994 resultados para Implante dentário - Infiltração bacteriana


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Primary tumours of the heart are uncommon entities, cardiac myxomas being the most frequent. However, mitral valve myxomas are exceptionally rare. In the last 12 years, there have been 25 myxomas diagnosed at our institution, with only two of them originating from the mitral valve. Both patients were female, the first, 25, and the second, 72 years old. The younger patient was very symptomatic with a large mass, 4 cm long, which involved both leaflets causing significant obstruction to the left ventricular inflow. The second one had a smaller mass located at the atrial side of the posterior leaflet that only produced some flow divergence. Neither of them had constitutional nor embolic symptoms. Both patients were submitted to emergent surgical resection that in the first case involved the mitral valve and replacement with mechanical prosthesis. The macroscopic appearance of these tumours suggested a malignant aetiology which may represent somewhat different features of the myxomas when originating from the cardiac valves. Both patients are well reflecting the good prognosis of this illness after resection, although the younger patient was re-operated because of prosthetic valve obstruction and suspicion of recurrence that was not confirmed. Because of the illustrative images and different presentations, we found it interesting to report and discuss them together.


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Doente de 74 anos, sexo masculino, com dor epigástrica, associada a náuseas, anorexia e emagrecimento marcado (20 kg num mês). Antecedentes pessoais de melanoma excisado. No exame objectivo constatou-se: adenopatia supraclavicular esquerda, aderente aos planos profundos, de consistência pétrea, não dolorosa. No decurso da investigação realizou tomografia computorizada toraco-abdomino-pélvica que demonstrou: extensa disseminação hepática com pequenas imagens hipodensas e hipocaptantes. Realizou endoscopia digestiva alta que revelou: hérnia hiatal e nesta, pólipo gástrico, séssil, com 5 mm; mucosa do corpo e antro com múltiplos pólipos sésseis com dimensões entre 2 e 4 mm, erosionados que se biopsaram. O exame anatomopatológico das biópsias gástricas revelou: fragmentos de mucosa gástrica com infiltração compatível com metástase de melanoma.


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Infective endocarditis (IE) is now rare in developed countries, but its prevalence is higher in elderly patients with prosthetic valves, diabetes, renal impairment, or heart failure. An increase in health-care associated IE (HCAIE) has been observed due to invasive maneuvers (30% of cases). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Enterococcus are the most common agents in HCAIE, causing high mortality and morbidity. We review complications of IE and its therapy, based on a patient with acute bivalvular left-sided MRSA IE and a prosthetic aortic valve, aggravated by congestive heart failure, stroke, acute immune complex glomerulonephritis, Candida parapsilosis fungémia and death probably due to Serratia marcescens sepsis. The HCAIE was assumed to be related to three temporally associated in-hospital interventions considered as possible initial etiological mechanisms: overcrowding in the hospital environment,iv quinolone therapy and red blood cell transfusion. Later in the clinical course,C. parapsilosis and S. marcescens septicemia were considered to be possible secondary etiological mechanisms of HCAIE.


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Introdução: O leiomioma vesical é um tumor benigno raro que representa,aproximadamente, 0,5% do total de neoplasias da bexiga. É frequentemente um achado imagiológico, sendo a sua localização e dimensões determinantes no desenvolvimento de sintomatologia e no tipo de procedimento a efectuar. Caso Clínico: Reporta-se o caso de um doente com queixas urinárias de disúria, polaquiúria e esforço miccional, inicialmente interpretadas como HBP. A investigação diagnóstica culminou com a enucleação de uma volumosa massa intramural da bexiga, com diagnóstico histológico de leiomioma, num doente com antecedentes de doença de Madelung e excisão prévia de um tumor fibroso paravesical. Discussão: O leiomioma vesical, embora apresentando características imagiológicas típicas, deve ser sempre biopsado para confirmação histológica da sua etiologia. O tumor fibroso pélvico apresenta sempre indicação cirúrgica pois, numa minoria de casos, pode apresentar comportamento agressivo com infiltração dos órgãos adjacentes.