998 resultados para Implante de vermes
Patients with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage may be submitted to ventricular shunt (VS) implant with antisiphon device. The objective of this study was to prospectively evaluate for two years the clinical and tomographic results of the implant of fixed-pressure valves with antisiphon device SPHERA (R) in 35 adult patients, with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage. Of these, 3 had congenital hydrocephalus in adult patients with very dilated ventricles (Evans index >50%), 3 had symptomatic overdrainage after previous VS implant (subdural hematoma, hygroma or slit ventricle syndrome), 1 had previous chronic subdural hematoma, 15 had normal pressure hydrocephalus with final lumbar pressure <5 cm H2O after tap test (40 mL), 6 had pseudotumor cerebri, and 7 had hydrocephalus due to other causes. Clinical improvement was observed and sustained in 94.3% of the patients during the two-year period with no computed tomography (CT) evidence of hypo or overdrainage, and no immediate early or late significant complications.
The use of cochlear implant (CI) in children enables the development of listening and communication skills, allowing the child's progress in school and to be able to obtain, maintain and carry out an occupation. However, the progress after the CI has different results in some children, because many children are able to interact and participate in society, while others develop limited ability to communicate verbally. The need for a better understanding of CI outcomes, besides hearing and language benefits, has spurred the inclusion of quality of life measurements (QOL) to assess the impact of this technology. OBJECTIVE: Identify the key aspects of quality of life assessed in children with cochlear implant. METHOD: Through a systematic literature review, we considered publications from the period of 2000 to 2011. CONCLUSION: We concluded that QOL measurements in children include several concepts and methodologies. When referring to children using CI, results showed the challenges in broadly conceptualizing which quality of life domains are important to the child and how these areas can evolve during development, considering the wide variety of instruments and aspects evaluated.
From a recent perspective the morse-taper dental implants connections are increasingly being used as an alternative for replacement of a missing teeth. Nevertheless, there are a large variety of prosthetic components available on the market with some limitations regarding the final prothesis. This article demonstrated the difficulties and limitations of prosthesis implant-retained connections when using morse-taper implants (with a prosthetic index) case in which the surgical placement of the implant wasn’t successfully performed. The alternative to overcome this scenario was the technique using the tube screw over the top of a mini abutment component. It was possible to manufacture and to have satisfactory adaptation, achieving the satisfaction of the patient, restoring function and esthetics.
Introduction: In recent years, the benefits associated with the use of cochlear implants (CIs), especially with regard to speech perception, have proven to surpass those produced by the use of hearing aids, making CIs a highly efficient resource for patients with severe/profound hearing loss. However, few studies so far have assessed the satisfaction of adult users of CIs. Objective: To analyze the relationship between the level of speech perception and degree of satisfaction of adult users of CI. Method: This was a prospective cross-sectional study conducted in the Audiological Research Center (CPA) of the Hospital of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of São Paulo (HRAC/USP), in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 12 users of CIs with pre-lingual or post-lingual hearing loss participated in this study. The following tools were used in the assessment: a questionnaire, "Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life" (SADL), culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese, as well as its relationship with the speech perception results; a speech perception test under quiet conditions; and the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT)Brazil under free field conditions. Results: The participants in the study were on the whole satisfied with their devices, and the degree of satisfaction correlated positively with the ability to perceive monosyllabic words under quiet conditions. The satisfaction did not correlate with the level of speech perception in noisy environments. Conclusion: Assessments of satisfaction may help professionals to predict what other factors, in addition to speech perception, may contribute to the satisfaction of CI users in order to reorganize the intervention process to improve the users' quality of life.
