1000 resultados para Francisco José Aizkibel (1798-1865)
La geobotánica (fitogeografía), rama de la biogeografía, estudia cómo la tectónica de placas y las orogénesis determinan una distribución de tierras, mares y accidentes geográficos, el aislamiento o la conexión de poblaciones, la distribución espacial de las especies y los fenómenos de especialización. La corología, por su parte, se ocupa de la distribución geográfica de cada especie, siendo el clima y el suelo los principales factores que influyen en la misma. Como resumen podemos decir que para la geobotánica es de interés poder obtener y analizar: mapas corológicos, los factores limitantes climáticos y químicos, y la relación con el medio y otras especies. El objetivo de la aplicación Web desarrollada, basada en estándares OGC para el acceso y visualización de información geográfica, es dotar a los geobotánicos de una herramienta sencilla y accesible en Web, que ayude en los procesos de estudio y análisis de la distribución de especies vegetales en el territorio y sus condicionantes. La aplicación, desarrollada a partir de los datos del inventario botánico del profesor Martínez Labarga de la cuenca media del Tajo, permite realizar estudios y análisis geobotánicos, apoyándose en la confección de mapas corológicos y la correlación de la distribución de cada especie con las magnitudes climáticas de temperatura o precipitación y las características de los suelos sobre los que aparece. Esta aplicación dispone de una arquitectura de 3 capas (almacenes de datos, servicios y clientes) y ha sido desarrollada con tecnologías OpenSource (PostGIS, Geoserver, Apache httpd, OpenLayers, GeoExt, php) y consume datos propios publicados mediante estándares OGC (WMS y WFS) y capas de la IDE tanto de suelos (litológico, geológico, topográfico, ortoimágenes) como climáticos (precipitaciones y temperaturas ?CREAF). El desarrollo de la aplicación y la prueba de concepto han permitido identificar algunos problemas de rendimiento a la hora de realizar consultas al Atlas Climático de la Península Ibérica y se ha propuesto una solución basada en el cacheado de datos consultados en tiempo de ejecución
A complete characterisation of PV modules for building integration is needed in order to know their influence on the building’s global energy balance. Specifically, certain characteristic parameters should be obtained for each different PV module suitable for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), some by direct or indirect measurements at the laboratory, and others by monitoring the element performance mounted in real operating conditions. In the case of transparent building envelopes it is particularly important to perform an optical and thermal characterization of the PV modules that would be integrated in them. This paper addresses the optical characterization of some commercial thin-film PV modules having different degrees of transparency, suitable for building integration in façades. The approach is based on the measurement of the spectral UV/Vis/NIR reflectance and transmittance of the different considered samples, both at normal incidence and as a function of the angle of incidence. With the obtained results, the total and zoned UV, visible and NIR transmission and reflection values are calculated, enabling the correct characterization of the PV modules integrated in façades and the subsequent evaluation of their impact over the electrical, thermal and lighting performance in a building.
Evaluation of the competitiveness of agri-food sector in the región of the Alcarria Conquense(Spain)
The agrifood industry, like other sectors, faces the ongoing challenge of improving their competitiveness in order to strengthen its market presence and cater to the growing global population. This research measures the competitiveness of the agrifood industry in the region of La Alcarria Conquense (Spain), in the framework of the evaluation of programs in the territory that have aimed at improving and enhancing this sector. Through building the competitiveness profiles (Porter, 1990) and cluster analysis we have identified six competitive strategy patterns in food companies in the region. In addition, we have analyzed each of the areas of competitiveness and we can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the sector, and identify recommendations for increasing the responsiveness of the territory. Among the defining characteristics are the lack of association, the limitation on payment systems or virtual absence of training and innovation. However, programs to support the sector are highly valued and reverse in the long-term viability of these companies.
Within the building energy saving strategies, BIPV (building integrated photovoltaic systems) present a promising potential based on the close relationship existing between these multifunctional systems and the overall building energy balance. Building integration of STPV (semi-transparent photovoltaic) elements affects deeply the building energy demand since it influences the heating, cooling and lighting loads as well as the local electricity generation. This work analyses over different window-to-wall ratios the overall energy performance of five STPV elements, each element having a specific degree of transparency, in order to assess the energy saving potential compared to a conventional solar control glass compliant with the local technical standard. The prior optical characterization, focused to measure the spectral properties of the elements, was experimentally undertaken. The obtained data were used to perform simulations based on a reference office building using a package of specific software tools (DesignBuilder, EnergyPlus, PVsyst, and COMFEN) to take proper account of the STPV peculiarities. To evaluate the global energy performance of the STPV elements a new Energy Balance Index was formulated. The results show that for intermediate and large façade openings the energy saving potential provided by the STPV solutions ranges between 18% and 59% compared to the reference glass.
Revisión y actualización del proceso constructivo del conjunto monumental, hoy disgregado en dos Bienes de Interés Cultural, con aportación de nuevos datos y transcripción gráfica del mismo.
The opening of new windows on the façade is proposed as a refurbishment strategy in an existing building in Málaga to facilitate cross ventilation of dwellings. The building is a residential block of 140 public housing units for rent for people with low income in Málaga (Spain), property of the City Council. By modeling with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), eleven configurations of openings are studied in two different areas of the main housing type of the building. The quantity of introduced/extracted air into/from the room and the generated airflow patterns are obtained. The modeling allows comparing the different openings configurations to determine the most appropriate ventilation option for every room.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el estudio, diseño e implementación de equipos de bajo coste, flexibles y de fácil mantenimiento para un laboratorio docente de comunicaciones ópticas.
