998 resultados para Incremental hole drilling pannelli sottili


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Seismic velocities have been measured at confining pressures to 600 MPa for eight samples of sheeted dike rock obtained from Hole 504B during Leg ODP 111. The compressional- and shear-wave velocities are, in general, higher than the velocities measured in overlying dike rocks obtained from the hole during DSDP Leg 83. The velocity gradients observed in Layer 2C result from decreasing porosity with depth and increasing metamorphic grade. The laboratory-measured velocities of the Leg 111 dike rocks are similar to those of dike rocks reported for the Bay of Islands, Samail, and Troodos ophiolites.


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Middle Eocene to Late Oligocene sediments from near the crest (Site 689B, water depth 2080 m) and flank (water depth 2914 m) of the Maud Rise (62°S) have been investigated by coarse fraction analysis and have revealed the following: (1) The middle Eocene (50-40 Ma) was a period of pure carbonate sedimentation, with good preservation of carbonate microfossils. No opal > 40 µm is present. (2) In the late Eocene (40-36.5 Ma) opal fossils (mainly radiolaria, and some diatoms > 40 µm) appeared for the first time. Three maxima in opal sedimentation (Eocene/Oligocene boundary, middle early Oligocene and early/late Oligocene boundary) are separated by increases in carbonate sedimentation. The dissolution of carbonate fossils is strong in the opal-rich layers. Opal sedimentation is attributed to cooling and probably more vigorous atmospheric circulation and increased upwelling. (3) Carbonate dissolution increased with water depth in the Oligocene, whereas in the middle Eocene excellent carbonate preservation in the deeper Site 690B and stronger dissolution in the shallower Site 689B is attributed to different bottom-water characteristics. The middle Eocene bottom water probably was formed by strong evaporation at low latitudes, whereas by the earliest Oligocene formation of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) had set in. (4) Current influence, not on top but on the flank of the Maud Rise, could be recorded by means of larger grain sizes of benthonic and planktonic microfossils. (5) Ice-rafted debris was not found. Quartz and other minerals are very rare and not larger than 125 µm and may have been supplied by ice as well as by wind or by deep currents. Mica contents were up to 10 times higher in the middle Eocene on the flank compared to on the crest of the Maud Rise, indicating deep current supply.


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Pelagic sediments from DSDP Hole 5O3B contain, in their carbonate abundance data, a clear record of glacial-interglacial cycles. The eolian component of those sediments was analyzed over the past four carbonate cycles, and the mass accumulation rate (MAR) and grain size of the eolian component was determined. Eolian MARs range from 24 to 169 mg/cm**2/10**3y. and commonly are higher by a factor of three to five during times of glacial retreat. Reduced contribution during periods of glaciation most likely reflects glacial-age humidity in the American source. Grain-size values (phi50) range from 8.25 to a minimum of 8.79phi-a variation in grain mass by a factor of 3.1. Larger grains reflect more vigorous atmospheric circulation, but sizes do not covary with the carbonate or eolian accumulation curves. These data suggest that the intensity of atmospheric circulation in the tropics may reflect the 42,000 y.-tilt cycle rather than the 100,000 y.-cycle of glacial advance.


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A basaltic sequence of Eocene submarine-erupted pyroclastic sediments totals at least 388 m at DSDP Site 253 on the Ninetyeast Ridge. These fossiliferous hyaloclastic sediments have been erupted and fragmented by explosive volcanism (hydroexplosions) in shallow water. The occurrence of interbedded basaltic ash-fall tuffs within the younger horizons of the hyaloclastic sequence marks the emergence of some Ninetyeast Ridge volcanic vents above sea level. Considerable textural variation allows subdivision of the sequence into six informal lithostratigraphic units. Hydrothermal and diagenetic alteration has caused the complete replacement of all original glass by smectites, and the introduction of abundant zeolite and calcite cements. The major and trace element contents of the hyaloclastites vary due to the alteration, and the admixture of biogenous calcite. On a calcium carbonate-free basis systematic variations are recognisable. Mg, Ni, Cr and Cu are enriched, and Li and Zn depleted in the three older units relative to the younger three. The chemical variability is reflected by the development of saponite in the older part of the sequence and montmorillonite in the younger; and by the presence of a quartz-normative basalt flow occurring in Unit II, in contrast to the Mg-rich highly olivine-normative basalt at the base of the sequence. The younger and older parts of the sequence therefore appear to have been derived from magmas of different chemistry. The sequence, like other basaltic rocks recovered from the Ninetyeast Ridge, is enriched in the light relative to the heavy rare earth elements (REE) although the REE contents vary unsystematically with depth, probably because of the high-temperature subaqueous alteration and the presence of biogenous calcite. This REE data indicates that the Ninetyeast Ridge volcanism was different from that which produces mid-ocean ridge basalts.


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Calcareous nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal assemblages from ODP Hole 1210A in the northwestern Pacific Ocean were used to reconstruct surface-water conditions for the past 500 kyr. Stratigraphic control was provided by calcareous nannofossil events that are thought to be synchronous over a broad range of latitudes. Calcareous nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal assemblages and abundance patterns indicate the unlikelihood of long term (Milankovitch-scale) latitudinal shifts of the Kuroshio Extension over the last 500 kyr and illustrate two successive surface water-mass states, one that prevailed prior to 300 ka and one that existed after 300 ka. The relative abundance of very small placoliths and the absolute abundance of the upper photic zone (UPZ) coccolith species decrease abruptly at approximately 300 ka. The relative abundance of the lower photic zone (LPZ) species Florisphaera profunda greatly increases at the same time, although intervals during which the relative abundance of this taxon is very low or absent also occur prior to 300 ka. The absolute abundance of planktic foraminifera gradually increased after the 300-ka boundary, including peaks of Globoconella inflata. These assemblage and abundance changes suggest significant modifications to the surface water-mass structure. Surface water was weakly stratified prior to 300 ka, but alternated between intensely stratified and vertically mixed after 300 ka. Changes in the surface water-mass structure suggest an intensification of the East Asian summer and winter monsoon after 300 ka.