1000 resultados para Materials de construcció -- Catalunya -- Girona


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La present tesi vol explicar la implantació de la Reforma Catòlica en una sèrie de parròquies rurals dels bisbats de Girona (valls de Ridaura, Bas, Hostoles i Amer) i Vic (El Collsacabra i les valls de Susqueda i Sau), entre 1587 i 1800, des dels bisbes posttrentins Jaume Caçador i Pedro Jaime als il·lustrats Tomàs de Lorenzana i Francisco de Veyan. La documentació principal són les sèries de les visites pastorals conservades a l'Arxiu Diocesà de Girona i l'Arxiu Episcopal de Vic; paral·lelament, s'ha reforçat amb documentació parroquial (llibres sagramentals, consuetes, llibres d'obra i confraries), protocols notarials (notaries de Rupit, Sant Feliu de Pallerols, El Mallol i Amer) i impresos episcopals. Els manaments de les visites pastorals s'han contrastat, amb semblances i diferències, amb els decrets del concili de Trento, de les constitucions provincials tarraconenses i les sinodals gironines i vigatanes, i amb les evidències artístiques, arquitectòniques i arqueològiques. Tots ells han servit per demostrar la lentitud en la implantació del programa tridentí, que s'assoleix, de fet, amb força retard (ben entrat el segle XVIII).


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Mirades Turístiques a la ciutat és un estudi sobre el comportament del turisme en les ciutats monumentals, a partir de l'experiència viscuda pels visitants del Barri Vell de Girona. Una recerca que ha pretès determinar, precisament, la forma com els visitants entren en contacte amb el patrimoni monumental de la ciutat medieval. A partir, d'identificar quins factors influeixen (i quins no) en el comportament dels turistes durant la seva visita, tant pel que fa referència als factors ambientals generals (la meteorologia, la congestió, la informació...) com els factors singulars de cada visitant. Per tal d'assolir aquests objectius, en hem plantejat una sèrie d'hipòtesis de treball: 1. Existeix una manera turística d'apropar-se al patrimoni que té les seves pròpies regles, les seves estructures específiques i en conseqüència la necessitat d'uns instruments de gestió particulars. 2. L'aproximació del turista al patrimoni monumental és el resultat de dues forces aparentment contradictòries. D'una banda, el turista tendeix a reproduir pautes de comportament socialment construïdes que prenen la forma d'un ritual. D'altra banda, més enllà d'aquest patró comú, cada visitant viu una experiència singular. Per tant, la relació amb el patrimoni és el resultat d'un subtil equilibri entre experiència i ritual. 3. El consum turístic del patrimoni depèn de la relació entre quatre factors. El primer, la imatge del lloc, és la projecció (sovint idealitzada) de l'espai de visita, una metàfora de la ciutat. El segon, el codi d'interpretació turístic , actua com una mena de ritual, un guió no escrit de la pràctica turística. En tercer lloc, el substrat material que són els components artístics, històrics o culturals de la destinació: la geometria del casc, les visuals, el pes de la història o el valor estètic de les peces condicionen, com és obvi, la mirada turística. Finalment, l'experiència està condicionada per la gestió (pública i privada) del turisme: informació, fluxos, interpretació... L'estudi s'ha sustentat en una metodologia inèdita basada en l'observació directa a partir del seguiment dels visitants durant els seus recorreguts. Hem observat el visitants i hem recollit la informació bàsica de la seva visita: l'itinerari, els monuments visitats, les actituds manifestades, els temps d'estada... Aquesta metodologia ha estat ja implementada en alguns estudis de públic de diversos museus. S'han recollit tres tipus de dades: dades relacionades amb els arcs (segment de carrer entre dues interseccions), dades relacionades amb els nodes (els elements d'interès) i dades relacionades amb el visitant. Les tres fonts estan unides per un identificador comú, que és el codi del turista. Això ens ha permès vincular les dades dels visitants amb el seu recorregut i la seva visita als monuments de la ciutat. Els resultats de l'estudi ens han permès identificar els factors que singularitzen l'apropament dels visitants al patrimoni i que el diferencien d'altres formes de relació o ús. És a dir, els factors que incideixen en el comportament dels visitants de Girona. Així mateix, hem pogut definir models d'itineraris amb una estructura interna molt compacta però molt diferents entre ells; que ens evidencien que, malgrat les regularitats detectades en les visites dels turistes de la ciutat, també existeixen elements diferencials en el seu comportament. Hem detectat quatre models de recorreguts urbans que hem anomenat: itinerari bàsic, comercial, complex i de les muralles, que a l'hora es poden subdividir en varies categories. Finalment, els estadístics multivariants ens han permès demostrar que la relació entre el turista i el patrimoni respon almenys a quatre formes de consum diferenciades, que hem anomenat "no turistes", "rituals", "interessats" i "erudits".


