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Los suelos estabilizados mediante compactación, permiten obtener materiales con ventajas ténicas y economicas en diferentes tipos de obras de ingeniería. Ejemplos de su uso se tiene en bases viales de autopistas, rutas o calles urbanas, pistas de aterrizaje, barreras de contención para enterramientos sanitarios o lagunas de estabilización, apoyos de plateas para fundación de edificios, losas industriales, entre otras aplicaciones. Las fallas en este tipo de construcciones pueden resultar en catástrofes ambientales, sociales y elevadas pérdidas económicas, por lo que resulta de gran importancia optimizar el diseño e incrementar la seguridad de este tipo de construcciones. Las obras con estas características involucran grandes volúmenes y/o superficies que requieren controles sistemáticos durante su desarrollo, a los fines de garantizar el cumplimiento de las propiedades de los materiales establecidos en la etapa de diseño. De esta forma, es necesario contar con ensayos de campo sencillos, confiables y eficientes que permitan identificar propiedades físicas, mecánicas e hidráulicas. Las geoestructuras generadas mediante la compactación del suelo próximo al sector de construcción pueden funcionar adecuadamente, con reducidos costos de material y transporte. Su estabilización puede ejecutarse en forma natural, o con la incorporación de agregados minerales como bentonita, cal o cemento. Estas incorporaciones mejoran las propiedades hidráulicas y mecánicas del material, optimizando el comportamiento requerido para la obra. Para establecer la forma en la que estos minerales modifican el comportamiento del suelo local compactado deben realizarse investigaciones especiales con los materiales involucrados. En el ámbito internacional existen numerosas investigaciones sobre comportamiento de suelos compactados, no obstante, si bien aportan antecedentes para la planificación de estudios locales, sus resultados no pueden trasladarse de manera directa. Las características propias del suelo local constituye la principal variable debido a la diversidad en las propiedades geotécnicas de cada Región. Esta investigación, se focaliza en el empleo de suelos limosos de la formación loéssica de la zona central de Argentina. Los suelos de la llanura cordobesa poseen comportamientos particulares, los cuales son contemplados en los diseños presentados como resutado de las investigaciones internacionales. Esta particularidad se relaciona con su inestabilidad, lo que los clasifica como suelos colapsables. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo podrán ser extendidos a una gran superficie de la Provincia de Córdoba y a la Región Pampeana en general, a los fines de establecer recomendaciones de diseño y construcción para la confección de Pliegos de Especificaciones Técnicas de diferentes tipos de obras públicas y privadas. El estudio contempla la ejecución de un plan experimental a escala de laboratorio y campo. Los materiales corresponden a suelo limosos puros, y diferentes agregados tales como bentonita, cal y cemento. Se planifican ensayos para evaluar el desempeño del material, a partir de la confección de muestras preparadas con diferentes condiciones de compactación (energía, humedad y método), y en forma de mezcla con los distintos tipos de agregados. Se realizarán ensayos de permeabilidad en celdas de pared rígida y flexible, junto a ensayos mecánicos de compresión confinada, simple y triaxial. Para el trabajo experimental de campo se prevé la ejecución de terraplenes de prueba instrumentados con tensiómetros e infiltrómetros para evaluar el comportamiento hidraúlico en el tiempo, junto con ensayos de penetración y plato de carga para la caracterización mecánica. En forma conjunta se propone el desarrollo de modelos numéricos de caracterización hidromecánica. Stabilized soils by compaction, produce materials technical and economic advantages in different types of engineering works. For example, road bases in highways, roads or city streets, containment barriers for sanitary landfill or stabilization ponds, foundation support of building, industrial flat, and other applications. Failures can result in environmental catastrophes, social, and economic loss, so it is important to optimize the design and increase the safety of such buildings. These works involve large surfaces that require systematic tests during construction, so it is necessary to have simple field tests, reliable and efficient to identify physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties. The geo-structures generated by local soil compaction have reduced material and transportation costs. Stabilization can be naturally, or with the addition of mineral aggregates as bentonite, lime and cement. These additions improve the hydraulic and mechanical properties of the material. So, special investigations should be conducted with the materials involved. There are many international studies on compacted soils behavior but their results can not be transferred directly due to the particularities of regional soils. For this research silty soils of central Argentina are the main focus. The soils of Córdoba plains are instability, so are classified as collapsible soils. The results obtained in this work may be extended to a large area of the Province of Cordoba and the Pampas region in general, in order to establish design and construction recommendations. The study includes laboratory and field tests. The materials are pure silty soil, and different aggregates such as bentonite, lime and cement. Tests are planned to evaluate the performance. Laboratory includes rigid and flexible wall cells, confined, triaxial and simple compression tests. For field experimental instrumented embankments will be constructed. A numerical hydromechanical model will be developed.
