1000 resultados para Muscle lisse vasculaire


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Alkalosis enhances human exercise performance, and reduces K+ loss in contracting rat muscle. We investigated alkalosis effects on K+ regulation, ionic regulation and fatigue during intense exercise in nine untrained volunteers. Concentric finger flexions were conducted at 75% peak work rate (-3 W) until fatigue, under alkalosis (Alk, NaHCO3, 0.3 g kg−1) and control (Con, CaCO3) conditions, 1 month apart in a randomised, double-blind, crossover design. Deep antecubital venous (v) and radial arterial (a) blood was drawn at rest, during exercise and recovery, to determine arterio-venous differences for electrolytes, fluid shifts, acid–base and gas exchange. Finger flexion exercise barely perturbed arterial plasma ions and acid–base status, but induced marked arterio-venous changes. Alk elevated [HCO3] and PCO2, and lowered [H+] (P < 0.05). Time to fatigue increased substantially during Alk (25 ± 8%, P < 0.05), whilst both [K+]a and [K+]v were reduced (P < 0.01) and [K+]a-v during exercise tended to be greater (P= 0.056, n= 8). Muscle K+ efflux at fatigue was greater in Alk (21.2 ± 7.6 µmol min−1, 32 ± 7%, P < 0.05, n= 6), but peak K+ uptake rate was elevated during recovery (15 ± 7%, P < 0.05) suggesting increased muscle Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Alk induced greater [Na+]a, [Cl]v, muscle Cl influx and muscle lactate concentration ([Lac]) efflux during exercise and recovery (P < 0.05). The lower circulating [K+] and greater muscle K+ uptake, Na+ delivery and Cl uptake with Alk, are all consistent with preservation of membrane excitability during exercise. This suggests that lesser exercise-induced membrane depolarization may be an important mechanism underlying enhanced exercise performance with Alk. Thus Alk was associated with improved regulation of K+, Na+, Cl and Lac.


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This study investigated whether fatiguing dynamic exercise depresses maximal in vitro Na+-K+-ATPase activity and whether any depression is attenuated with chronic training. Eight untrained (UT), eight resistance-trained (RT), and eight endurance-trained (ET) subjects performed a quadriceps fatigue test, comprising 50 maximal isokinetic contractions (180°/s, 0.5 Hz). Muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis) were taken before and immediately after exercise and were analyzed for maximal in vitro Na+-K+-ATPase (K+-stimulated 3-O-methylfluoroscein phosphatase) activity. Resting samples were analyzed for [3H]ouabain binding site content, which was 16.6 and 18.3% higher (P < 0.05) in ET than RT and UT, respectively (UT 311 ± 41, RT 302 ± 52, ET 357 ± 29 pmol/g wet wt). 3-O-methylfluoroscein phosphatase activity was depressed at fatigue by −13.8 ± 4.1% (P < 0.05), with no differences between groups (UT −13 ± 4, RT −9 ± 6, ET −22 ± 6%). During incremental exercise, ET had a lower ratio of rise in plasma K+ concentration to work than UT (P < 0.05) and tended (P = 0.09) to be lower than RT (UT 18.5 ± 2.3, RT 16.2 ± 2.2, ET 11.8 ± 0.4 nmol · l−1 · J−1). In conclusion, maximal in vitro Na+-K+-ATPase activity was depressed with fatigue, regardless of training state, suggesting that this may be an important determinant of fatigue.


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Background : We aimed to determine the role of skeletal muscle mitochondrial ATP production rate (MAPR) in relation to exercise tolerance after resistance training (RT) in chronic heart failure (CHF).

Methods and Results : Thirteen CHF patients (New York Heart Association functional class 2.3 ± 0.5; Left ventricular ejection fraction 26 ± 8%; age 70 ± 8 years) underwent testing for peak total body oxygen consumption (VO2peak), and resting vastus lateralis muscle biopsy. Patients were then randomly allocated to 11 weeks of RT (n = 7), or continuance of usual care (C; n = 6), after which testing was repeated. Muscle samples were analyzed for MAPR, metabolic enzyme activity, and capillary density. VO2peak and MAPR in the presence of the pyruvate and malate (P+M) substrate combination, representing carbohydrate metabolism, increased in RT (P < .05) and decreased in C (P < .05), with a significant difference between groups (VO2peak, P = .005; MAPR, P = .03). There was a strong correlation between the change in MAPR and the change in peak total body oxygen consumption (VO2peak) over the study (r = 0.875; P < .0001), the change in MAPR accounting for 70% of the change in VO2peak.