The main objective of this paper was to discuss the importance of the reverse planning as guidance to surgical procedures on immediate loading implant-retained prosthesis, presenting a case report. Such design aims to define anchorage orientation after determination of prosthetic design. This is quite important because the possibility of success of cases with this kind of planning may achieve high levels of satisfaction. Another important aspect is the possibility of fast and definitive restoration of patients’ function and aesthetics
PURPOSE: To investigate the possible effect of aspherical or yellow tinted intraocular lens (IOL) on contrast sensitivity and blue-on-yellow perimetry. METHODS: This prospective randomized bilateral double-masked clinical study included 52 patients with visually significant bilateral cataracts divided in two groups; 25 patients (50 eyes) received aspherical intraocular lens in one eye and spherical intraocular lens in the fellow eye; and 27 patients (54 eyes) received ultraviolet and blue light filter (yellow tinted) IOL implantation in one eye and acrylic ultraviolet filter IOL in the fellow eye. The primary outcome measures were contrast sensitivity and blue-on-yellow perimetry values (mean deviation [MD] and pattern standard deviation [PSD]) investigated two years after surgery. The results were compared intra-individually. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant between-group (aspherical and spherical intraocular lens) difference in contrast sensitivity under photopic conditions at 12 cycles per degree and under mesopic conditions at all spatial frequencies. There were no between-group significant differences (yellow tinted and clear intraocular lens) under photopic or mesopic conditions. There was no statistically significant difference between all intraocular lens in MD or PSD. CONCLUSION: Contrast sensitivity was better under mesopic conditions with aspherical intraocular lens. Blue-on-yellow perimetry did not appear to be affected by aspherical or yellow tinted intraocular lens. Further studies with a larger sample should be carried out to confirm or not that hypotheses.
FUNDAMENTO: A rápida endotelização pós-implante de stent é ocorrência desejável por teoricamente reduzir a possibilidade de trombose do stent. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a extensão da endotelização de hastes de stents eluidores de sirolimus (liberados da face luminal e abluminal e abluminal exclusivamente) em artérias ilíacas de coelhos. MÉTODOS: Foram implantados em artérias ilíacas de 10 coelhos quatro stents eluidores de sirolimus na face luminal e abluminal, três stents eluidores de sirolimus na face abluminal, seis stents recobertos com polímero e quatro stents sem recobrimento. Após quatro semanas, foi realizada eutanásia e utilizou-se microscopia eletrônica de varredura para quantificação da área de hastes de stent exposta e da porcentagem de endotelização. RESULTADOS: A área (média ± DP) (mm²) de hastes expostas de stent sem recobrimento, stent recoberto com polímero, stent eluidor de sirolimus na face luminal e abluminal e stent eluidor de sirolimus na face abluminal foi de 0,12 ± 0,08; 0,09 ± 0,12; 0,60 ± 0,67 e 0,05 ± 0,04 respectivamente (p = 0,120). A porcentagem de endotelização (média ± DP) (%) de stent sem recobrimento, stent recoberto com polímero, stent eluidor de sirolimus na face luminal e abluminal e stent eluidor de sirolimus na face abluminal foi de 99 ± 01; 99 ± 0; 97 ± 03 e 99 ± 0 respectivamente (p = 0,133). CONCLUSÃO: Após quatro semanas de implante em artérias ilíacas de coelhos, os stents com liberação de sirolimus tanto da face luminal e abluminal quanto da face abluminal exclusivamente apresentaram taxas de endotelização de hastes de stent semelhantes aos apresentados nos demais tipos de stents sem eluição de medicamento.
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os resultados funcionais iniciais e o índice de complicações precoces das artroplastias totais do quadril cerâmica-cerâmica em pacientes que convivem com o HIV e apresentam osteonecrose da cabeça femoral. MÉTODO: Doze pacientes HIV+ com diagnóstico de osteonecrose da cabeça do fêmur incongruente foram avaliados através de critérios clínicos, laboratoriais, pela escala funcional WOMAC antes e após o tratamento com substituição articular. RESULTADOS: Observamos que 83,3% dos indivíduos faziam uso de inibidores de protease, 75% apresentavam dislipidemia e 66,6% síndrome lipodistrófica, a melhora na evolução no escore WOMAC foi estatisticamente significativa para seis e 12 meses de pós-operatório em comparação com o escore pré-operatório e não observamos complicações secundárias a esse procedimento. CONCLUSÃO: A artroplastia total do quadril com implante de cerâmica-cerâmica para o tratamento da necrose avascular do quadril nessa parcela da população é opção cirúrgica adequada, apresenta melhora funcional inicial significativa e baixo índice de complicação precoce.