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Abundance and species composition of copepods were studied during the expedition ANT XXI/1 on a latitudinal transect in the eastern Atlantic from 34°49.5' N to 27°28.1' S between 2-20 November 2002. Stratified zooplankton tows were carried out at 19 stations with a multiple opening-closing net between 300 m water depth and the surface. Cyclopoid and calanoid copepods showed similar patterns of distribution and abundance. Oithona was the most abundant cyclopoid genus, followed by Oncaea. A total of 149 calanoid copepod species were identified. Clausocalanus was by far the most abundant genus, comprising on average about 45% of all calanoids, followed by Calocalanus (13%), Delibus (9%), Paracalanus (6%), and Pleuromamma (5%). All other genera comprised on average less than 5% each, with 40 genera less than 1%. The calanoid copepod communities were distinguished broadly in accordance with sea surface temperature, separating the subtropical from the tropical stations, and were largely determined by variation in species composition and species abundance. Nine Clausocalanus species were identified. The most numerous Clausocalanus species was C. furcatus, which on average comprised half of all adult of this genus. C. pergens, C. paululus, and C. jobei, contributed an average of 19%, 9%, and 9%, respectively. The Clausocalanus species differed markedly in their horizontal and vertical distributions: C. furcatus, C. jobei, and C. mastigophorus had widespread distributions and inhabited the upper water layers. Major differences between the species were found in abundance. C. paululus and C. arcuicornis were biantitropical and were absent or occurred in very low numbers in the equatorial zone. C. parapergens was found at all stations and showed a bimodal distribution pattern with maxima in the subtropics. C. pergens occurred in higher numbers only at the southern stations, where it replaced C. furcatus in dominance. In contrast to the widespread species, the bulk of the C. paululus, C. arcuicornis, C. parapergens, and C. pergens populations was concentrated in the colder, deeper water layers below the thermocline, thereby avoiding the warm surface waters. C. lividus was found only at the most northern and C. ingens only at the most southern stations. Both species were found almost exclusively in the upper 50 m. The distinct differences in abundance and horizontal and vertical distribution suggest a strong ecological differentiation among the Clausocalanus species.


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The Lena Delta in Northern Siberia is one of the largest river deltas in the world. During peak discharge, after the ice melt in spring, it delivers between 60-8000 m**3/s of water and sediment into the Arctic Ocean. The Lena Delta and the Laptev Sea coast also constitute a continuous permafrost region. Ongoing climate change, which is particularly pronounced in the Arctic, is leading to increased rates of permafrost thaw. This has already profoundly altered the discharge rates of the Lena River. But the chemistry of the river waters which are discharged into the coastal Laptev Sea have also been hypothesized to undergo considerable compositional changes, e.g. by increasing concentrations of inorganic nutrients such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and methane. These physical and chemical changes will also affect the composition of the phytoplankton communities. However, before potential consequences of climate change for coastal arctic phytoplankton communities can be judged, the inherent status of the diversity and food web interactions within the delta have to be established. In 2010, as part of the AWI Lena Delta programme, the phyto- and microzooplankton community in three river channels of the delta (Trofimov, Bykov and Olenek) as well as four coastal transects were investigated to capture the typical river phytoplankton communities and the transitional zone of brackish/marine conditions. Most CTD profiles from 23 coastal stations showed very strong stratification. The only exception to this was a small, shallow and mixed area running from the outflow of Bykov channel in a northerly direction parallel to the shore. Of the five stations in this area, three had a salinity of close to zero. Two further stations had salinities of around 2 and 5 throughout the water column. In the remaining transects, on the other hand, salinities varied between 5 and 30 with depth. Phytoplankton counts from the outflow from the Lena were dominated by diatoms (Aulacoseira species) cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon, Pseudanabaena) and chlorophytes. In contrast, in the stratified stations the plankton was mostly dominated by dinoflagellates, ciliates and nanoflagellates, with only an insignificant diatom component from the genera Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira (brackish as opposed to freshwater species). Ciliate abundance was significantly coupled with the abundance of total flagellates. A pronounced partitioning in the phytoplankton community was also discernible with depth, with a different community composition and abundance above and below the thermocline in the stratified sites. This work is a first analysis of the phytoplankton community structure in the region where Lena River discharge enters the Laptev Sea.


