1000 resultados para Observatorios 2011 - Satisfacción
Audit report on the City of West Branch, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2011
Audit report on the City of Walnut, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2011
B-1 Medicaid Reports -- The monthly Medicaid series of eight reports provide summaries of Medicaid eligibles, recipients served, and total payments by county, category of service, and aid category. These reports may also be known as the B-1 Reports. These reports are each available as a PDF for printing or as a CSV file for data analysis. Report Report name IAMM1800-R001--Medically Needy by County - No Spenddown and With Spenddown; IAMM1800-R002--Total Medically Needy, All Other Medicaid, and Grand Total by County; IAMM2200-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM2200-R003--Fiscal YTD Expenditures by Category of Service; IAMM3800-R001--ICF & ICF-MR Vendor Payments by County; IAMM4400-R001--Monthly Expenditures by Eligibility Program; IAMM4400-R002--Monthly Expenditures by Category of Service by Program; IAMM4600-R002--Elderly Waiver Summary by County.
There are 20,552 full-time employees who work for the State of Iowa Executive Branch (excluding Fair Authority, Community-Based Corrections, and the Regents employees). These employees are undoubtedly the most valuable resource for providing timely and quality services to Iowans. To strategically manage this resource, state departments and policymakers must have thorough and accurate information. The information in “Just the Facts for 2008” is a snapshot of the workforce, collected, compiled, and presented in a format that will aid agencies and decision makers in strategic planning. In many cases, data cover a number of years and are presented to give the reader a sense of trends. While the Department of Administrative Services, Human Resource Enterprise (DAS/HRE) wants to present data in its purest form so readers can draw their own conclusions, we also have a responsibility to clarify anything that may be confusing or misleading. It is important to highlight workforce trends and explain their significance to the work of Iowa state government. The following chapter summaries are intended to do that.
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Retirement System for the year ended June 30, 2011
Audit report on the Iowa Corn Promotion Board for the years ended August 31, 2011 and 2010
International Trade Office news from the Iowa Economic Development Authority
Targeted Small Business news from the Iowa Economic Development Authority
The Food Assistance Monthly Participation Report is a monthly summary of Food Assistance program participation, statewide and for each Iowa county. Breakouts are reported for participants also in the FIP program, those only receiving Food Assistance, and those that are receiving economic assistance under other programs (primarily Medicaid). This report may also be known as the F-1 Report.
The Imported Cattle report monthly by the Department of Agricultural.