994 resultados para Mineralogy, Determinative.


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In order to know better about the Phanerozoic lithosphere thinning process of Sino-Korea Plate, four Cretaceous intrusion complexes and their ultramafic xenoliths are investigated by this thesis, which are located in Laiwu, Shandong Province, Eastern China, a region far away from plate margin. The four complexes, Kuanshan, Jiaoyu, Jingniushan and Tietonggou, intruded into Archaeozoic granite gneiss and Paleozoic carbonate rocks with scam iron ore at their contact zone. The four complexes can be divided into two magma series, abyssal rocks for the early and hypabyssal rocks for the later. K-Ar dating show that the abyssal rocks intrusion began with 120 ±2 Ma and the hypabyssal rocks intruded about 113 Ma. Abyssal rocks, mainly made up of augite diorites, amphibole diorites and gabbros for the lesser, are chemically characterized with high-Mg (Mg#>0.5) high-K calcalklic rock, which are depleted with Nb, Ta and Ti related to LILE and extremely enriched with Sr and Pb. Comparatively, augite diorites are the most LREE enriched in abyssal rocks, and they show no Eu abnorrnity or weak positive Eu abnormity. Gabbros show the least LREE enrichment with a strong Eu abnormity relatively. In (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_1 -ε Nd(T) diagram, the abyssal rocks show a mixing trend , a rapid change in ε Nd(T) with a relatively small change in (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_1. Low radiogenic Sr and Pb composition with high radiogeic Nd composition indicate that the mixing processes happened in lower crust Melt-rock interactions in lower crust might be the most possible processes to produce these high-Mg and high-K calcalklic magmas. Hypabyssal rocks, mainly made up of granite porphyry and dioritic porphrite, show much higher ε Nd(T) than abyssal rocks. Granite porphyry are distinct with an adakite geochemical characteristics, high (La/Yb)_N, Sr/Y and low Rb/Sr ratio. The adakitic granite porphyry indicates a new lower crust produced by underplating within plate. Ultramafic xenoliths had been found only in augite diorites and amphibole diorites. Field investigations show that ultramafic xenoliths in augite diorites had been inherited from amphibole diorites, so ultramafic xenoliths had been only entrained by hydrous dioritic magma. Ultramafic xenoliths are mainly made up of dunite and harzburgite, orthopyroxenite and bistangite are the lessor. Coarse olivines in dunite often show many chromite exsolution lamellae. Opx in orthopyroxenite often show dense chromite exsolution lamellae. The presence of exsolution minerals indicates that ultramafic xenoliths had cooled before entraining. Metasomatism phenomenons are popular in dunite and harzburgite xenoliths, including two kinds of assemblage, cpx+phlogapite and opx+pl. The first metasomatism assemblage indicates an ancient enrichment. Rb-Sr dating of xenoliths shows that the ancient enrichment happened in 223 ± 7Ma. The second metasomatism assemblage indicates a recent, relatively not deep melt-rock interaction, which might be related with the genesis of the high-Mg high-K calcalklic rocks. Mineralogy and geochemistry indicate that these ultramafic xenoliths might sample the crust-mante transition zone (or the base of lower crust, moho). Investigation of high-Mg intrusions and their ultramafic xenoliths in Laiwu indicate that the thinning processes of Sino-Korea Plate can be divided into two stages. The first stage is lithosphere mantle thinning with crust thickening by underplating in lower crust. The second stage is that the thickened lower crust delaminated into the underlying mantle.


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Based on the principle and methods of carbonate sedimentology and reservoir geology, and guided by the theories of carbonate reservoir geology, the palaeokarst of Ordovician carbonate rocks in Tarim Basin has been comprehensively studied with multiple methods from different branches of geology. It is indicated that the features and distribution of palaeokarstification have developed in Ordovician carbonates. The controlling of karstification to Ordovician carbonate reservoirs has been discussed. Regional distribution of carbonate reservoirs controlled by karstification has been predicted within this basin. The main consents and conclusions of the this dissertation is as follows: Nine key indicators to the recognition of palaeokarst are proposed in terms of careful observation upon the well cores, lithological and geochemical analyses, and drilling and logging responses to the karst caves and fractures. The time and environment of cave filling are documented from careful research of lithofacies, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the physical and chemical fillings within karst caves. The caves in Ordovician carbonates were filled in Early Carboniferous in Lunnan area. The muddy filling in upper caves was deposited under subaerial fresh-water setting, while the muddy filling in lower caves was formed in the mixed water body of fresh-water and dominated sea water. Although most chemical fillings are suggested being precipated in the burial diagenetic environment after karstification but mineralogic and geochemical characteristics of some chemical fillings indicates they formed in meteoric environment during the karstification. It is obvious that the palaeokarst has been zoned in vertical profile. It can be divided into four units from top to bottom: surface karst, vadose karst, phreatic and tranquil flow zones. Between two types of limestone karst and dolostone karst are firstly differentiated in Tarim Basin, based on the comparison of features of each karst zone in limestone and dolostone regions. In Tabei area, the lowest depth of karstification is approximately 300 m below the Upper Ordovician unconformity interface, while the bottom depth of karstification in Tazhong area ranges commonly from 300 to 400 m, in rare cases may be up to 750 m below the upper Ordovician unconformity interface. In Lunnan and Tazhong areas, the palaeokarst morphology and the surface hydrosystem are firstly reconstructed based on the top of carboniferous "Shuangfeng limestone bed (Double-Peaks limestone)" as basal. According to the palaeomorphologic feature, karst topography can be divided into three units: karst upland, karst slope, and karst valley. Vadose zone was well developed in karst upland, and it can be found in a quite depth. Both vadose and phreatic zones were well developed in karst slope and upstream valley. In downstream valley, the karstification is not strong, the vadose and phreatic zones are thin in thickness. In Tazhong and Yingmaili areas, karstification is also developed in relict carbonate palaeo-hills which existed as isolated blocks admits clastic strata.


