1000 resultados para Lake Mead
To assess the prevalence of faecal coliform bacteria and multiple drug resistance among Escherichia coli and Salmonella serotypes from Vembanadu Lake. Study design: Systematic microbiological testing. Methods: Monthly collection of water samples were made from ten stations on the southern and northern parts of a salt water regulator constructed in Vembanadu Lake in order to prevent incursion of seawater during certain periods of the year. Density of faecal colifrom bacteria was estimated. E. coli and Salmonella were isolated and their different serotypes were identified. Antibiotic resistance analysis of E. coli and Salmonella serotypes was done and the MAR index of individual isolates was calculated. Results: Density of faecal coliform bacteria ranged from mean MPN value 2900 -7100/100ml. Results showed multiple drug resistance pattern among the bacterial isolates. E. coli showed more than 50% resistance to amickacin, oxytetracycline, streptomycin, tetracycline and kanamycin while Salmonella showed high resistance to oxytetracycline, streptomycin, tetracycline and ampicillin. The MAR indexing of the isolates showed that they have originated from high risk source such as humans, poultry and dairy cows. Conclusions: The high density of faecal coliform bacteria and prevalence of multi drug resistant E. coli and Salmonella serotypes in the lake may pose severe public health risk through related water borne and food borne outbreaks
The objective of the study was to evaluate the survival response of multi-drug resistant enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella paratyphi to the salinity fluctuations induced by a saltwater barrier constructed in Vembanadu lake, which separates the lake into a freshwater dominated southern and brackish water dominated northern part. Therefore, microcosms containing freshwater, brackish water and microcosms with different saline concentrations (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ppt) inoculated with E. coli/S. paratyphi were monitored up to 34 days at 20 and 30 WC. E. coli and S. paratyphi exhibited significantly higher (p <0.05) survival at 20 WC compared to 30 WC in all microcosms. Despite fresh/brackish water, E. coli and S. paratyphi showed prolonged survival up to 34 days at both temperatures. They also demonstrated better survival potential at all tested saline concentrations except 25 ppt where a significantly higher (p<0.0001) decay was observed. Therefore, enhanced survival exhibited by the multi-drug resistant enteropathogenic E. coli and S. paratyphi over a wide range of salinity levels suggest that they are able to remain viable for a very long time at higher densities in all seasons of the year in Vembanadu lake irrespective of saline concentrations, and may pose potential public health risks during recreational activities
Microcosm studies were performed to evaluate the survival of Escherichia coli, Salmonella paratyphi and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in water and sediment collected from the freshwater region of Vembanad Lake (9 35◦N 76 25◦E) along the south west coast of India. All three test microorganisms showed significantly (p < 0.01) higher survival in sediment compared to overlying water. The survival in different sediment types with different particle size and organic carbon content revealed that sediment with small particle size and high organic carbon content could enhance their extended survival (p < 0.05). The results indicate that sediments of the Lake could act as a reservoir of pathogenic bacteria and exhibit a potential health hazard from possible resuspension and subsequent ingestion during recreational activities. Therefore, the assessment of bacterial concentration in freshwater Lake sediments used for contact and non contact recreation has of considerable significance for the proper assessment of microbial pollution of the overlying water, and for the management and protection of related health risk at specific recreational sites. Besides, assessment of the bacterial concentration in sediments can be used as a relatively stable indicator of long term mean bacterial concentration in the water column above
Prevalence of faecal indicator bacteria, Escherichia coli and pathogenic bacteria, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella were analysed in Vembanadu lake (98350N 768250E), along south west coast of India for a period of one year from ten stations on the southern and northern sides of a salt water regulator constructed in Vembanadu Lake in order to prevent incursion of seawater during certain periods of the year. While the northern side of the lake has a connection to the sea, the southern side is enclosed when the salt water regulator is closed. The results revealed the water body is polluted with high faecal coliform bacteria with mean MPN value ranging from 1718-7706/100 ml. E. coli, V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and Salmonella serotypes such as S. paratyphi A, B, C and S. newport were isolated and this is the first report on the isolation of these Salmonella serovars from this lake. E. coli showed highest percentage of incidence (85.6–86.7%) followed by Salmonella (42–57%), V. choleare (40–45%) and V. parahaemolyticus (31.5–32%). The increased prevalence of indicator and pathogenic bacteria in the enclosed southern part of Vembanadu Lake may be resulting from the altered flow patterns due to the salt water regulator.
