993 resultados para HBV DNA quantification
African clawed frogs of the widespread polytypic species Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 (ranging large parts of sub-Saharan Africa) have been spreading since the 1940s, and have established reproductive populations in Europe, Asia and the Americas, where they can have negative impact as competitors of native amphibians and as disease vectors for chytridomycosis or ranaviruses. Here we use two mitochondrial (cytochrome b, 16S rDNA) and one nuclear (RAG 1: Recombination Associated Gene 1) DNA markers to infer the potential origin of invasive clawed frogs from Sicily that represent the largest invasive population in Europe. Identical mtDNA haplotypes match with those of Xenopus laevis, and Sicilian clawed frogs very probably belong to a lineage from the Cape Region of South Africa, most likely originating from a laboratory stock. Nuclear data support this conclusion. Identical mtDNA sequences (cyt b, 16S) of frogs sampled across their range in Sicily suggest the occurrence of a single source population and a potential bottleneck at their release, but faster evolving multilocus nuclear data (microsatellites, SNPs) on the population genetics would be important in the future to better support this hypothesis
In the present study, we have investigated the anatomic distribution in blood and gut mucosal tissues of memory poxvirus-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in subjects vaccinated with smallpox and compared it with vector (NYVAC)-specific and HIV insert-specific T-cell responses induced by an experimental DNA-C/ NYVAC-C vaccine regimen. Smallpox-specific CD4 T-cell responses were present in the blood of 52% of the subjects studied, while smallpox-specific CD8 T cells were rarely detected (12%). With one exception, smallpox-specific T cells were not measurable in gut tissues. Interestingly, NYVAC vector-specific and HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses were detected in almost 100% of the subjects immunized with DNA-C/NYVAC-C in blood and gut tissues. The large majority (83%) of NYVAC-specific CD4 T cells expressed α4β7 integrins and the HIV coreceptor CCR5. These results demonstrate that the experimental DNA-C/NYVAC-C HIV vaccine regimen induces the homing of potentially protective HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in the gut, the port of entry of HIV and one of the major sites for HIV spreading and the depletion of CD4 T cells.
Fanconi anemia is a genetically heterogeneous disorder associated with chromosome instability and a highly elevated risk for developing cancer. The mutated genes encode proteins involved in the cellular response to DNA replication stress. Fanconi anemia proteins are extensively connected with DNA caretaker proteins, and appear to function as a hub for the coordination of DNA repair with DNA replication and cell cycle progression. At a molecular level, however, the raison d'être of Fanconi anemia proteins still remains largely elusive. The thirteen Fanconi anemia proteins identified to date have not been embraced into a single and defined biological process. To help put the Fanconi anemia puzzle into perspective, we begin this review with a summary of the strategies employed by prokaryotes and eukaryotes to tolerate obstacles to the progression of replication forks. We then summarize what we know about Fanconi anemia with an emphasis on biochemical aspects, and discuss how the Fanconi anemia network, a late acquisition in evolution, may function to permit the faithful and complete duplication of our very large vertebrate chromosomes.