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The Baoyintu Group, lies in Wulate-zhongqi, Inner Mongolia, is a set of medium-grade metamorphic rock series which undergoes complex deformations. It consists of pelite schist, greenschist, plagioclase amphibolite quartzite and marble. The pelite schist is the main rock type and contains the classic medium pressure metamorphic minerals. The author divided Baoyintu group into five assemblages, investigated the rock association and plotted geological section of each assemblage in this area. Based on the systemically study of structural geology, petrology, geochemistry and mineralogy, the author reconstructs the protolith, sedimentary environment and tectonic evolution, discusses the mesoscopic and microscopic structure, metamorphism, geochemistry characters and the correlation between porphyroblast growth and deformation-metamorphism. There are three phase deformations in the research area: the earliest one occurred as the Baoyintu group deformed and metamorphosed and the main structure pattern is tight fold within layers during the Dl, large scale reversed fold and two phase faults (Fl fault and F2 fault) during the D2, and superimposed fold and F3 fault during D3. The F3 trancate the Wenduermian group of Silurian. The second and third phase deformation are relate to the orogenic event of late period of early Paleozoic. According to the rock association ,characteristics of the rocks and research of geochemistry, we get some information of the sedimentary environment and tectonic evolution of Baoyintu group. The source rocks are a set of terrigenous deposits-volcanic formation which reflect the history of the tectonic setting: stable- active-restable. And there are two sedimentary cycle from first assemblage to fifth assemblage: from first assemblage to fourth assemblage is a course of progression and the fifth assemblage is a start of regression. We also get the information of the P-T-t path by studying petrographies and calculating temperature and pressure. The path is not similiat to any classic type. And the interpretation is different from the traditional opinion. The P-T-t path reflects the dynamic course of convergence and uplift, magma underplating, back-arc extension and convergence of continental margin. Applying the theory of deformation partitioning to this area, the author discuss the relationship between deformation and porphyroblast growth, and get the conclusion of the sequence of deformation and metamorphism. At the first time we measure the distribution of chemical composition within the porphyroblast by XRF, confirm the theory of deformation partitioning quantitative and get new understanding about growth phase of porphyroblast and growth mode of porphyroblast: porphyroblast grow in the manner as "rose flower", the growth is controlled by the deformation. The elements distribution in porphyroblast reflects the growth manner and indicate history of metamorphism and deformation. So, we can deduce the metmorphism and deformation from the elements distribution in porphyroblast.


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The Dabie Mountains is a collisional orogenic belt between the North China and Yantze Continental plates. It is the eastern elongation of the Tongbai and Qingling orogen, and is truncated at its east end by the Tan-Lu fault. Jadeite-quartzite belt occurs in the eastern margin of UHPMB from the Dabie Mountains. Geochemical features indicate that the protoliths of the jadeite-quartzite and associated eclogite to be supracrustal rocks. The occurrence of micro-inclusions of coesite in jadeite and garnet confirmed that the continental crust can be subducted to great depth (8 0-100km) and then exhumed rapidly with its UHP mineral signature fairly preserved. Therefore, study of UHP jadeite-quartzite provides important information on subduction of continental crustal rocks and their exhumation histories, as well as the dynamics of plate tectonic processes at convergent margins. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the presence of hydrous component in the jadeite-quartzite belt, significant natural variations in the hydrous component content of UHP minerals and to discuss the role of water in petrology, geochemistry and micro-tectonic. On the basis of our previous studies, some new geological evidences have been found in the jadeite-quartzite belt by researches on petrography, mineralogy, micro-tectonic, hydrous component content of UHP minerals and combined with the study on rheology of materials using microprob, ER, TEM. By research and analysis of these phenomenona, the results obtained are as follows: 1. The existence of fluid during ultra-high pressure metamorphic process. Jadeites, omphacite, garnet, rutile, coesite and quartz from the jadeite-quartzite belt have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and TEM. Results show that all of these minerals contain trace amount of water which occur as hydroxyl and free-water in these minerals. The two-type hydrous components in UHP minerals are indicated stable in the mantle-depth. The results demonstrated that these ultra-high pressure metamorphic minerals, which were derived from continental crust protoliths, they could bring water into the mantle depth during the ultra-high pressure metamorphism. The clusters of water molecules within garnet are very important evidence of the existence of fluid during ultra-high pressure metamorphic process. It indicated that the metamorphic system was not "dry"during the ultra-high pressure stage. 