Conclusions : These findings suggest that mitochondrial ATP production is a major determinant of aerobic capacity in CHF patients and can be favorably altered by muscle strengthening exercise.


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Background : We sought to determine whether skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, fiber type proportions, and fiber size, capillary density or muscle mass might explain the impaired exercise tolerance in chronic heart failure (CHF). Previous studies are equivocal regarding the maladaptations that occur in the skeletal muscle of patients with CHF and their role in the observed exercise intolerance.

Methods and results :
Total body O2 uptake (VO2peak) was determined in 14 CHF patients and 8 healthy sedentary similar-age controls. Muscle samples were analyzed for mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production rate (MAPR), oxidative and glycolytic enzyme activity, fiber size and type, and capillary density. CHF patients demonstrated a lower VO2peak (15.1±1.1 versus 28.1±2.3 mL·kg−1·min−1, P<.001) and capillary to fiber ratio (1.09±0.05 versus 1.40±0.04; P<.001) when compared with controls. However, there was no difference in capillary density (capillaries per square millimeter) across any of the fiber types. Measurements of MAPR and oxidative enzyme activity suggested no difference in muscle oxidative capacity between the groups.

Conclusions : Neither reductions in muscle oxidative capacity nor capillary density appear to be the cause of exercise limitation in this cohort of patients. Therefore, we hypothesize that the low VO2peak observed in CHF patients may be the result of fiber atrophy and possibly impaired activation of oxidative phosphorylation.


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A characteristic feature of chronic heart failure (CHF) is reduced exercise tolerance. Several factors contributing to this have been identified, including alterations in central haemodynamics, skeletal muscle oxygen utilisation and respiratory muscle dysfunction. This review focuses on abnormalities identified in respiratory muscle structure and function in CHF and recent evidence for the benefit of selective inspiratory muscle training in CHF. Included in this review are findings from original investigations, with a specific focus on recent published data.


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Exercise improves the ability of skeletal muscle to metabolise fats and sugars. For these improvements to occur the muscle detects a signal caused by exercise, resulting in changes in genes and proteins that control metabolism. We show that endurance exercise increases the amount of a protein called striated muscle activator of Rho signalling (STARS) as well as several other proteins influenced by STARS.We also show that the amount of STARS can be increased by signals directed from proteins called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1-α (PGC-1α) and oestrogen-related receptor-α (ERRα). We also observed that when we reduce the amount of STARS in muscle cells, we block the ability of PGC-1α/ERRα to increase a gene called carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1β (CPT-1β), which is important for fat metabolism. Our study has shown that the STARS pathway is regulated by endurance exercise. STARS may also play a role in fat metabolism in muscle.


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This 12-month prospective controlled intervention evaluated the effect of a general school based physical activity program on muscle strength, physical performance and body composition in prepubertal girls. Fifty-three girls aged 7–9 years involved in a school based exercise program [40 min/day of general physical activity per school day (200 min/week)] were compared with 50 age-matched girls who participated in the general Swedish physical education curriculum (mean 60 min/week). Body composition (DXA), isokinetic peak torque (PT) of the knee extensors and flexors at 60 and 180°/s, and vertical jump height (VJH) were assessed at baseline and 12 months. The annual gain in weight was similar between the groups, but there was a greater increase in total body and regional lean mass (P < 0.05) and fat mass (P < 0.01) in the exercise group. Mean gains in knee extensor PT at 60 and 180°/s were 7.0–7.6% greater in the exercise group (P ranging <0.05–<0.001). No significant differences were detected in VJH. In conclusion, increasing school based physical education to at least 3 h/week provides a feasible strategy to enhance the development of muscle strength and lean mass in prepubertal girls.