997 resultados para Liver-microsomes


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Little is known about how endothelial cells respond to injury, regulate hepatocyte turnover and reconstitute the hepatic vasculature. We aimed to determine the effects of the vascular ectonucleotidase CD39 on sinusoidal endothelial cell responses following partial hepatectomy and to dissect purinergic and growth factor interactions in this model. METHODS: Parameters of liver injury and regeneration, as well as the kinetics of hepatocellular and sinusoidal endothelial cell proliferation, were assessed following partial hepatectomy in mice that do not express CD39, that do not express ATP/UTP receptor P2Y2, and in controls. The effects of extracellular ATP on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and interleukin-6 responses were determined in vivo and in vitro. Phosphorylation of the endothelial VEGF receptor in response to extracellular nucleotides and growth factors was assessed in vitro. RESULTS: After partial hepatectomy, expression of the vascular ectonucleotidase CD39 increased on sinusoidal endothelial cells. Targeted disruption of CD39 impaired hepatocellular regeneration, reduced angiogenesis, and increased hepatic injury, resulting in pronounced vascular endothelial apoptosis, and decreased survival. Decreased HGF release by sinusoidal endothelial cells, despite high levels of VEGF, reduced paracrine stimulation of hepatocytes. Failure of VEGF receptor-2/KDR transactivation by extracellular nucleotides on CD39-null endothelial cells was associated with P2Y2 receptor desensitization. CONCLUSIONS: Regulated phosphohydrolysis of extracellular nucleotides by CD39 coordinates both hepatocyte and endothelial cell proliferation following partial hepatectomy. Lack of CD39 activity is associated with decreased hepatic regeneration and failure of vascular reconstitution.


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New vessel formation and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) influence host responses to malignant tissues. Extracellular adenosine-mediated pathways promote both vascular endothelial cell proliferation and inhibit cytotoxic T cells, thereby potentiating cancer growth. CD39 is the dominant ectonucleotidase of vascular and T regulatory cells and has the potential to generate high levels of adenosine locally. We have previously shown that deletion of Cd39 results in angiogenic failure and T regulatory cell dysfunction with loss of immune suppressive functions. Aim: Investigate impact of CD39 upon development of hepatic metastases. Methods and Results: We studied the development of metastatic liver deposits following portal vein infusion of 1.5x105 melanoma B16/F10 cells, with luciferase expression, in wild type and Cd39-null C57BL/6 mice (n=24). Tumor formation in liver was directly examined and animals imaged at days 7-17 after tumor cell implantation. As predicted, the formation of hepatic malignant foci was markedly suppressed in Cd39-null mice, at all time points examined. To test whether the major impact of Cd39-deletion was upon neovasculature formation or immune responsiveness, adoptive transfer experiments were conducted. Bone marrow transplants (BMT) from Cd39-null or wild type BL/6 mice were placed in lethally irradiated control and/or null mice, in a crossover manner (total n=24 for each group, respectively). Eight weeks postadoptive transfer, melanoma cells were infused via portal vein as before and tumor growth studied. The Cd39-null mice that received wild type BMT mirrored the wild type phenotype with progressive tumor growth observed (n=8 per time point; p=0.015). In contrast, metastases were significantly inhibited in both number and size and ultimately became necrotic in the wild type mice that had received Cd39-null BMT. Conclusions: Bone marrow derived cells mediate the major inhibitory effects of CD39 deletion on tumor growth. Pharmacological inhibition of CD39 may find utility as an adjunct therapy in the management of hepatic malignancy.