La inferencia del rendimiento final que los sistemas fotovoltaicos multifunción para edificación, más conocidos como Buiding Integrated PhotoVoltaics (BIPV), es decir, su funcionamiento y la viabilidad de los mismos, es hoy posible gracias a las herramientas de simulación disponibles. Estas requieren del conocimiento previo de los parámetros característicos de dichos elementos fotovoltaicos. Unos son obtenidos por mediciones directas o indirectas en el laboratorio, y otros mediante su monitorización en condiciones de funcionamiento reales. En este trabajo se ha abordado la caracterización óptica de los módulos fotovoltaicos comerciales de capa fina (a-Si) que están siendo utilizados en un proyecto propio del IES, en el cual se estudian estos aspectos. La característica más destacada de estos módulos es la gradación en su transparencia para adecuarlos a la integración como envolventes tipo muro cortina en edificios del sector terciario. En particular, el objetivo de este trabajo ha sido la medición de la transmitancia y la reflectancia espectrales, en los rangos UV/Vis/NIR, tanto en incidencia normal como bajo otros ángulos más próximos a los de operación. Con los resultados obtenidos, se han calculado los valores de la radiación reflejada y la transmitida, totales y por rangos UV, Vis y NIR, lo que permite la correcta caracterización de los módulos fotovoltaicos integrados en fachadas y la posterior evaluación de su impacto sobre el rendimiento eléctrico, térmico y la iluminación en un edificio.
The global economic structure, with its decentralized production and the consequent increase in freight traffic all over the world, creates considerable problems and challenges for the freight transport sector. This situation has led shipping to become the most suitable and cheapest way to transport goods. Thus, ports are configured as nodes with critical importance in the logistics supply chain as a link between two transport systems, sea and land. Increase in activity at seaports is producing three undesirable effects: increasing road congestion, lack of open space in port installations and a significant environmental impact on seaports. These adverse effects can be mitigated by moving part of the activity inland. Implementation of dry ports is a possible solution and would also provide an opportunity to strengthen intermodal solutions as part of an integrated and more sustainable transport chain, acting as a link between road and railway networks. In this sense, implementation of dry ports allows the separation of the links of the transport chain, thus facilitating the shortest possible routes for the lowest capacity and most polluting means of transport. Thus, the decision of where to locate a dry port demands a thorough analysis of the whole logistics supply chain, with the objective of transferring the largest volume of goods possible from road to more energy efficient means of transport, like rail or short-sea shipping, that are less harmful to the environment. However, the decision of where to locate a dry port must also ensure the sustainability of the site. Thus, the main goal of this article is to research the variables influencing the sustainability of dry port location and how this sustainability can be evaluated. With this objective, in this paper we present a methodology for assessing the sustainability of locations by the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). MCDA is used as a way to establish a scoring, whilst BNs were chosen to eliminate arbitrariness in setting the weightings using a technique that allows us to prioritize each variable according to the relationships established in the set of variables. In order to determine the relationships between all the variables involved in the decision, giving us the importance of each factor and variable, we built a K2 BN algorithm. To obtain the scores of each variable, we used a complete cartography analysed by ArcGIS. Recognising that setting the most appropriate location to place a dry port is a geographical multidisciplinary problem, with significant economic, social and environmental implications, we consider 41 variables (grouped into 17 factors) which respond to this need. As a case of study, the sustainability of all of the 10 existing dry ports in Spain has been evaluated. In this set of logistics platforms, we found that the most important variables for achieving sustainability are those related to environmental protection, so the sustainability of the locations requires a great respect for the natural environment and the urban environment in which they are framed.
En los últimos tiempos, los radares han dejado de ser instrumentos utilizados únicamente en aviación, defensa y detección de velocidad. El avance de la tecnología de radiofrecuencia ha permitido la reducción de coste, tamaño y consumo de los componentes radar. Esto ha permitido que cada sea más frecuente el uso del radar en elementos de nuestra vida cotidiana tales como la automoción, la seguridad, la medida de líquidos… Este proyecto se basa en uno de estos nuevos componentes de bajo coste y pequeño tamaño, el transceptor BGT24MTR11. El BGTR24MTR11 integra transmisor, VCO y receptor, los elementos principales para la creación de un radar Doppler en la banda de frecuencia ISM 24-24,25 GHz. A partir de la placa de evaluación de ese transceptor, se aborda el diseño de un prototipo/demostrador de radar Doppler CW en la banda de 24 GHz. Para la generación de frecuencia se utiliza la placa de evaluación del PLL HMC702 y se ha diseñado un PCB a medida cuyas funciones son las de alimentación, programación y amplificación de las señales recibidas por el prototipo. Por último, se comprueba el correcto funcionamiento del prototipo y se verifica su funcionamiento mediante la simulación de dos escenarios de prueba. ABSTRACT. In the recent times, radar systems have changed of being tools used only in aviation, defence and speed detection. Radiofrequency technology improvements have allowed a cost, size and power consumption of the radar components. This is the reason because each time is more frequent the use of radar in elements of our daily life such as automotive, security, liquid measurements… This Project is base don one of this low power and size components, the MMIC transceptor BGT24MTR11. This transceptor integrates the main components needed to make a Doppler radar in the ISM Band (24-24 GHz), the transmitter, the receiver with the low noise amplifier and the VCO. Using the evaluation board of this transceptor, this Project approach the design of a CW Doppler radar prototype/demonstrator in the frequency band of 24 GHz. The frequency generation is based on the use of the HMC702 PLL evaluation board. Moreover, it has been designed a custom PCB whose funcionts are the power supply, programation and amplification of the signals received by the prototype. At the end, the correct operation of the prototype is verified and it is tested simulating two different test scenarios.