithelial and connective tissue components, attributing scores of 0 to 4. The results showed a higher concentration of myofibroblasts in solid ameloblastomas (mean of 30.55), followed by odontogenic keratocysts (22.50), unicystic ameloblastomas (20.80), and adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (19.15) (p=0.001). No significant correlation between TGF-1 and IFN- was observed during the process of myofibroblast differentiation. There was also no correlation between the quantity of myofibroblasts and MMP-13 expression. Significant correlations were found between MMP-13 and TGF-1 (r=0.087; p=0.011), between MMP- 13 and IFN- (r=0.348; p=0.003), as well as between EMMPRIN and MMP-13 (r=0.474; p<0.001) and between EMMPRIN and IFN- (r=0.393; p=0.001). The higher quantity of myofibroblasts observed in solid ameloblastomas, odontogenic keratocysts and unicystic ameloblastomas suggests that these cells are one of the factors responsible for the more aggressive biological behavior of these tumors, although the myofibroblast population was not correlated with TGF-1, IFN-, MMP-13 or EMMPRIN. The correlation between MMP- 13 and TGF-1 suggests that the latter induces the expression of this metalloproteinase. The present results also support the well-established role of EMMPRIN as an inducer of MMP-13. Furthermore, the relationship between EMMPRIN and IFN- and between MMP-13 and IFN- suggests synergism in the antifibrotic effect of these markers