997 resultados para Hematopoietic System


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A gyrostabiliser control system and method for stabilising marine vessel motion based on precession information only. The control system employs an Automatic Gain Control (AGC) precession controller (60). This system operates with a gain factor that is always being gradually minimized so as to let the gyro flywheel (12) develop as much precession as possible - the higher the precession, the higher the roll stabilising moment. This continuous gain change provides adaptation to changes in sea state and sailing conditions. The system effectively predicts the likelihood of maximum precession being reached. Should this event be detected, then the gain is rapidly increased so as to provide a breaking precession torque. Once the event has passed, the system again attempts to gradually decrease the gain.


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A vessel stabilizer control system includes a sensor fault detection means which senses the availability of sensing signals from a gyrostabilizer precession motion sensor and a vessel roll motion sensor. The control system controls the action of a gyro-actuator which is mechanically coupled to a gyrostabilizer. The benefit of employing fault sensing of the sensors providing the process control variables is that the sensed number of available process control variables (or sensors) can be used to activate a tiered system of control modes. Each tiered control mode is designed to utilize the available process control variables to ensure safe and effective operation of the gyrostabilizer that is tolerant of sensor faults and loss of power supply. A control mode selector is provided for selecting the appropriate control mode based on the number of available process control variables.


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This paper considers the dynamic modelling and motion control of a Surface Effect Ship (SES) for safer transfer of personnel and equipment from vessel to-and-from an offshore wind-turbine. Such a vessel is a key enabling factor for operation and maintenance (O&M) of offshore wind-energy infrastructure. The control system designed is referred to as Boarding Control System (BCS). We investigate the performance of this system for a specific wind-farm service vessel–The Wave Craft. A two-modality vessel model is presented to account for the vessel free motion and motion whilst in contact with a wind-turbine. On a SES, the pressurized air cushion carries the majority of the vessel mass. The control problem considered relates to the actuation of the pressure such that wave-induced vessel motions are minimized. This leads to a safer personnel transfer in developed sea-states than what is possible today. Results for the BCS is presented through simulation and model-scale craft testing.


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The application of multilevel control strategies for load-frequency control of interconnected power systems is assuming importance. A large multiarea power system may be viewed as an interconnection of several lower-order subsystems, with possible change of interconnection pattern during operation. The solution of the control problem involves the design of a set of local optimal controllers for the individual areas, in a completely decentralised environment, plus a global controller to provide the corrective signal to account for interconnection effects. A global controller, based on the least-square-error principle suggested by Siljak and Sundareshan, has been applied for the LFC problem. A more recent work utilises certain possible beneficial aspects of interconnection to permit more desirable system performances. The paper reports the application of the latter strategy to LFC of a two-area power system. The power-system model studied includes the effects of excitation system and governor controls. A comparison of the two strategies is also made.


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Spin-state equilibria in the whole set of LCoO3 (where L stands for a rare-earth metal or Y) have been investigated with the use of 59Co NMR as a probe for the polycrystalline samples (except Ce) in the temperature interval 110-550 K and frequency range 3- 11.6 MHz. Besides confirming the coexistence of the high-spin—low-spin state in this temperature range, a quadrupolar interaction of ∼0.1 -0.5 MHz has been detected for the first time from 59Co NMR. The NMR line shape is found to depend strongly on the relative magnitude of the magnetic and quadrupolar interactions present. Analysis of the powder pattern reveals two basically different types of transferred hyperfine interaction between the lighter and heavier members of the rare-earth series. The first three members of the lighter rare-earth metals La, Pr (rhombohedral), and Nd (tetragonal), exhibit second-order quadrupolar interaction with a zero-asymmetry parameter at lower temperatures. Above a critical temperature TS (dependent on the size of the rare-earth ion), the quadrupolar interaction becomes temperature dependent and eventually gives rise to a first-order interaction thus indicating a possible second-order phase change. Sm and Eu (orthorhombic) exhibit also a second-order quadrupolar interaction with a nonzero asymmetry parameter ((η∼0.47)) at 300 K, while the orthorhombic second-half members (Dy,..., Lu and Y) exhibit first-order quadrupolar interaction at all temperatures. Normal paramagnetic behavior, i.e., a linear variation of Kiso with T-1, has been observed in the heavier rare-earth cobaltites (Er,..., Lu and Y), whereas an anomalous variation has been observed in (La,..., Nd)CoO3. Thus, Kiso increases with increasing temperature in PrCoO3 and NdCoO3. These observations corroborate the model of the spin-state equilibria in LCoO3 originally proposed by Raccah and Goodenough. A high-spin—low-spin ratio, r=1, can be stabilized in the perovskite structure by a cooperative displacement of the oxygen atoms from the high-spin towards the low-spin cation. Where this ordering into high- and low-spin sublattices occurs at r=1, one can anticipate equivalent displacement of all near-neighbor oxygen atoms towards a low-spin cobalt ion. Thus the heavier LCoO3 exhibits a small temperature-independent first-order quadrupolar interaction. Where r<1, the high- and low-spin states are disordered, giving rise to a temperature-dependent second-order quadrupolar interaction with an anomalous Kiso for the lighter LCoO3.