Contamination of environmental water by pathogenic microorganisms and subsequent infections originated from such sources during different contact and non- contact recreational activities are a major public health problem worldwide particularly in developing countries. The main pathogen frequently associated with enteric infection in developing countries are Salmonella enterica serovar typhi and paratyphi. Although the natural habitat of Salmonella is the gastrointestinal tract of animals, it find its way into natural water through faecal contamination and are frequently identified from various aquatic environments (Baudart et al., 2000; Dionisio et al., 2000; Martinez -Urtaza et al., 2004., Abhirosh et al., 2008). Typhoid fever caused by S. enterica serotype typhi and paratyphi are a common infectious disease occurring in all the parts of the world with its highest endemicity in certain parts of Asia, Africa, Latin America and in the Indian subcontinent with an estimated incidence of 33 million cases each year with significant morbidity and mortality (Threlfall, 2002). In most cases the disease is transmitted by polluted water (Girard et al., 2006) because of the poor hygienic conditions, inadequate clean water supplies and sewage treatment facilities. However in developed countries the disease is mainly associated with food (Bell et al., 2002) especially shellfish (Heinitz et al., 2000
Diversity of different groups of Bacillus and Actinomycetes in the water and sediment samples from kumarakom estuary was analysed to find out potential strains for further application. Bacillus genera was identified and grouped into five phenogroups .Phenogroups show differences in the shape of the spore,position of the spore,and swelling of the sporangium.Ability of the isolates to elaborate various hydrolytic enzymes and their ability to reduce nitrate and ferment various carbohydrate sources were also studied.
Prevalence of faecal coliform bacteria and the survival of Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella paratyphi were studied in the water and sediment from Vembanadu Lake in the presence and absence of protozoan predators. The density of faecal coliform bacteria ranged between mean MPN value 5080–9000/100 ml in water and 110,000–988,000/1 g in sediment (p <0.01), which was 110 times greater than in overlying water. The laboratory microcosm studies revealed that E. coli, V. parahaemolyticus and S. paratyphi showed significantly higher survival (p <0.05) potential in sediment than in overlying water both in the presence and absence of protozoan predators. The results indicate that Vembanadu Lake sediment constitutes a reservoir of pathogenic bacteria and exhibits potential health hazard from possible resuspension and subsequent ingestion during recreational activities. Therefore, assessment of bacterial concentration in freshwater lake sediments used for contact and non-contact recreation is of considerable significance for the proper assessment of microbial pollution of the overlying water and the management and protection of related health risk at specific recreational sites. In addition, assessment of the bacterial concentration in sediments can be used as a relatively stable indicator of long-term mean bacterial concentration in the water column above.
At many locations in Myanmar, ongoing changes in land use have negative environmental impacts and threaten natural ecosystems at local, regional and national scales. In particular, the watershed area of Inle Lake in eastern Myanmar is strongly affected by the environmental effects of deforestation and soil erosion caused by agricultural intensification and expansion of agricultural land, which are exacerbated by the increasing population pressure and the growing number of tourists. This thesis, therefore, focuses on land use changes in traditional farming systems and their effects on socio-economic and biophysical factors to improve our understanding of sustainable natural resource management of this wetland ecosystem. The main objectives of this research were to: (1) assess the noticeable land transformations in space and time, (2) identify the typical farming systems as well as the divergent livelihood strategies, and finally, (3) estimate soil erosion risk in the different agro-ecological zones surrounding the Inle Lake watershed area. GIS and remote sensing techniques allowed to identify the dynamic land use and land cover changes (LUCC) during the past 40 years based on historical Corona images (1968) and Landsat images (1989, 2000 and 2009). In this study, 12 land cover classes were identified and a supervised classification was used for the Landsat datasets, whereas a visual interpretation approach was conducted for the Corona images. Within the past 40 years, the main landscape transformation processes were deforestation (- 49%), urbanization (+ 203%), agricultural expansion (+ 34%) with a notably increase of floating gardens (+ 390%), land abandonment (+ 167%), and marshlands losses in wetland area (- 83%) and water bodies (- 16%). The main driving forces of LUCC appeared to be high population growth, urbanization and settlements, a lack of sustainable land use and environmental management policies, wide-spread rural poverty, an open market economy and changes in market prices and access. To identify the diverse livelihood strategies in the Inle Lake watershed area and the diversity of income generating activities, household surveys were conducted (total: 301 households) using a stratified random sampling design in three different agro-ecological zones: floating gardens (FG), lowland cultivation (LL) and upland cultivation (UP). A cluster and discriminant analysis revealed that livelihood strategies and socio-economic situations of local communities differed significantly in the different zones. For all three zones, different livelihood strategies were identified which differed mainly in the amount of on-farm and off-farm income, and the level of income diversification. The gross margin for each household from agricultural production in the floating garden, lowland and upland cultivation was US$ 2108, 892 and 619 ha-1 respectively. Among the typical farming systems in these zones, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plantation in the floating gardens yielded the highest net benefits, but caused negative environmental impacts given the overuse of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and spatial analysis within GIS were applied to estimate soil erosion risk in the different agricultural zones and for the main cropping systems of the study region. The results revealed that the average soil losses in year 1989, 2000 and 2009 amounted to 20, 10 and 26 t ha-1, respectively and barren land along the steep slopes had the highest soil erosion risk with 85% of the total soil losses in the study area. Yearly fluctuations were mainly caused by changes in the amount of annual precipitation and the dynamics of LUCC such as deforestation and agriculture extension with inappropriate land use and unsustainable cropping systems. Among the typical cropping systems, upland rainfed rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation had the highest rate of soil erosion (20 t ha-1yr-1) followed by sebesten (Cordia dichotoma) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) plantation in the UP zone. This study indicated that the hotspot region of soil erosion risk were upland mountain areas, especially in the western part of the Inle lake. Soil conservation practices are thus urgently needed to control soil erosion and lake sedimentation and to conserve the wetland ecosystem. Most farmers have not yet implemented soil conservation measures to reduce soil erosion impacts such as land degradation, sedimentation and water pollution in Inle Lake, which is partly due to the low economic development and poverty in the region. Key challenges of agriculture in the hilly landscapes can be summarized as follows: fostering the sustainable land use of farming systems for the maintenance of ecosystem services and functions while improving the social and economic well-being of the population, integrated natural resources management policies and increasing the diversification of income opportunities to reduce pressure on forest and natural resources.
