994 resultados para Fungal decay potential
Myoblast transfer therapy has been extensively studied for a wide range of clinical applications, such as tissue engineering for muscular loss, cardiac surgery or Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy treatment. However, this approach has been hindered by numerous limitations, including early myoblast death after injection and specific immune response after transplantation with allogenic cells. Different cell sources have been analyzed to overcome some of these limitations. The object of our study was to investigate the growth potential, characterization and integration in vivo of human primary fetal skeletal muscle cells. These data together show the potential for the creation of a cell bank to be used as a cell source for muscle cell therapy and tissue engineering. For this purpose, we developed primary muscular cell cultures from biopsies of human male thigh muscle from a 16-week-old fetus and from donors of 13 and 30 years old. We show that fetal myogenic cells can be successfully isolated and expanded in vitro from human fetal muscle biopsies, and that fetal cells have higher growth capacities when compared to young and adult cells. We confirm lineage specificity by comparing fetal muscle cells to fetal skin and bone cells in vitro by immunohistochemistry with desmin and 5.1 H11 antibodies. For the feasibility of the cell bank, we ensured that fetal muscle cells retained intrinsic characteristics after 5 years cryopreservation. Finally, human fetal muscle cells marked with PKH26 were injected in normal C57BL/6 mice and were found to be present up to 4 days. In conclusion we estimate that a human fetal skeletal muscle cell bank can be created for potential muscle cell therapy and tissue engineering.
Veterans of infection, Leishmania parasites have been plaguing mammals for centuries, causing a morbidity toll second only to that of malaria as the most devastating protozoan parasitic disease in the world. Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is, by far, the most prevalent form of the disease, with symptoms ranging from a single self-healing lesion to chronic metastatic leishmaniasis (ML). In an increasingly immunocompromised population, complicated CL is becoming a more likely outcome, characterized by severely inflamed, destructive lesions that are often refractory to current treatment. This is perhaps because our ageing arsenal of variably effective antileishmanial drugs may be directly or indirectly immunomodulatory and may thus have variable effects in each type and stage of CL. Indeed, widely differing immune biases are created by the various species of Leishmania, and these immunological watersheds are further shifted by extrinsic disturbances in immune homeostasis. For example, we recently showed that a naturally occurring RNA virus (Leishmania RNA virus (LRV)) within some Leishmania parasites creates hyperinflammatory cross-talk, which can predispose to ML: a case of immunological misfire that may require a different approach to immunotherapy, whereby treatments are tailored to underlying immune biases. Understanding the intersecting immune pathways of leishmaniasis and its co-infections will enable us to identify new drug targets, and thereby design therapeutic strategies that work by untangling the immunological cross-wires of pathogenic cross-talk.
Most optimistic views, based on Optimum Currency Areas (OCA) literature, have concluded that the probability of asymmetric shocks to occur at anational level will tend to diminish in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)as a result of the intensification of the integration process during the most recent years. Therefore, since Economic Geography Theories predict a higherspecialisation of regions, it is expected that asymmetric shocks will increase.Previous studies have examined to what extent asymmetric shocks have been relevant in the past using, mainly, static measures of asymmetries such as the correlation coefficients between series of shocks previously calculated from astructural VAR model (Bayoumi and Eichengreen, 1992).In this paper, we study the evolution of manufacturing specific asymmetries in Europe from a dynamic point of view (applying the modelproposed by Haldane and Hall, 1991) in order to obtain new evidence about potential risks of EMU.