998 resultados para JEL : M.M3.M31
In the presence of moral hazard, received agency theory predicts the Marshallian inefficiency of agricultural tenancy contracts, meaning that inputs per hectare on sharecropped land will differ from that on owned land. in this paper, we test for the presence of Marshallian inefficiency using a unique data set collected in the Tunisian village of El Oulja in 1993.
Assuming at least three individuals and some regularity conditions, we construct a set S* of Pareto surfaces which is an ordinal basis of the set S of all surfaces: every surface in S is ordinally equivalent to some surface in S* and all surfaces in S* are ordinally distinct.
Consider a general equilibrium framework where the marginal cost of extraction from several deposits of an exhaustible resource is constant in terms of an inexhaustible perfect substitute and differs between deposits. the instantaneous rate of production form the inexhaustible resource is subject to a capacity constraint.
Cet article fait un recensement des analyses theoriques et empiriques concernant les effets possibles de la mobilite internationale des facteurs de production. les resultats et les recommendations du modele de base sont etablis quand prevalent le plein-emploi et l'ajustement complet des marches. les resultats des diverses analyses, dans un contexte de chomage structurel, sont ensuite identifies.
Dans cet article, pour etendre la theorie du consommateur a ses choix d'epargne et de placements, on utilise a la fois la theorie usuelle, celle des caracteristiques et celle du raisonnement quantitatif. on en deduit un systeme complet de demandes comprenant simultanement les quantites de biens et de services physiques, les quantites d'actifs financiers et les prix des actifs contingents elementaires eventuels.
Many unit root and cointegration tests require an estimate of the spectral density function at frequency zero at some process. Kernel estimators based on weighted sums of autocovariances constructed using estimated residuals from an AR(1) regression are commonly used. However, it is known that with substantially correlated errors, the OLS estimate of the AR(1) parameter is severely biased. in this paper, we first show that this least squares bias induces a significant increase in the bias and mean-squared error of kernel-based estimators.
We consider the problem of provisioon and cost-sharing of multiple public goods. the efficient equal factor equivalent allocation rule makes every agent indifferent between what he receives and the opportunity of choosing the bundle of public goods subject to the constraint of paying r times its cost, where r is set as low as possible.
This paper examines a characteristic of common property problems unmodeled in the published literature: Extracted common reserves are aften stored privately rather than immediately. We examine the positive and normative effects of such storage.