1000 resultados para Master tiedon hallinta
Examination of W. George Richardson, clerk to William Richardson, Brantford, Post Master (2 pages, handwritten). This is stained and contains small holes. The text is not affected, 1830.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) UANL.
Hongyi (1860-1942) est le maître de l’école bouddhiste appelée « Terre Pure » en Chine moderne. Dans l'histoire du bouddhisme chinois, il est le seul maître bouddhiste qui peut se classer parmi les plus grands calligraphes chinois. Dans l'histoire de la calligraphie chinoise, il est le premier moine-calligraphe qui allie sa foi bouddhiste avec son art calligraphique tout en appliquant des principes de la peinture occidentale à son travail de calligraphie. Son art serve bien sa croyance religieuse et n’est pas indépendent de celle-ci, ce qui est extraordinaire dans l’histoire calligraphique. Il utilise le concept bouddhiste de «une forme sans forme» pour interpréter la calligraphie chinoise, et propose une série de théories calligraphiques bouddhistes pour guider sa pratique. D’ailleurs, sa calligraphie ne sert qu'à retranscrire les textes bouddhistes classiques et contemporains. Ses œuvres illustrent donc l'influence du bouddhisme chinois sur la calligraphie chinoise. Traditionnellement, la dernière œuvre d'un calligraphe est souvent considérée comme son chef-d'œuvre en fonction de deux critères: sa technique et son contenu moral. En outre, quelques-unes des dernières œuvres de grands calligraphes ont survécu. La rareté les rend encore plus précieuses. Bei xin ji jiao («悲欣交集») est la dernière œuvre de Hongyi, qui a été achevée trois jours avant son nirvana. Ce mémoire sera d'étudier et d'analyser l'influence de sa pensée bouddhiste sur le contenu littéraire et la forme artistique de cette œuvre, et d’expliciter qu’elle guide pleinement vers l'état ultime de sa pratique bouddhiste au plus haut niveau de sa calligraphie.
According to Hemingway all good prose has the dignity and draught of an iceberg. This is especially true of Hemingway's short stories. "Francis Macomber" counts among the best composed short stories in English. Interpretation sways between Hemingway's idealisation of the male code and its deconstruction. Is the White Hunter a British scourge of American values or is Margot the tragic victim of a newly founded male friendship? Is the open ending rather a hunting accident or the mean murder of an unloved spouse? Hemingway gives hitherto uninterpreted clues by mentioning strategies of big game hunting and ballistics. Carter's magic story "Master"; deals with the regression of a White Hunter who has become 'his own negative'. An Englishman dissolves into the Amazonian jungle and is killed by his own victim. The story can be read as a macabre crime of sexuality and murder or as a dystopian warning of the future of mankind if we go on exploiting and destroying our planet.
The principal objective of this paper is to develop a methodology for the formulation of a master plan for renewable energy based electricity generation in The Gambia, Africa. Such a master plan aims to develop and promote renewable sources of energy as an alternative to conventional forms of energy for generating electricity in the country. A tailor-made methodology for the preparation of a 20-year renewable energy master plan focussed on electricity generation is proposed in order to be followed and verified throughout the present dissertation, as it is applied for The Gambia. The main input data for the proposed master plan are (i) energy demand analysis and forecast over 20 years and (ii) resource assessment for different renewable energy alternatives including their related power supply options. The energy demand forecast is based on a mix between Top-Down and Bottom-Up methodologies. The results are important data for future requirements of (primary) energy sources. The electricity forecast is separated in projections at sent-out level and at end-user level. On the supply side, Solar, Wind and Biomass, as sources of energy, are investigated in terms of technical potential and economic benefits for The Gambia. Other criteria i.e. environmental and social are not considered in the evaluation. Diverse supply options are proposed and technically designed based on the assessed renewable energy potential. This process includes the evaluation of the different available conversion technologies and finalizes with the dimensioning of power supply solutions, taking into consideration technologies which are applicable and appropriate under the special conditions of The Gambia. The balance of these two input data (demand and supply) gives a quantitative indication of the substitution potential of renewable energy generation alternatives in primarily fossil-fuel-based electricity generation systems, as well as fuel savings due to the deployment of renewable resources. Afterwards, the identified renewable energy supply options are ranked according to the outcomes of an economic analysis. Based on this ranking, and other considerations, a 20-year investment plan, broken down into five-year investment periods, is prepared and consists of individual renewable energy projects for electricity generation. These projects included basically on-grid renewable energy applications. Finally, a priority project from the master plan portfolio is selected for further deeper analysis. Since solar PV is the most relevant proposed technology, a PV power plant integrated to the fossil-fuel powered main electrical system in The Gambia is considered as priority project. This project is analysed by economic competitiveness under the current conditions in addition to sensitivity analysis with regard to oil and new-technology market conditions in the future.
The H∞ synchronization problem of the master and slave structure of a second-order neutral master-slave systems with time-varying delays is presented in this paper. Delay-dependent sufficient conditions for the design of a delayed output-feedback control are given by Lyapunov-Krasovskii method in terms of a linear matrix inequality (LMI). A controller, which guarantees H∞ synchronization of the master and slave structure using some free weighting matrices, is then developed. A numerical example has been given to show the effectiveness of the method
El Master en Investigación, Desarrollo y Control de Medicamentos del actual Programa Oficial de Postgrado (POP) en Farmacia, y dentro del nuevo marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación superior, viene siendo impartido en la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Barcelona. El Master objeto de estudio, “Investigación, Desarrollo y Control de Medicamentos”, tiene un carácter interdisciplinar implicando la participación en la docencia de ocho Departamentos de la Universidad de Barcelona