995 resultados para Health Sciences, Toxicology|Chemistry, Analytical


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A new microscale method is reported for the determination of doxorubicin and its active metabolite, doxorubicinol, in parrot plasma. Sample workup involved acetonitrile protein precipitation, ethyl acetate extraction, followed by back extraction into HCl. Separations were achieved on a phenyl-hexyl column at 30 degrees C using acetonitrile (17%, v/v) in 0.01 M orthophosphoric acid (83%, v/v) delivered via a linear flow program. Fluorometric detection wavelengths were 235 nm (excitation) and 550 nm (emission). Calibration plots were linear (1 2 > 0.999), and recoveries were 71-87% from 20 to 400 ng/mL. Assay imprecision was


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A novel member of the human relaxin subclass of the insulin superfamily was recently discovered during a genomics database search and named relaxin-3. Like human relaxin-1 and relaxin-2, relaxin-3 is predicted to consist of a two-chain structure and three disulfide bonds in a disposition identical to that of insulin. To undertake detailed biophysical and biological characterization of the peptide, its chemical synthesis was undertaken. In contrast to human relaxin-1 and relaxin-2, however, relaxin-3 could not be successfully prepared by simple combination of the individual chains, thus necessitating recourse to the use of a regioselective disulfide bond formation strategy. Solid phase synthesis of the separate, selectively S-protected A and B chains followed by their purification and the subsequent stepwise formation of each of the three disulfides led to the successful acquisition of human relaxin-3. Comprehensive chemical characterization confirmed both the correct chain orientation and the integrity of the synthetic product. Relaxin-3 was found to bind to and activate native relaxin receptors in vitro and stimulate water drinking through central relaxin receptors in vivo. Recent studies have demonstrated that relaxin-3 will bind to and activate human LGR7, but not LGR8, in vitro. Secondary structural analysis showed it to adopt a less ordered confirmation than either relaxin-1 or relaxin-2, reflecting the presence in the former of a greater percentage of nonhelical forming amino acids. NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing calculations were used to determine the three-dimensional structure of relaxin-3 and to identify key structural differences between the human relaxins.


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A new safety-catch linker for Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis of cyclic peptides is reported. The linear precursors were assembled on a tert-butyl protected catechol derivative using optimized conditions for Fmoc-removal. After activation of the linker using TFA, neutralization of the N-terminal amine induced cyclization with concomitant cleavage from the resin yielding the cyclic peptides in DMF solution. Several constrained cyclic peptides were synthesized in excellent yields and purities. Copyright (c) 2005 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A common problem encountered during the development of MS methods for the quantitation of small organic molecules by LGMS is the formation of non-covalently bound species or adducts in the electrospray interface. Often the population of the molecular ion is insignificant compared to those of all other forms of the analyte produced in the electrospray, making it difficult to obtain the sensitivity required for accurate quantitation. We have investigated the effects of the following variables: orifice potential, nebulizer gas flow, temperature, solvent composition and the sample pH on the relative distributions of ions of the types MH+, MNa+, MNH+, and 2MNa(+), where M represents a 4 small organic molecule: BAY 11-7082 ((E)-3-[4-methylphenylsulfonyl]-2-propenenitrile). Orifice potential, solvent composition and the sample pH had the greatest influence on the relative distributions of these ions, making these parameters the most useful for optimizing methods for the quantitation of small molecules.