997 resultados para Isotope Ratio


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In situ secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) analyses of oxygen isotopes in authigenic calcite veins were obtained from an active thrust fault system drilled at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 892 (44°40.4'N, 125°07.1'W) along the Cascadia subduction margin. The average d18OPDB value of all samples is -9.9 per mil and the values are the lowest of any measured in active accretionary prisms. Ranges in individual veins can be as much as 19.6 per mil. There is an isotopic stratigraphy related to the structural stratigraphy. Mean isotope values in the hanging wall, thrust, and footwall are -14.4 per mil, -9.5 per mil, and -5.2 per mil, respectively. Several veins and crosscutting vein sequences show a general trend from lower to higher d18O values over time. Isotopic and textural data indicate several veins formed by a crack-seal mechanism and growth into open fractures. The best explanation for the strong 18O depletions is periodic rapid flow from 2-3 km deeper in the prism. Relatively narrow isotopic ranges for most veins suggest that fluids were derived from a similar source depth for each episode of fluid pulse and calcite crystallization. Structural and mass balance considerations are consistent with a record preserved in the veins of ten to hundreds of thousands of years. The fluid pulses may relate to periodic large earthquake events such as those recognized in the paleoseismicity records from the Cascadia margin.


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The Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) enables non-destructive, quasi-continuous measuroments of physical properties, reducing the time needed for discrete sample analysis. Density, compressional wave velocity (Vp), and magnetic susceptibility are measured on water-saturated sediment cores. Rapid variations in the lithology can thus be more easily recognized. The advantages of MSCL measurements over traditional sedimentological investigation methods are illustrated using several examples. Density-Vp relationships provide detailed lithological information prior to splitting the sediment cores. In terrigenous sediments, density increases with Vp, whereas in biogenic sediments it decreases. In biogenic sediments in the South Atlantic, low densities and high Vp are associated with high opal content. In biogenic sediments in the Peru Basin, density increases with carbonate content. Carbonate, which is very important for deep-sea environmental protection and for paleoclimatic studies, can be determined quantitatively from MSCL measurements in this area. In terrigenous sediments in the Bengal Fan, the acoustic impedance (the product of density and Vp) increases with grain size. There, the grain-size distribution can be rapidly derived from the acoustic impedance. Moreover, in hemipelagic sediments in the Bengal Fan, it is possible to correlate variations in magnetic susceptibility with cyclic changes in the earth's orbital parameters - an important prerequisite for detailed stratigraphic studies.


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The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) is a major transient warming event that occurred at ~ 40 Ma and reversed a long-term cooling trend through the early and middle Eocene. We report the results of a high-resolution, quantitative study of siliceous microfossils at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 748 and 749 (Southern Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean, ~ 58°S) across a ~ 1.4 myr interval spanning the MECO event. At both sites, a significant increase in biosiliceous sedimentation is associated with the MECO event. Rich siliceous planktonic microfossil assemblages in this interval are unusual in that they are dominated by ebridians, with radiolarians as a secondary major component. Silicoflagellates and diatoms comprise only a minor fraction of the assemblage, in contrast to siliceous microfossil assemblages that characterize modern Southern Ocean sediments. Based on our new siliceous microfossil records, we interpret two ~ 300 kyr periods of elevated nutrient availability in Southern Ocean surface waters which span the peak warming interval of the MECO and the post-MECO cooling interval. A diverse assemblage of large silicoflagellates belonging to the Dictyocha grandis plexus is linked to the rapid rise in sea-surface temperatures immediately prior to peak warmth, and a pronounced turnover is observed in both ebridian and silicoflagellate assemblages at the onset of peak warming. The interval of peak warmth is also characterized by high abundance of cosmopolitan ebridians (e.g., Ammodochium spp.) and silicoflagellates (e.g., Naviculopsis spp.), and increased abundance of tropical and subtropical diatom genera (e.g., Asterolampra and Azpeitia). These observations confirm the relative pattern of temperature change interpreted from geochemical proxy data at multiple Southern Ocean sites. Furthermore, rapid assemblage changes in both autotrophic and heterotrophic siliceous microfossil groups indicate a reorganization of Southern Ocean plankton communities in response to greenhouse warming during the MECO event.


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Uranium concentrations and isotope ratios were measured in thirteen surface-water samples collected across the entire Atlantic Ocean. The mean isotope ratio was 1.15+/-0.01, and the mean concentration 3.1+/-0.2 µg/l.


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