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Crosstalk between elements of the sinusoidal vasculature, platelets and hepatic parenchymal cells influences regenerative responses to liver injury and/or resection. Such paracrine interactions include hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), IL-6 and small molecules such as serotonin and nucleotides. CD39 (nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1) is the dominant vascular ectonucleotidase expressed on the luminal surface of endothelial cells and modulates extracellular nucleotide signaling. We have previously shown that integrity of P2-receptors, as maintained by CD39, is required for angiogenesis in Matrigel plugs in vivo and that there is synergism between nucleotide P2-receptor- and growth factor-mediated cell proliferation in vitro. We have now explored effects of CD39 on liver regeneration and vascular endothelial growth factor responses in a standard small animal model of partial hepatectomy. The expression of CD39 on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) is substantially boosted during liver regeneration. This transcriptional upregulation precedes maximal sinusoidal endothelial cell proliferation, noted at day 5-8 in C57BL6 wild type mice. In matched mutant mice null for CD39 (n=14), overall survival is decreased to 71% by day 10. Increased lethality occurs as a consequence of extensive LSEC apoptosis, decreased endothelial proliferation and failure of angiogenesis leading to hepatic infarcts and regenerative failure in mutant mice. This aberrant vascular remodeling is associated with biochemical liver injury, elevated serum levels of VEGF (113.9 vs. 65.5pg/ml, p=0.013), and decreased circulating HGF (0.89 vs. 1.43 ng/ml, p=0.001) in mice null for CD39. In agreement with these observations, wild type LSEC but not CD39 null cultures upregulate HGF expression and secretion in response to exogenous VEGF in vitro. CD39 null LSEC cultures show poor proliferation responses and heightened levels of apoptosis when contrasted to wild type LSEC where agonists of P2Y receptors augment cell proliferation in the presence of growth factors. These observations are associated with features of P2Y-desensitization, normal levels of the receptor tyrosine kinase VEGFR-1 (Flt-1) and decreased expression of VEGFR-2 (FLK/KDR) in CD39 null LSEC cultures. We provide evidence that CD39 and extracellular nucleotides impact upon growth factor responses and tyrosine receptor kinases during LSEC proliferation. We propose that CD39 expression by LSEC might co-ordinate angiogenesis-independent liver protection by facilitating VEGF-induced paracrine release of HGF to promote vascular remodeling in liver regeneration.


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ntense liver regeneration and almost 100% survival follows partial hepatectomy of up to 70% of liver mass in rodents. More extensive resections of 70 to 80% have an increased mortality and partial hepatectomies of >80% constantly lead to acute hepatic failure and death in mice. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of systemically administered granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) on animal survival and liver regeneration in a small for size liver remnant mouse model after 83% partial hepatectomy (liver weight <0.8% of mouse body weight). Methods: Male Balb C mice (n=80, 20-24g) were preconditioned daily for five days with 5μg G-CSF subcutaneously or sham injected (aqua ad inj). Subsequently 83% hepatic resection was performed and daily sham or G-CSF injection continued. Survival was determined in both groups (G-CSF n=35; Sham: n=33). In a second series BrdU was injected (50mg/kg Body weight) two hours prior to tissue harvest and animals euthanized 36 and 48 hours after 83% liver resection (n=3 each group). To measure hepatic regeneration the BrdU labeling index and Ki67 expression were determined by immunohistochemistry by two independent observers. Harvested liver tissue was dried to constant weight at 65 deg C for 48 hours. Results: Survival was 0% in the sham group on day 3 postoperatively and significantly better (26.2% on day 7 and thereafter) in the G-CSF group (Log rank test: p<0.0001). Dry liver weight was increased in the G-CSF group (T-test: p<0.05) 36 hours after 83% partial hepatectomy. Ki67 expression was elevated in the G-CSF group at 36 hours (2.8±2.6% (Standard deviation) vs 0.03±0.2%; Rank sum test: p<0.0001) and at 48 hours (45.1±34.6% vs 0.7±1.0%; Rank sum test: p<0.0001) after 83% liver resection. BrdU labeling at 48 hours was 0.1±0.3% in the sham and 35.2±34.2% in the G-CSF group (Rank sum test: p<0.0001) Conclusions: The surgical 83% resection mouse model is suitable to test hepatic supportive regimens in the setting of small for size liver remnants. Administration of G-CSF supports hepatic regeneration after microsurgical 83% partial hepatectomy and leads to improved long-term survival in the mouse. G-CSF might prove to be a clinically valuable supportive substance in small for size liver remnants in humans after major hepatic resections due to primary or secondary liver tumors or in the setting of living related liver donation.


