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The history and the ultimate future fate of the universe as a whole depend on how much the expansion of the universe is decelerated by its own mass. In particular, whether the expansion of the universe will ever come to a halt can be determined from the past expansion. However, the mass density in the universe does not only govern the expansion history and the curvature of space, but in parallel also regulates the growth of hierarchical structure, including the collapse of material into the dense, virialized regions that we identify with galaxies. Hence, the formation of galaxies and their clustered distribution in space depend not only on the detailed physics of how stars are formed but also on the overall structure of the universe. Recent observational efforts, fueled by new large, ground-based telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope, combined with theoretical progress, have brought us to the verge of determining the expansion history of the universe and space curvature from direct observation and to linking this to the formation history of galaxies.


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The most productive (“star”) bioscientists had intellectual human capital of extraordinary scientific and pecuniary value for some 10–15 years after Cohen and Boyer’s 1973 founding discovery for biotechnology [Cohen, S., Chang, A., Boyer, H. & Helling, R. (1973) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 70, 3240–3244]. This extraordinary value was due to the union of still scarce knowledge of the new research techniques and genius and vision to apply them in novel, valuable ways. As in other sciences, star bioscientists were very protective of their techniques, ideas, and discoveries in the early years of the revolution, tending to collaborate more within their own institution, which slowed diffusion to other scientists. Close, bench-level working ties between stars and firm scientists were needed to accomplish commercialization of the breakthroughs. Where and when star scientists were actively producing publications is a key predictor of where and when commercial firms began to use biotechnology. The extent of collaboration by a firm’s scientists with stars is a powerful predictor of its success: for an average firm, 5 articles coauthored by an academic star and the firm’s scientists result in about 5 more products in development, 3.5 more products on the market, and 860 more employees. Articles by stars collaborating with or employed by firms have significantly higher rates of citation than other articles by the same or other stars. The U.S. scientific and economic infrastructure has been particularly effective in fostering and commercializing the bioscientific revolution. These results let us see the process by which scientific breakthroughs become economic growth and consider implications for policy.


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Catalysis at organophilic silica-rich surfaces of zeolites and feldspars might generate replicating biopolymers from simple chemicals supplied by meteorites, volcanic gases, and other geological sources. Crystal–chemical modeling yielded packings for amino acids neatly encapsulated in 10-ring channels of the molecular sieve silicalite-ZSM-5-(mutinaite). Calculation of binding and activation energies for catalytic assembly into polymers is progressing for a chemical composition with one catalytic Al–OH site per 25 neutral Si tetrahedral sites. Internal channel intersections and external terminations provide special stereochemical features suitable for complex organic species. Polymer migration along nano/micrometer channels of ancient weathered feldspars, plus exploitation of phosphorus and various transition metals in entrapped apatite and other microminerals, might have generated complexes of replicating catalytic biomolecules, leading to primitive cellular organisms. The first cell wall might have been an internal mineral surface, from which the cell developed a protective biological cap emerging into a nutrient-rich “soup.” Ultimately, the biological cap might have expanded into a complete cell wall, allowing mobility and colonization of energy-rich challenging environments. Electron microscopy of honeycomb channels inside weathered feldspars of the Shap granite (northwest England) has revealed modern bacteria, perhaps indicative of Archean ones. All known early rocks were metamorphosed too highly during geologic time to permit simple survival of large-pore zeolites, honeycombed feldspar, and encapsulated species. Possible microscopic clues to the proposed mineral adsorbents/catalysts are discussed for planning of systematic study of black cherts from weakly metamorphosed Archaean sediments.


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The equilibrium dissociation of recombinant human IFN-γ was monitored as a function of pressure and sucrose concentration. The partial molar volume change for dissociation was −209 ± 13 ml/mol of dimer. The specific molar surface area change for dissociation was 12.7 ± 1.6 nm2/molecule of dimer. The first-order aggregation rate of recombinant human IFN-γ in 0.45 M guanidine hydrochloride was studied as a function of sucrose concentration and pressure. Aggregation proceeded through a transition-state species, N*. Sucrose reduced aggregation rate by shifting the equilibrium between native state (N) and N* toward the more compact N. Pressure increased aggregation rate through increased solvation of the protein, which exposes more surface area, thus shifting the equilibrium away from N toward N*. The changes in partial molar volume and specific molar surface area between the N* and N were −41 ± 9 ml/mol of dimer and 3.5 ± 0.2 nm2/molecule, respectively. Thus, the structural change required for the formation of the transition state for aggregation is small relative to the difference between N and the dissociated state. Changes in waters of hydration were estimated from both specific molar surface area and partial molar volume data. From partial molar volume data, estimates were 25 and 128 mol H2O/mol dimer for formation of the aggregation transition state and for dissociation, respectively. From surface area data, estimates were 27 and 98 mol H2O/mol dimer. Osmotic stress theory yielded values ≈4-fold larger for both transitions.