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La parròquia, poc valorada per la historiografia medieval, fou una la institució fonamental per a l'ordenació de la societat rural del bisbat de Girona entre els segles X i XIV. Constituïa un territori ben delimitat, els habitants del qual rebien els sagraments eclesiàstics dels clergues que regien l'església i, a través de l'obreria i dels obrers, participaven en la gestió del temple i de la seva economia. La parròquia va incidir directament en l'ordenació del poblament rural a través tant dels nuclis eclesials o "celleres" com dels masos dispersos pel terme d'una parròquia. A més, la parròquia era una important font de rendes: a través de la documentació generada pel bisbe de Girona, el delme era una renda en mans, sobretot, de senyors feudals, cavallers i importants institucions eclesiàstiques; els clergues parroquials només rebien les primícies i altres drets de menor valor. Finalment, la parròquia contribuí enormement a la configuració de les comunitats rurals de bona part del bisbat de Girona.


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Dental impression is an important step in the preparation of prostheses since it provides the reproduction of anatomic and surface details of teeth and adjacent structures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the linear dimensional alterations in gypsum dies obtained with different elastomeric materials, using a resin coping impression technique with individual shells. A master cast made of stainless steel with fixed prosthesis characteristics with two prepared abutment teeth was used to obtain the impressions. References points (A, B, C, D, E and F) were recorded on the occlusal and buccal surfaces of abutments to register the distances. The impressions were obtained using the following materials: polyether, mercaptan-polysulfide, addition silicone, and condensation silicone. The transfer impressions were made with custom trays and an irreversible hydrocolloid material and were poured with type IV gypsum. The distances between identified points in gypsum dies were measured using an optical microscope and the results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA (p < 0.05) and Tukey's test. The mean of the distances were registered as follows: addition silicone (AB = 13.6 µm, CD=15.0 µm, EF = 14.6 µm, GH=15.2 µm), mercaptan-polysulfide (AB = 36.0 µm, CD = 36.0 µm, EF = 39.6 µm, GH = 40.6 µm), polyether (AB = 35.2 µm, CD = 35.6 µm, EF = 39.4 µm, GH = 41.4 µm) and condensation silicone (AB = 69.2 µm, CD = 71.0 µm, EF = 80.6 µm, GH = 81.2 µm). All of the measurements found in gypsum dies were compared to those of a master cast. The results demonstrated that the addition silicone provides the best stability of the compounds tested, followed by polyether, polysulfide and condensation silicone. No statistical differences were obtained between polyether and mercaptan-polysulfide materials.


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This study evaluated the response of the subcutaneous connective tissue of BALB/c mice to root filling materials indicated for primary teeth: zinc oxide/eugenol cement (ZOE), Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide (Calen/ZO) and Sealapex sealer. The mice (n=102) received polyethylene tube implants with the materials, thereby forming 11 groups, as follows: I, II, III: Calen/ZO for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; IV, V, VI: Sealapex for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; VII, VIII, IX: ZOE for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; X and XI: empty tube for 7 and 21 days, respectively. The biopsied tissues were submitted to histological analysis (descriptive analysis and semi-quantitative analysis using a scoring system for collagen fiber formation, tissue thickness and inflammatory infiltrate). A quantitative analysis was performed by measuring the area and thickness of the granulomatous reactionary tissue (GRT). Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests (?=0.05). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) among the materials with respect to collagen fiber formation or GRT thickness. However, Calen/ZO produced the least severe inflammatory infiltrate (p<0.05). The area of the GRT was significantly smaller (p<0.05) for Calen/ZO and Sealapex. In conclusion, Calen/ZO presented the best tissue reaction, followed by Sealapex and ZOE.


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This study aimed to assess the response of apical and periapical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with different materials. Forty roots from dogs' premolars were prepared biomechanically and assigned to 4 groups filled with: Group I: commercial calcium hydroxide and polyethylene glycol-based paste (Calen®) thickened with zinc oxide; Group II: paste composed of iodoform, Rifocort® and camphorated paramonochlorophenol; Group III: zinc oxide-eugenol cement; Group IV: sterile saline. After 30 days, the samples were subjected to histological processing. The histopathological findings revealed that in Groups I and IV the apical and periapical regions exhibited normal appearance, with large number of fibers and cells and no resorption of mineralized tissues. In Group II, mild inflammatory infiltrate and mild edema were observed, with discrete fibrogenesis and bone resorption. Group III showed altered periapical region and thickened periodontal ligament with presence of inflammatory cells and edema. It may be concluded that the Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide yielded the best tissue response, being the most indicated material for root canal filling of primary teeth with pulp vitality.