La introducción de nuevos recursos genéticos es esencial en la evolución de la agricultura destinada a la producción de materia prima de alta calidad. La evaluación de nuevo germoplasma, con el objetivo de su difusión comercial o incorporación a programas de mejoramiento, se realiza a través de ensayos comparativos de rendimiento en diferentes ambientes. Las forrajeras anuales de invierno son casi insustituibles para mantener la cadena forrajera en la región pampeana subhúmeda seca y semiárida. En la actualidad tanto triticales como tricepiros son alternativas muy promisorias para su utilización como doble propósito, así como para explorar la posibilidad de producir harinas diferenciadas para uso en la industria de la alimentación humana. En el país, los triticales se han difundido para pastoreo y se requiere de nuevos cultivares. Los tricepiros se trabajan exclusivamente en la Argentina y es necesario desarrollar germoplasma. Se planea identificar germoplasma superior mediante selección en introducciones y cruzamientos propios, ensayos comparativos de pasto y grano, estudiar la estabilidad citológica mediante análisis cromosómicos y genómicos y caracterizar líneas avanzadas por descriptores morfológicos.The introduction of new genetic resources is essential in the agriculture evolution, especially when high quality production is the main objective. New germoplasm must be tested several years in order to be part of breeding programs or to be commercialized due to environmental differences among years. In dry subhumid and semiarid pampeana region, annual winter feed crops are necessary in order to have forage production during winter. Nowadays Triticales and Tricepiros are promising alternatives to be used as double purpose for animal feed and fodder, as well as to obtain differenced flour to human food. In Argentina, Triticale has spread for forage uses and new cultivars are required. Tricepiros are sown only in this country; therefore there is a need to develop Tricepiro germoplasm. The outline includes: identify superior germoplasm in introductions and own crosses through selection; establish comparative forage and grain trials; cytological estability study using chromosomal and genomic analysis and characterize advanced lines through morphological features.
The adoption of a sustainable approach to meeting the energy needs of society has recently taken on a more central and urgent place in the minds of many people. There are many reasons for this including ecological, environmental and economic concerns. One particular area where a sustainable approach has become very relevant is in the production of electricity. The contribution of renewable sources to the energy mix supplying the electricity grid is nothing new, but the focus has begun to move away from the more conventional renewable sources such as wind and hydro. The necessity of exploring new and innovative sources of renewable energy is now seen as imperative as the older forms (i.e. hydro) reach the saturation point of their possible exploitation. One such innovative source of energy currently beginning to be utilised in this regard is tidal energy. The purpose of this thesis is to isolate one specific drawback to tidal energy, which could be considered a roadblock to this energy source being a major contributor to the Irish national grid. This drawback presents itself in the inconsistent nature in which a tidal device generates energy over the course of a 24 hour period. This inconsistency of supply can result in the cycling of conventional power plants in order to even out the supply, subsequently leading to additional costs. The thesis includes a review of literature relevant to the area of tidal and other marine energy sources with an emphasis on the state of the art devices currently in development or production. The research carried out included tidal data analysis and manipulation into a model of the power generating potential at specific sites. A solution is then proposed to the drawback of inconsistency of supply, which involves the positioning of various tidal generation installations at specifically selected locations around the Irish coast. The temporal shift achieved in the power supply profiles of the individual sites by locating the installations in the correct locations, successfully produced an overall power supply profile with the smoother curve and a consistent base load energy supply. Some limitations to the method employed were also outlined, and suggestions for further improvements to the method were made.