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Molecular responses to hypoxia restore oxygen homeostasis and promote cell survival, and are mainly regulated through the activation of the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF)-1 and its target genes. In this study we questioned whether surgically depleting the liver s arterial blood supply, by clamping the hepatic artery (HA), would be sufficient to mount a hypoxia-driven molecular response, the up-regulation of hepatoprotective genes and thereby protect the liver from subsequent damaging insults.;;The HA of normal male Balb/c mice was clamped with a micro vascular clip for 2 hours. The liver s saturated oxygen concentration (SO2) was measured using an O2C surface probe (LEA-Medizintechnik) and interstitial fluid was collected with microdialysis membranes to monitor tissue damage. Mice without clamping served as sham operated controls. Interstitial fluid was assessed for lactate pyruvate (L/P) and glycerol content and the mRNA of hepatoprotective genes was analyzed by real time PCR. Subsequently, mice received either a tail vein injection of anti-Fas antibody (Jo2, 0.2 mg/kg) or the liver was made ischemic (60min) followed by 6 hours reperfusion. Caspase 3-activity and cleaved lamin A were used to assess apoptosis. In separate groups, animal were monitored for survival.;;After 30min of clamping the HA the SO2 of the liver decreased and remained at a reduced level for up to 2 hours, without an increase in L/P ratio or glycerol release. We demonstrate the activation of a hypoxia-inducible signaling pathway by the stabilization of HIF-1 protein (Western blot) and by an increase of its target gene, Epo, mRNA. There was an up-regulation of the hepatoprotective genes IL-6, IGFBP-1, HO-1 and A20 mRNA. When subsequently injected with Jo2, animals preconditioned with HA clamping, had a significantly decreased caspase-3 activity (avg21044 vs. avg3637; p=0.001, T-test) and there were fewer positive cells for cleaved Lamin A. The survival probability (10.5 hours, n=12) of mice with HA clamping was significantly higher (3.2 hours, n=13; p=0.014, Logrank test). Likewise, survival after 60 minutes of partial hepatic ischemia and 6 hours of reperfusion was reduced from 86% in mice with pretreatment by HA clamping to 56% in sham treated controls.;;This study demonstrates that a localized hypoxic stress can be achieved by surgically removing the livers arterial blood supply. Furthermore it can stimulate a hepatoprotective response that protects the liver against Fas-mediated apoptosis and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Our findings offer an innovative approach to induce hepatoprotective genes to defend the liver against subsequent insults.


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Background The principal causes of liver enzyme elevation among HIV-hepatitis B virus (HBV) co-infected patients are the hepatotoxic effects of antiretroviral therapy (ART), alcohol abuse, ART-induced immune reconstitution and the exacerbation of chronic HBV infection. Objectives To investigate the incidence and severity of liver enzyme elevation, liver failure and death following lamivudine (3TC) withdrawal in HIV-HBV co-infected patients. Methods Retrospective analysis of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study database to assess the clinical and biological consequences of the discontinuation of 3TC. Variables considered for analysis included liver enzyme, HIV virological and immunological parameters, and medication prescribed during a 6-month period following 3TC withdrawal. Results 3TC was discontinued in 255 patients on 363 occasions. On 147 occasions (109 patients), a follow-up visit within 6 months following 3TC withdrawal was recorded. Among these patients, liver enzyme elevation occurred on 42 occasions (29%), three of them (2%) with severity grade III and five of them (3.4%) with severity grade IV elevations (as defined by the AIDS Clinical Trials Group). Three patients presented with fulminant hepatitis. One death (0.7%) was recorded. Conclusions HBV reactivation leading to liver dysfunction may be an under-reported consequence of 3TC withdrawal in HIV-HBV co-infected patients. Regular monitoring of HBV markers is warranted if active therapy against HBV is discontinued.