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This study evaluated in vitro the antibacterial activity of 4 root canal filling materials for primary teeth - zinc oxide and eugenol cement (ZOE), Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide (Calen/ZO), Sealapex sealer and EndoREZ sealer - against 5 bacterial strains commonly found in endodontic infections (Kocuria rhizophila, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) using the agar diffusion test (agar-well technique). Calen paste, 1% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) and distilled water served as controls. Seven wells per dish were made at equidistant points and immediately filled with the test and control materials. After incubation of the plates at 37oC for 24 h, the diameter of the zones of bacterial growth inhibition produced around the wells was measured (in mm) with a digital caliper under reflected light. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey's post-hoc test (?=0.05). There were statistically significant differences (p<0.0001) among the zones of bacterial growth inhibition produced by the different materials against all target microorganisms. K. rhizophila was inhibited more effectively (p<0.05) by ZOE, while Calen/ZO had its highest antibacterial activity against E. faecalis (p<0.05). S. mutans was inhibited by Calen/ZO, Sealapex and ZOE in the same intensity (p>0.05). E. coli was inhibited more effectively (p<0.05) by ZOE, followed by Calen/ZO and Sealapex. Calen/ZO and ZOE were equally effective (p>0.05) against S. aureus, while Sealapex had the lowest antibacterial efficacy (p<0.05) against this microorganism. EndoREZ presented antibacterial activity only against K. rhizophila and S. aureus. The Calen paste and Calen/ZO produced larger zones of inhibition than 1% CHX when the marker microorganism was E faecalis. In conclusion, the in vitro antibacterial activity of the 4 root canal filling materials for primary teeth against bacterial strains commonly found in endodontic infections can be presented in a decreasing order of efficacy as follows: ZOE>Calen/ZO>Sealapex>EndoREZ.


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Several impression materials are available in the Brazilian marketplace to be used in oral rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of different impression materials used for fixed partial dentures following the manufacturers' instructions. A master model representing a partially edentulous mandibular right hemi-arch segment whose teeth were prepared to receive full crowns was used. Custom trays were prepared with auto-polymerizing acrylic resin and impressions were performed with a dental surveyor, standardizing the path of insertion and removal of the tray. Alginate and elastomeric materials were used and stone casts were obtained after the impressions. For the silicones, impression techniques were also compared. To determine the impression materials' accuracy, digital photographs of the master model and of the stone casts were taken and the discrepancies between them were measured. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and Duncan's complementary test. Polyether and addition silicone following the single-phase technique were statistically different from alginate, condensation silicone and addition silicone following the double-mix technique (p < .05), presenting smaller discrepancies. However, condensation silicone was similar (p > .05) to alginate and addition silicone following the double-mix technique, but different from polysulfide. The results led to the conclusion that different impression materials and techniques influenced the stone casts' accuracy in a way that polyether, polysulfide and addition silicone following the single-phase technique were more accurate than the other materials.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the color stability and hardness of two denture liners obtained by direct and indirect techniques, after thermal cycling and immersion in beverages that can cause staining of teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seventy disc-shaped specimens (18 x 3 mm) processed by direct (DT) and indirect techniques (IT) were made from Elite soft (n=35) and Kooliner (n=35) denture liners. For each material and technique, 10 specimens were subjected to thermal cycling (3,000 cycles) and 25 specimens were stored in water, coffee, tea, soda and red wine for 36 days. The values of color change, Shore A hardness (Elite soft) and Knoop hardness (Kooliner) were obtained. The data were subjected to ANOVA, Tukey's multiple-comparison test, and Kruskal-Wallis test (P<0.05). RESULTS: The thermal cycling promoted a decrease on hardness of Kooliner regardless of the technique used (Initial: 9.09± 1.61; Thermal cycling: 7.77± 1.47) and promoted an increase in the hardness in the DT for Elite Soft (Initial: 40.63± 1.07; Thermal cycling: 43.53± 1.03); hardness of Kooliner (DT: 8.76± 0.95; IT: 7.70± 1.62) and Elite Soft (DT: 42.75± 1.54; IT=39.30± 2.31) from the DT suffered an increase after the immersion in the beverages. The thermal cycling promoted color change only for Kooliner in the IT. Immersion in the beverages did not promote color change for Elite in both techniques. The control group of the DT of Kooliner showed a significant color change. Wine and coffee produced the greatest color change in the DT only for Elite Soft when compared to the other beverages. CONCLUSION: The three variation factors promoted alteration on hardness and color of the tested denture lining materials.


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Pulp repair is a complex process whose mechanisms are not yet fully understood. The first immune cells to reach the damaged pulp are neutrophils that play an important role in releasing cytokines and in phagocytosis. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of different pulp-capping materials on the secretion of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) by migrating human neutrophils. Neutrophils were obtained from the blood of three healthy donors. The experimental groups were calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], an adhesive system (Single Bond), and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Untreated cells were used as control. Transwell chambers were used in performing the assays to mimic an in vivo situation of neutrophil chemotaxis. The pulp-capping materials were placed in the lower chamber and the human neutrophils, in the upper chamber. The cells were counted and the culture medium was assayed using ELISA kits for detecting and quantifying IL-1β and IL8. The data were compared by ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (p < 0.05). The secretion of IL-8 was significantly higher in all groups in comparison to the control group (p < 0.05). The adhesive system group showed higher IL-8 than the MTA group (p < 0.05). The secretion of IL-1β was significantly greater only in the MTA group (p < 0.001). It was concluded that only MTA is able to improve the secretion of IL-1β, and all materials tested increased IL-8 secretion. These results combined with all the other biological advantages of MTA indicate that it could be considered the material of choice for dental pulp capping.