The main objective of this thesis on flooding was to produce a detailed report on flooding with specific reference to the Clare River catchment. Past flooding in the Clare River catchment was assessed with specific reference to the November 2009 flood event. A Geographic Information System was used to produce a graphical representation of the spatial distribution of the November 2009 flood. Flood risk is prominent within the Clare River catchment especially in the region of Claregalway. The recent flooding events of November 2009 produced significant fluvial flooding from the Clare River. This resulted in considerable flood damage to property. There were also hidden costs such as the economic impact of the closing of the N17 until floodwater subsided. Land use and channel conditions are traditional factors that have long been recognised for their effect on flooding processes. These factors were examined in the context of the Clare River catchment to determine if they had any significant effect on flood flows. Climate change has become recognised as a factor that may produce more significant and frequent flood events in the future. Many experts feel that climate change will result in an increase in the intensity and duration of rainfall in western Ireland. This would have significant implications for the Clare River catchment, which is already vulnerable to flooding. Flood estimation techniques are a key aspect in understanding and preparing for flood events. This study uses methods based on the statistical analysis of recorded data and methods based on a design rainstorm and rainfall-runoff model to estimate flood flows. These provide a mathematical basis to evaluate the impacts of various factors on flooding and also to generate practical design floods, which can be used in the design of flood relief measures. The final element of the thesis includes the author’s recommendations on how flood risk management techniques can reduce existing flood risk in the Clare River catchment. Future implications to flood risk due to factors such as climate change and poor planning practices are also considered.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) haemorhaging is a life-threatening disease. An aneurysm is a permanent swelling of an artery due to a weakness in its wall. Current surgical repair involves opening the chest or abdomen, gaining temporary vascular control of the aorta and suturing a prosthetic graft to the healthy aorta within the aneurysm itself The outcome of this surgical approach is not perfect, and the quality of life after this repair is impaired by postoperative pain, sexual dysfunction, and a lengthy hospital stay resulting in high health costs. All these negative effects are related to the large incision and extensive tissue dissection. Endovascular grafting is an alternative to the standard surgical method. This treatment is a less invasive method of treating aortic aneurysms. It involves a surgical exposure of the common femoral arteries where the stent graft can be inserted through by an over-the-wire technique. All manipulations are controlled from a remote place by the use of a catheter and this technique avoids the need to directly expose the diseased artery through a large incision or an extensive dissection. The proposed design method outlined in this project is to develop the endovascular approach. The main aim is to design an unitary bifurcated stent graft (1 e- bifurcated graft as a single component) to treat these Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. This includes the delivery system and deployment mechanism necessary to first accurately position the stent graft across the aneurysm sac and also across the iliac bifurcation, and secondly fix the stent graft in position by using expandable metal stents. Thus, excluding the aneurysm from the circulation and therefore preventing rupture. Miniaturisation is a critical aspect of this design, as the smaller the crimped stent graft the easier to guide through the vascular system to the desired location. Biocompatibility is an important aspect. The preferred materials for this prosthesis are to use Shape Memory Alloys for the stent and a multifilament fabric for the graft. A taper design is applied for the geometry as this gives a favourable flow characteristic and reduced wave reflections. Adequate testing of the stent graft to prove its durability and the ease of the method of deployment is a prerequisite. A bench test facility has being designed and build to replicate the cardiovascular system and the disease in question aortic aneurysms at the iliac bifurcation. The testing here shows the feasibility of the proposed delivery system and the durability of the stent graft across the aneurysm sac. Finally, these endovascular treatments offer the economic advantage of short hospital stays or even treatment as an outpatient, as well as elimination of the need for postoperative intensive care The risk of developing an aneurysm increases with age, that is one of the mam reasons to look for less invasive ways of treating aneurysms. Consequently, there is enormous pressure to develop and use these devices rapidly.
The overall purpose of this study was to develop a thorough inspection regime for onsite wastewater treatment systems, which is practical and could be implemented on all site conditions across the country. With approximately 450,000 onsite wastewater treatment systems in Ireland a risk based methodology is required for site selection. This type of approach will identify the areas with the highest potential risk to human health and the environment and these sites should be inspected first. In order to gain the required knowledge to develop an inspection regime in-depth and extensive research was earned out. The following areas of pertinent interest were examined and reviewed, history of domestic wastewater treatment, relevant wastewater legislation and guidance documents and potential detrimental impacts. Analysis of a questionnaire from a prior study, which assessed the resources available and the types of inspections currently undertaken by Local authorities was carried out. In addition to the analysis of the questionnaire results, interviews were carried out with several experts involved in the area of domestic wastewater treatment. The interview focussed on twelve key questions which were directed towards the expert’s opinions on the vital aspects of developing an inspection regime. The background research, combined with the questionnaire analysis and information from the interviews provided a solid foundation for the development of an inspection regime. Chapter 8 outlines the inspection regime which has been developed for this study. The inspection regime includes a desktop study, consultation with the homeowners, visual site inspection, non-invasive site tests, and inspection of the treatment systems. The general opinion from the interviews carried out, was that a standardised approach for the inspections was necessary. For this reason an inspection form was produced which provides a standard systematic approach for inspectors to follow. This form is displayed in Appendix 3. The development of a risk based methodology for site selection was discussed and a procedure similar in approach to the Geological Survey of Irelands Groundwater Protection Schemes was proposed. The EPA is currently developing a risk based methodology, but it is not available to the general public yet. However, the EPA provided a copy of a paper outlining the key aspects of their methodology. The methodology will use risk maps which take account of the following parameters: housing density, areas with inadequate soil conditions, risk of water pollution through surface and subsurface pathways. Sites identified with having the highest potential risk to human health and the environment shall be inspected first. Based on the research carried out a number of recommendations were made which are outlined in Chapter 10. The principle conclusion was that, if these systems fail to operate satisfactorily, home owners need to understand that these systems dispose of the effluent to the 'ground' and the effluent becomes part of the hydrological cycle; therefore, they are a potential hazard to the environment and human health. It is the owners, their families and their neighbours who will be at most immediate risk.
