999 resultados para NEODYMIUM


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We report the Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions (1) of 66 lava flows and dikes spanning the circa 15 Myr subaerial volcanic history of Gran Canaria and (2) of five Miocene through Cretaceous sediment samples from DSDP site 397, located 100 km south of Gran Canaria. The isotope ratios of the Gran Canaria samples vary for 87Sr/86Sr: 0.70302-0.70346, for 143Nd/144Nd: 0.51275-0.51298, and for 206Pb/204Pb: 18.76-20.01. The Miocene and the Pliocene-Recent volcanics form distinct trends on isotope correlation diagrams. The most SiO2-undersaturated volcanics from each group have the least radiogenic Sr and most radiogenic Pb, whereas evolved volcanics from each group have the most radiogenic Sr and least radiogenic Pb. In the Pliocene-Recent group, the most undersaturated basalts also have the most radiogenic Nd, and the evolved volcanics have the least radiogenic Nd. The most SiO2-saturated basalts have intermediate compositions within each age group. Although the two age groups have overlapping Sr and Nd isotope ratios, the Pliocene-Recent volcanics have less radiogenic Pb than the Miocene volcanics. At least four components are required to explain the isotope systematics of Gran Canaria by mixing. There is no evidence for crustal contamination in any of the volcanics. The most undersaturated Miocene volcanics fall within the field for the two youngest and westernmost Canary Islands in all isotope correlation diagrams and thus appear to have the most plume-like (high 238U/204Pb) HIMU-like composition. During the Pliocene-Recent epochs, the plume was located to the west of Gran Canaria. The isotopic composition of the most undersaturated Pliocene-Recent volcanics may reflect entrainment of asthenospheric material (with a depleted mantle (DM)-like composition), as plume material was transported through the upper asthenosphere to the base of the lithosphere beneath Gran Canaria. The shift in isotopic composition with increasing SiO2-saturation in the basalts and degree of differentiation for all volcanics is interpreted to reflect assimilation of enriched mantle (EM1 and EM2) in the lithosphere beneath Gran Canaria. This enriched mantle may have been derived from the continental lithospheric mantle beneath the West African Craton by thermal erosion or delamination during rifting of Pangaea. This study suggests that the enriched mantle components (EM1 and EM2) may be stored in the shallow mantle, whereas the HIMU component may have a deeper origin.


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The radiogenic isotope composition of neodymium (Nd) and strontium (Sr) are useful tools to investigate present and past oceanic circulation or input of terrigenous material. We present Nd and Sr isotope compositions extracted from different sedimentary phases, including early diagenetic Fe-Mn coatings, "unclean" foraminiferal shells, fossil fish teeth, and detritus of marine surface sediments (core-tops) covering the entire midlatitude South Pacific. Comparison of detrital Nd isotope compositions to deep water values from the same locations suggests that "boundary exchange" has little influence on the Nd isotope composition of western South Pacific seawater. Concentrations of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Al/Ca ratios of "unclean" planktonic foraminifera suggest that this phase is a reliable recorder of seawater Nd isotope composition. The signatures obtained from fish teeth and "nondecarbonated" leachates of bulk sediment Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide coatings also agree with "unclean" foraminifera. Direct comparison of Nd isotope compositions extracted using these methods with seawater Nd isotope compositions is complicated by the low accumulation rates yielding radiocarbon ages of up to 24 kyr, thus mixing the signal of different ocean circulation modes. This suggests that different past seawater Nd isotope compositions have been integrated in authigenic sediments from regions with low sedimentation rates. Combined detrital Nd and Sr isotope signatures indicate a dominant role of the Westerly winds transporting lithogenic material from South New Zealand and Southeastern Australia to the open South Pacific. The proportion of this material decreases toward the east, where supply from the Andes increases and contributions from Antarctica cannot be ruled out.


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Concentrations of major-, trace- and rare earth elements in recent and Old Black Sea bottom sediments are reported in the paper. Data presented suggest that accumulation of black shale deposits was not constrained to a certain time span but proceeds in certain modern basins and generates sediments with metal contents close to those in their ancients analogues in hydrogen sulfide contaminated environments. If REE are involved in the process, their composition can vary depending on such factors as variations in redox conditions and occurrence of phosphate and barite nodules, which can induce development of either positive or negative Eu anomalies.


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Despite its enormous extent and importance for global climate, the South Pacific has been poorly investigated in comparison to other regions with respect to chemical oceanography. Here we present the first detailed analysis of dissolved radiogenic Nd isotopes (epsilon-Nd) and rare earth elements (REEs) in intermediate and deep waters of the mid-latitude (~40°S) South Pacific along a meridional transect between South America and New Zealand. The goal of our study is to gain better insight into the distribution and mixing of water masses in the South Pacific and to evaluate the validity of Nd isotopes as a water mass tracer in this remote region of the ocean. The results demonstrate that biogeochemical cycling (scavenging processes in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific) and release of LREEs from the sediment clearly influence the distribution of the dissolved REE concentrations at certain locations. Nevertheless, the Nd isotope signatures clearly trace water masses including AAIW (Antarctic Intermediate Water) (average epsilon-Nd = -8.2 ± 0.3), LCDW (Lower Circumpolar Deep Water) (average epsilon-Nd = -8.3 ± 0.3), NPDW (North Pacific Deep Water) (average epsilon-Nd = -5.9 ± 0.3), and the remnants of NADW (North Atlantic Deep Water) (average epsilon-Nd = -9.7 ± 0.3). Filtered water samples taken from the sediment-water interface under the deep western boundary current off New Zealand suggest that boundary exchange processes are limited at this location and highlight the spatial and temporal variability of this process. These data will serve as a basis for the paleoceanographic application of Nd isotopes in the South Pacific.