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In 1990, a benthic component to the DYFAMED (dynamics of fluxes in the Mediterranean) program, the DYFAMED-BENTHOS survey, was established to investigate the possible coupling of benthic to pelagic processes at a permanent station in >2700 m water depth, 52 km off Nice, France. Surface sediment was first sampled at different periods of the year to assess the importance of the biological compartment (particularly metazoan meiofauna) and its relation to seasonally varying particulate matter input to the sea floor (estimated by measuring surface sediment particle size and porosity, as well as chloroplastic pigments, organic carbon, nitrogen and calcium carbonate contents). Beginning in 1993, surface sediment was sampled at an average interval of 1.4 months for over five consecutive years using multicorers. Biogeochemical techniques such as deployments of a free-vehicle benthic respirometer and a near-bottom sediment trap, along with analyses of sediment vertical profiles for dissolved oxygen, nutrients and dissolved metals in the porewater, were developed in conjunction with more extensive biological analyses to characterize the recycling of organic matter, and ultimately increase our understanding of the oceanic carbon cycle. This article provides the scientific background and motivation for the development of the on-going DYFAMED-BENTHOS survey, the general characteristics of the benthic site, as well as a detailed description of the sampling design applied from late 1990-2000.


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The main emphasis of this study was to analyse the short-term development of abundance, population structure and vertical distribution of the dominant calanoid copepods during a phytoplankton bloom in the coastal area of the eastern Weddell Sea in December 2003. Microcalanus pygmaeus was by far the most abundant calanoid species. Metridia gerlachei, Ctenocalanus citer, Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus and the ice-associated Stephos longipes were also present in considerable proportions. The observed changes in the population characteristics and parameters of these species are described in detail and discussed in the context of the spring phytoplankton bloom. A conspicuous event occurring during the final stage of the study was the development of a strong storm. While the results suggest that this storm did not have any considerable influence on the populations of all other investigated copepod species, it very likely caused pronounced changes in the S. longipes population present in the water column. Before the storm, S. longipes was found primarily in the upper 100 m of the water column, and its population was dominated by adults (mean proportion = 41%) and the copepodite stage I (mean proportion = 30%). After the storm, the abundance increased considerably, and the copepodite stage I contributed by far the largest proportion (53%) of the total population indicating that the early copepodite stages probably had been released from the sea ice into the under ice water layer due to ice break-up and ice melt processes caused by the storm.


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Observations on the ecology and distribution of meiofauna occurring on the outer continental shelf and continental slope at depths from 50 to 2500 m in the region where the Blake Plateau cuts across the North Carolina slope are reported. Total numbers of meiofauna ranged from 151/100 cm**3 of sediment at 400 m to 1196/100 cm**3 of sediment at 250 m. Sediments of the upper region (50-500 m) consisted of medium-sized calcareous sands with relatively low organic carbon contents, while the deeper sediments (600-2500 m) consisted of sandy silts and silts with organic carbon contents 6-10 times that of the shallower sediments. Two basic faunas appear to be present in the areas investigated; a shallow-water fauna extending from 50 to 500 m and a deep-water fauna from 800 to 2500 m. The shallow-water fauna consists of nematodes (the dominant taxon) and relatively large numbers of harpactacoid copepods, ostracods, benthic foraminifera, polychaetes, gastrotrichs and several other groups, while below 500 m only nematodes and foraminifera are present in large numbers, the latter being especially abundant between 800 and 2000 m. A major change in the meiofauna occurs on the Blake Plateau between the depths of approximately 400-500 m and 600-750 m where the composition of the sediment changes from sand to silty sand. From 50 m to 400-500 m gastrotrichs, turbellaria, tardigrades, kinorhynchs, halicarids, hydrozoans, gnathostomulids, lamellibranchs and cumaceans are commonly encountered; these groups are absent below 500 m. In addition, there are significant reductions in the numbers of harpactacoids, ostracods, nemerteans and polychaetes below 500 m. Examination of the nematode population also show faunal differences between the shallower sediments (50-500 m) and the deeper sediments (600-2500 m). High indices of affinity exist among the faunas between 50 and 500 m and among the faunas between 800 and 2500 m; the fauna at 600-750 m represents a transition between these two regions, but it is more closely related to the deep-water fauna. Changes in the distribution of both the total meiofuna and also the nematodes are highly correlated with changes in sediments composition and bottom water temperatures. It is suggested that changes in grain size and accompanying changes in sources of nutrition, which are the results of Gulf Stream and other current activity, are the dominant environmental factors influencing the meiofauna of the area.