996 resultados para Indiana. General Assembly
Este estudo objetivou realizar uma analítica do poder no documento “Declaração e Programa de Ação sobre uma Cultura de Paz”, documento este legitimado, em 1999, por uma Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, fixando-se assim como norte prioritário das práticas da agência intitulada Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO). Foram utilizados como instrumentos de análise norteadores metodológicos vinculados a muitos operadores retirados do aporte teórico-metodológico produzido por Michel Foucault. Caminhou-se na direção de pensar, problematizar e produzir saber a partir deste movimento de desmontagem de documentos monumentos, tendo como eixo principal o conceito de “Cultura de Paz”. Este mote de cultura de paz possui sua existência atrelada à história das Nações Unidas e às suas agências, sendo produzido e sistematizado a partir de um conjunto de crenças, práticas e associações, que lhe possibilitaram ganhar visibilidade e poder, popularizando-o e tornando-o uma das produções discursivas mais significativas da contemporaneidade. Percorrendo necessariamente por diagonais entre as temáticas UNESCO, governamentalidade e produção de subjetividade, finalizamos esta dissertação com a apresentação do debate a respeito das práticas denominadas cultura de paz e seus efeitos no cotidiano em termos de saber e poder.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Episcopal Church Home For Children Records are a valuable source on the Church’s historical effort to extend its services for the social improvement of South Carolina (in this case the Episcopal Diocese’s program for destitute children.) The Episcopal Church Home was established in 1850 in Charleston, S.C. for orphan girls and was chartered by the S.C. General Assembly in 1852. The collection consists of a history, minutes, reports of the annual meetings, general correspondence, superintendent’s records, health records, attendance registers, financial records, newsletters (both bound and unbound), and photographs.
This paper describes the integration of information between Digital Library of Historical Cartography and Bibliographical Database (DEDALUS), both of the University of São Paulo (USP), to guarantee open, public access by Internet to the maps in the collection and make them available to users everywhere. This digital library was designed by Historical Cartography Studies Laboratory team (LECH/USP), and provides maps images on the Web, of high resolution, as well as such information on these maps as technical-scientific data (projection, scale, coordinates), printing techniques and material support that have made their circulation and cultural consumption possible. The Digital Library of Historical Cartography is accessible not only to the historical cartography researchers, but also to students and the general public. Beyond being a source of information about maps, the Digital Library of Historical Cartography seeks to be interactive, exchanging information and seeking dialogue with different branches of knowledge
USP scientific production. USP journals. USP Open Access Movement.
USP INFORMATION MANDATE – Resolution 6444 – Oct. 22th, 2012 Make public and accessible the knowledge generated by research developed at USP, encouraging the sharing, the use and generation of new content; •Preserve institutional memory by storing the full text of Intellectual Production (scientific, academic, artistic and technical); •Increase the impact of the knowledge generated in the university within the scientific community and the general public; •It is suggested to all members of the USP community to publish the results of their research, preferably, in open-access publication outlets and/or repositories and to include the permission to deposit their production in the BDPI system in their publication agreements. •Institutional Repository for Intellectual Production; •Official Source USP Statistical Yearbook.