Stroke is a preventable and treatable disease. It can present with the sudden onset of any neurological disturbance, including limb weakness or numbness, speech disturbance, visual loss or disturbance of balance. Over the last two decades, a growing body of evidence has overturned the traditional perception that stroke is simply a consequence of aging which inevitably results in death or severe disability. Evidence is accumulating for more effective primary and secondary prevention strategies, better recognition of people at highest risk and thus most in need of active intervention, interventions that are effective so on after the onset of symptoms, and an understanding of the processes of care that contribute to a better outcome. In addition, there is now good evidence to support interventions and care processes in stroke rehabilitation. In the UK, the National Sentinel Stroke Audits 2,3 have documented changes in secondary care provision over the last 10 years, with increasing numbers of patients being treated in stroke units, more evidence-based practice, and reductions in mortality and length of stay. In order for evidence from research studies to improve outcomes for patients, it needs to be put into practice. National guidelines provide clinicians, managers and service users with summaries of evidence and recommendations for clinical practice. Implementation of guidelines in practice, supported by regular audit, improves the processes of care and clinical outcome. This guideline covers interventions in the acute stage of a stroke (‘acute stroke’) or transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Most of the evidence considered relates to interventions in the first 48 hours after onset of symptoms, although some interventions of up to 2 weeks are covered as well. This guideline is a stand-alone document, but is designed to be read alongside the Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party guideline ‘National clinical guideline for stroke’* which considers evidence for interventions from the acute stage into rehabilitation and life after stroke. The Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party guideline is an update of the 2004 2nd edition and includes all the recommendations contained within this guideline. This acute stroke and TIA guideline is also designed to be read alongside the Department of Health’s (DH) ‘National stroke strategy’ (NSS). Where there are differences between the recommendations made within this acute stroke and TIA guideline and the NSS, the Guideline Development Group (GDG) members feel that their recommendations are derived from systematic methodology to identify all of the relevant literature.
The classical central limit theorem states the uniform convergence of the distribution functions of the standardized sums of independent and identically distributed square integrable real-valued random variables to the standard normal distribution function. While first versions of the central limit theorem are already due to Moivre (1730) and Laplace (1812), a systematic study of this topic started at the beginning of the last century with the fundamental work of Lyapunov (1900, 1901). Meanwhile, extensions of the central limit theorem are available for a multitude of settings. This includes, e.g., Banach space valued random variables as well as substantial relaxations of the assumptions of independence and identical distributions. Furthermore, explicit error bounds are established and asymptotic expansions are employed to obtain better approximations. Classical error estimates like the famous bound of Berry and Esseen are stated in terms of absolute moments of the random summands and therefore do not reflect a potential closeness of the distributions of the single random summands to a normal distribution. Non-classical approaches take this issue into account by providing error estimates based on, e.g., pseudomoments. The latter field of investigation was initiated by work of Zolotarev in the 1960's and is still in its infancy compared to the development of the classical theory. For example, non-classical error bounds for asymptotic expansions seem not to be available up to now ...
This paper includes a few notes on some Homoptera insects of the genus Fulgora, according to a study carried out on a little collection belonging to the Laboratory of Zoology of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (Piracicaba, Brazil). The following species are mentioned: F. servillei Spinola, F. lucifera Germar, F. orthocephala (Pinto da Fonseca) and F. cearensis (Pinto da Fonseca). The types of the latter having been collected in Fortaleza (Ceará), its area of distribution is considerably enlarged by the information of its occurrence in the State of São Paulo.