2.The distribution of hydrous component in UHP minerals of jadeite-quartzite. The systematic distribution of hydrous components in UHP minerals are a strong indication that water in these minerals, are controlled by some factors and that the observed variations are not of a random nature. The distribution and concentration of hydrous component is not only correlated with composition of minerals, but also a function of geological environment. Therefore, the hydrous component in the minerals can not only take important part in the UHP metamorphic fluid during subduction of continental crustal rocks, but also their hydroxyl transported water molecules with decreasing pressure during their exhumation. And these water molecules can not only promote the deformation of jadeite through hydrolytic weakening, but also may be the part of the retrograde metamorphic fluid. 3.The role of water in the deformed UHP minerals. The jadeite, omphacite, garnet are strong elongated deformation in the jadeite-quartzite from the Dabie Mountains. They are (1) they are developed strong plastic deformation; (2) developed dislocation loop, dislocation wall; (3) the existence of clusters of water molecular in the garnet; and (4) the evolution of micero-tectonic from clusters of water molecular-dislocation loop in omphacite. That indicated that the water weakening controlled the mechanism of deformed minerals. Because the data presented here are not only the existence of clusters of water molecular in the garnet, but also developed strong elongation, high density of dislocation and high aspect ratios, adding microprobe data demonstrate the studied garnet crystals no compositional zoning. Therefore, this indicates that the diffusion process of the grain boundary mobility did not take place in these garnets. On the basis of above features, we consider that it can only be explained by plastic deformation of the garnets. The clusters of water molecules present in garnet was directly associated with mechanical weakening and inducing in plastic deformation of garnet by glissile dislocations. Investigate of LPO, strain analysis, TEM indicated that these clinopyroxenes developed strong elongation, high aspect ratios, and developed dislocation loop, dislocation wall and free dislocations. These indicated that the deformation mechanism of the clinopyroxenes plastically from the Dabie Mountains is dominant dislocation creep under the condition of the UHP metamorphic conditions. There are some bubbles with dislocation loops attached to them in the omphacite crystal. The bubbles attached to the dislocation loops sometimes form a string of bubble beads and some loops are often connected to one another via a common bubble. The water present in omphacite was directly associated with hydrolitic weakening and inducing in plastic deformation of omphacite by dislocations. The role of water in brittle deformation. Using microscopy, deformation has been identified as plastic deformation and brittle deformation in UHP minerals from the Dabie Mountains. The study of micro-tectonic on these minerals shows that the brittle deformation within UHP minerals was related to local stresses. The brittle deformation is interpreted as being caused by an interaction of high fluid pressure, volume changes. The hydroxyl within UHP minerals transported water molecules with decreasing pressure due to their exhumation. However, under eclogite facies conditions, the litho-static pressure is extreme, but a high fluid pressure will reduce the effective stress and make brittle deformation possible. The role of water in prograde metamorphism. Geochemical research on jadeite-quartzite and associated eclogite show that the protoliths of these rocks are supracrustal rocks. With increasing of temperature and pressure, the chlorite, biotite, muscovite was dehydrous reaction and released hydrous component during the subduction of continental lithosphere. The supracrustal rocks were transformed UHP rocks and formed UHP facies assemblage promotely by water introduction, and was retained in UHP minerals as hydrous component. The water within UHP minerals may be one of the retrograde metamorphic fluids. Petrological research on UHP rocks of jadeite-quartzite belt shows that there was existence of local fluids during early retrograde metamorphism. That are: (1) coronal textures and symplectite around relict UHP minerls crystals formed from UHP minerls by hydration reactions; (2) coronal textures of albite around ruitle; and (3) micro-fractures in jadeite or garnet were filled symplectite of Amp + PI + Mt. That indicated that the reactions of early retrograde metamorphism dependent on fluid introduction. These fluids not only promoted retrograde reaction of UHP minerals, but also were facilitate to diffuse intergranular and promote growth in minerals. Therefore, the hydrous component in the UHP minerals can not only take important part in the UHP metamorphic fluid during subduction of continental crustal rocks, but also their hydroxyl transport water molecules with decreasing pressure and may take part in the retrograde metamorphic fluid during their exhumation. 7. The role of water in geochemistry of UHP jadeite-quartzite. Geochemical research show that there are major, trace and rare earth element geochemical variations in the jadeite-quartzite from the Changpu district of Dabie Mountains, during retrograde metamorphic processes from the jadeite-quartzite--gneiss. The elements such as SiO_2、FeO、Ba、Zr、Ga、La、Ce、PTN Nd% Sm and Eu increase gradually from the jadeite-quartzite to retrograded jadeite-quartzite and to gneiss, whilst TiO_2. Na_2CK Fe2O_3、Rb、Y、Nb、Gd、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb decrease gradually. And its fO_2 keep nearly unchanged during early retrograde metamorphism, but decreased obviously during later retrograde metamorphism. These indicate that such changes are not only controlled by element transformation between mineralogical phases, but also closely relative to fluid-rock interaction in the decompression retrograde metamorphic processes.