Exponer la situación de las mujeres en las sociedades primitivas, estudiadas por Margaret Mead. Expone la vida y obras de Margaret Mead, estudia las culturas postfigurativas y analiza cinco sociedades primitivas. 1) La contribución de la Dra. Mead consiste en sentar las bases necesarias para poner la ciencia en relación con la vida humana. 2) Su fama incidió a veces en sus relaciones con otros científicos. 3) La definición de caracteres propios de cada sexo proviene no de una necesidad biológica sino de los modelos culturales propios a cada sociedad. Una simple inversión de los papeles de los sexos no potenciaría un desarrollo en la forma de las relaciones que permitiera a los hombres y mujeres alcanzar en plenitud la condición de seres humanos.
Explicar las ideas más interesantes de Margaret Mead, acerca del condicionamiento de la cultura sobre la personas y de la educación como medio de transmisión e inculcación de dichos condicionamientos en los niños. Expone los datos bibliográficos y la trayectoria vital de Margaret Mead, estudia la adolescencia desde el enfoque antropológico de la misma autora, y analiza sus concepciones de la sexualidad y sus directrices acerca de la educación. 1) Margaret Mead considera que la educación mixta es indispensable para acostumbrar a un sexo a la presencia del otro, de modo que las diferencias sexuales se pierdan de vista, ante las más importantes y notables de la personalidad. 2) El fomento de amistades libres, es otra de las ideas de la autora, amistades no regimentadas, para así acabar con los males inherentes a la familia, demasiado íntima, sin sacrificio alguno de los beneficios adquiridos a precio tan alto. 3) Respecto a la organización familiar, piensa que ésta a menudo, mutila la vida emotiva y tuerce y trastorna el desarrollo de la iniciativa y creatividad que existe en muchos individuos para vivir su vida conscientemente. 4) Mientras que, la relación íntima entre padres e hijos tiene una influencia decisiva para la vida posterior, según se haya dado por parte de los hijos sometimiento o desafío para con los padres. 5) Al haber tantas normas, todos los adultos se esfuerzan desesperadamente por atar a su hijos a los rumbos particulares que ellos mismos han escogido, por medio de presiones de todo tipo, chantajes afectivos y, en general, medios nada estimables. 6) Como mayor defecto señala, como la profesionalización de la educación y la especialización de las tareas industriales, han quitado al hogar su antigua variedad de actividades, sucede que a los niños no se les hace sentir que el tiempo que dedican a una actividad controlada esté funcionalmente relacionado con la actividad adulta. Esta falta de conexión, será un determinante poderoso en la actitud del niño, ya que llega a construir un falso conjunto de categorías, totalmente compartimentadas, trabajo para los adultos, juego para el placer de los niños y escuela como molestia inexplicable, con ciertas compensaciones. 7) Margaret Mead concibe el trabajo como ese conjunto de tareas necesarias que hacen marchar la vida social. Lamenta el hecho de que los adultos llegan a hacerse excesivamente serios y a veces un poco insensibles, en el sentido de que rechazan el juego, la diversión creativa y por el contrario pierden lastimosamente el tiempo, sus pocos momentos de ocio aburridamente. Siente la necesidad inmediata, de que a nivel escolar, se tenga muy en cuenta esta realidad y se trate de remediarla, ideando modos de participación de los niños con la marcha de la vida y problemática de su medio ambiente, de modo que se coordine su vida escolar con el resto de su existencia y la escuela deje de ser un compartimento estanco y alejado de la vida. Margaret Mead como mujer libre de falsos prejuicios, es de las primeras mujeres que vivió entregada a un trabajo intelectual y científico importante, sin descuidar por ello, su vida como esposa y madre. Una mujer que no se acobardó, sino todo lo contrario, por las trabas que la sociedad e incluso a veces las mismas mujeres se imponían, para realizarse y cultivarse como una persona íntegra.