995 resultados para IBM 360 (Computer)


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Myoglobin has been studied in considerable detail using different experimental and computational techniques over the past decades. Recent developments in time-resolved spectroscopy have provided experimental data amenable to detailed atomistic simulations. The main theme of the present review are results on the structures, energetics and dynamics of ligands ( CO, NO) interacting with myoglobin from computer simulations. Modern computational methods including free energy simulations, mixed quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations, and reactive molecular dynamics simulations provide insight into the dynamics of ligand dynamics in confined spaces complementary to experiment. Application of these methods to calculate and understand experimental observations for myoglobin interacting with CO and NO are presented and discussed.


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Time correlation functions yield profound information about the dynamics of a physical system and hence are frequently calculated in computer simulations. For systems whose dynamics span a wide range of time, currently used methods require significant computer time and memory. In this paper, we discuss the multiple-tau correlator method for the efficient calculation of accurate time correlation functions on the fly during computer simulations. The multiple-tau correlator is efficacious in terms of computational requirements and can be tuned to the desired level of accuracy. Further, we derive estimates for the error arising from the use of the multiple-tau correlator and extend it for use in the calculation of mean-square particle displacements and dynamic structure factors. The method described here, in hardware implementation, is routinely used in light scattering experiments but has not yet found widespread use in computer simulations.


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Routine computer tasks are often difficult for older adult computer users to learn and remember. People tend to learn new tasks by relating new concepts to existing knowledge. However, even for 'basic' computer tasks there is little, if any, existing knowledge on which older adults can base their learning. This paper investigates a custom file management interface that was designed to aid discovery and learnability by providing interface objects that are familiar to the user. A study was conducted which examined the differences between older and younger computer users when undertaking routine file management tasks using the standard Windows desktop as compared with the custom interface. Results showed that older adult computer users requested help more than ten times as often as younger users when using a standard windows/mouse configuration, made more mistakes and also required significantly more confirmations than younger users. The custom interface showed improvements over standard Windows/mouse, with fewer confirmations and less help being required. Hence, there is potential for an interface that closely mimics the real world to improve computer accessibility for older adults, aiding self-discovery and learnability.


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The work reported in this paper is motivated towards handling single node failures for parallel summation algorithms in computer clusters. An agent based approach is proposed in which a task to be executed is decomposed to sub-tasks and mapped onto agents that traverse computing nodes. The agents intercommunicate across computing nodes to share information during the event of a predicted node failure. Two single node failure scenarios are considered. The Message Passing Interface is employed for implementing the proposed approach. Quantitative results obtained from experiments reveal that the agent based approach can handle failures more efficiently than traditional failure handling approaches.


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An important goal in computational neuroanatomy is the complete and accurate simulation of neuronal morphology. We are developing computational tools to model three-dimensional dendritic structures based on sets of stochastic rules. This paper reports an extensive, quantitative anatomical characterization of simulated motoneurons and Purkinje cells. We used several local and global algorithms implemented in the L-Neuron and ArborVitae programs to generate sets of virtual neurons. Parameters statistics for all algorithms were measured from experimental data, thus providing a compact and consistent description of these morphological classes. We compared the emergent anatomical features of each group of virtual neurons with those of the experimental database in order to gain insights on the plausibility of the model assumptions, potential improvements to the algorithms, and non-trivial relations among morphological parameters. Algorithms mainly based on local constraints (e.g., branch diameter) were successful in reproducing many morphological properties of both motoneurons and Purkinje cells (e.g. total length, asymmetry, number of bifurcations). The addition of global constraints (e.g., trophic factors) improved the angle-dependent emergent characteristics (average Euclidean distance from the soma to the dendritic terminations, dendritic spread). Virtual neurons systematically displayed greater anatomical variability than real cells, suggesting the need for additional constraints in the models. For several emergent anatomical properties, a specific algorithm reproduced the experimental statistics better than the others did. However, relative performances were often reversed for different anatomical properties and/or morphological classes. Thus, combining the strengths of alternative generative models could lead to comprehensive algorithms for the complete and accurate simulation of dendritic morphology.