998 resultados para Music libraries.


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In DNA microarray experiments, the gene fragments that are spotted on the slides are usually obtained by the synthesis of specific oligonucleotides that are able to amplify genes through PCR. Shotgun library sequences are an alternative to synthesis of primers for the study of each gene in the genome. The possibility of putting thousands of gene sequences into a single slide allows the use of shotgun clones in order to proceed with microarray analysis without a completely sequenced genome. We developed an OC Identifier tool (optimal clone identifier for genomic shotgun libraries) for the identification of unique genes in shotgun libraries based on a partially sequenced genome; this allows simultaneous use of clones in projects such as transcriptome and phylogeny studies, using comparative genomic hybridization and genome assembly. The OC Identifier tool allows comparative genome analysis, biological databases, query language in relational databases, and provides bioinformatics tools to identify clones that contain unique genes as alternatives to primer synthesis. The OC Identifier allows analysis of clones during the sequencing phase, making it possible to select genes of interest for construction of a DNA microarray. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The results obtained through biological research usually need to be analyzed using computational tools, since manual analysis becomes unfeasible due to the complexity and size of these results. For instance, the study of quasispecies frequently demands the analysis of several, very lengthy sequences of nucleotides and amino acids. Therefore, bioinformatics tools for the study of quasispecies are constantly being developed due to different problems found by biologists. In the present study, we address the development of a software tool for the evaluation of population diversity in quasispecies. Special attention is paid to the localization of genome regions prone to changes, as well as of possible hot spots.


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Background. From shotgun libraries used for the genomic sequencing of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (XAC), clones that were representative of the largest possible number of coding sequences (CDSs) were selected to create a DNA microarray platform on glass slides (XACarray). The creation of the XACarray allowed for the establishment of a tool that is capable of providing data for the analysis of global genome expression in this organism. Findings. The inserts from the selected clones were amplified by PCR with the universal oligonucleotide primers M13R and M13F. The obtained products were purified and fixed in duplicate on glass slides specific for use in DNA microarrays. The number of spots on the microarray totaled 6,144 and included 768 positive controls and 624 negative controls per slide. Validation of the platform was performed through hybridization of total DNA probes from XAC labeled with different fluorophores, Cy3 and Cy5. In this validation assay, 86% of all PCR products fixed on the glass slides were confirmed to present a hybridization signal greater than twice the standard deviation of the deviation of the global median signal-to-noise ration. Conclusions. Our validation of the XACArray platform using DNA-DNA hybridization revealed that it can be used to evaluate the expression of 2,365 individual CDSs from all major functional categories, which corresponds to 52.7% of the annotated CDSs of the XAC genome. As a proof of concept, we used this platform in a previously work to verify the absence of genomic regions that could not be detected by sequencing in related strains of Xanthomonas. © 2010 Moreira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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This paper presents a domain ontology, the FeelingTheMusic Ontology - FTMOntology. FTMOntology is designed to represent the complex domain of music and how it relates to other domains like mood, personality and physiology. This includes representing the main concepts and relations of music domain with each of the above-mentioned domains. The concepts and relations between music, mood, personality and physiology. The main contribution of this work is to model and relate these different domains in a consistent ontology. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Musical genre classification has been paramount in the last years, mainly in large multimedia datasets, in which new songs and genres can be added at every moment by anyone. In this context, we have seen the growing of musical recommendation systems, which can improve the benefits for several applications, such as social networks and collective musical libraries. In this work, we have introduced a recent machine learning technique named Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) for musical genre classification, which has been demonstrated to be similar to the state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques, but much faster for some applications. Experiments in two public datasets were conducted against Support Vector Machines and a Bayesian classifier to show the validity of our work. In addition, we have executed an experiment using very recent hybrid feature selection techniques based on OPF to speed up feature extraction process. © 2011 International Society for Music Information Retrieval.


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This paper addresses the relationship of copyright and the right of universities on scientific production. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are causing many changes in the system of scientific communication, such as the creation of Institutional Repositories that aim to gather scientific production in digital format. The University needs quicker ways of spreading academic production and many questions are emerging due to contexts such as the Open Access movement. Thus, this paper questions the positioning of Universities, especially Public Universities, which despite having policies related to intellectual property to protect the transferring forms of research results to society; many times do not have a positioning or a mechanism that regulates the self-deposit of scientific production in these Institutional Repositories. In order to develop this paper, the following issues are addressed: lack of interest of the University in storing scientific production; reports on the relationship of the library with scientific publishing houses; the participation of faculty members and students in supporting the Free Access movement; and initiatives aimed at greater flexibility of copyright to the context of scientific production. In order to follow the development of these issues at international level, it was opted for qualitative research with non-participating direct observation to carry out the identification and description of copyright policy of important publishers from the ROMEO SHERPA site; therefore, it can be observed that there are changes regarding the publishers' flexibility before self-archiving of authors in open access institutional repositories in their universities. Given this scenario, we presente reflections and considerations that involve the progress and mainly the integration of the University and its faculty members; the institution should recommend and guide its faculty members not to transfer their copyrights, but to defend their right of copy to Institutional Repositories along with Publishing Houses.