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Reduced (FeII) Rhodopseudomonas palustris cytochrome c′ (Cyt c′) is more stable toward unfolding ([GuHCl]1/2 = 2.9(1) M) than the oxidized (FeIII) protein ([GuHCl]1/2 = 1.9(1) M). The difference in folding free energies (ΔΔGf° = 70 meV) is less than half of the difference in reduction potentials of the folded protein (100 mV vs. NHE) and a free heme in aqueous solution (≈−150 mV). The spectroscopic features of unfolded FeII–Cyt c′ indicate a low-spin heme that is axially coordinated to methionine sulfur (Met-15 or Met-25). Time-resolved absorption measurements after CO photodissociation from unfolded FeII(CO)–Cyt c′ confirm that methionine can bind to the ferroheme on the microsecond time scale [kobs = 5(2) × 104 s−1]. Protein folding was initiated by photoreduction (two-photon laser excitation of NADH) of unfolded FeIII–Cyt c′ ([GuHCl] = 2.02–2.54 M). Folding kinetics monitored by heme absorption span a wide time range and are highly heterogeneous; there are fast-folding (≈103 s−1), intermediate-folding (102–101 s−1), and slow-folding (10−1 s−1) populations, with the last two likely containing methionine-ligated (Met-15 or Met-25) ferrohemes. Kinetics after photoreduction of unfolded FeIII–Cyt c′ in the presence of CO are attributable to CO binding [1.4(6) × 103 s−1] and FeII(CO)–Cyt c′ folding [2.8(9) s−1] processes; stopped-flow triggered folding of FeIII–Cyt c′ (which does not contain a protein-derived sixth ligand) is adequately described by a single kinetics phase with an estimated folding time constant of ≈4 ms [ΔGf° = −33(3) kJ mol−1] at zero denaturant.


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The expression of distinct keratin pairs during epidermal differentiation is assumed to fulfill specific and essential cytoskeletal functions. This is supported by a great variety of genodermatoses exhibiting tissue fragility because of keratin mutations. Here, we show that the loss of K10, the most prominent epidermal protein, allowed the formation of a normal epidermis in neonatal mice without signs of fragility or wound-healing response. However, there were profound changes in the composition of suprabasal keratin filaments. K5/14 persisted suprabasally at elevated protein levels, whereas their mRNAs remained restricted to the basal keratinocytes. This indicated a novel mechanism regulating keratin turnover. Moreover, the amount of K1 was reduced. In the absence of its natural partner we observed the formation of a minor amount of novel K1/14/15 filaments as revealed by immunogold electron microscopy. We suggest that these changes maintained epidermal integrity. Furthermore, suprabasal keratinocytes contained larger keratohyalin granules similar to our previous K10T mice. A comparison of profilaggrin processing in K10T and K10−/− mice revealed an accumulation of filaggrin precursors in the former but not in the latter, suggesting a requirement of intact keratin filaments for the processing. The mild phenotype of K10−/− mice suggests that there is a considerable redundancy in the keratin gene family.


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Replication forks formed at bacterial origins often encounter template roadblocks in the form of DNA adducts and frozen protein–DNA complexes, leading to replication-fork stalling and inactivation. Subsequent correction of the corrupting template lesion and origin-independent assembly of a new replisome therefore are required for survival of the bacterium. A number of models for replication-fork restart under these conditions posit that nascent strand regression at the stalled fork generates a Holliday junction that is a substrate for subsequent processing by recombination and repair enzymes. We show here that early replication intermediates containing replication forks stalled in vitro by the accumulation of excess positive supercoils could be cleaved by the Holliday junction resolvases RusA and RuvC. Cleavage by RusA was inhibited by the presence of RuvA and was stimulated by RecG, confirming the presence of Holliday junctions in the replication intermediate and supporting the previous proposal that RecG could catalyze nascent strand regression at stalled replication forks. Furthermore, RecG promoted Holliday junction formation when replication intermediates in which the replisome had been inactivated were negatively supercoiled, suggesting that under intracellular conditions, the action of RecG, or helicases with similar activities, is necessary for the catalysis of nascent strand regression.


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Contact interactions between different cell types play a number of important roles in development, for example in cell sorting, tissue organization, and ordered migration of cells. The nature of such heterocellular interactions, in contrast to interactions between cells of the same type, remains largely unknown. In this report, we present experimental data examining the dynamics of heterocellular interactions between epitheliocytes and fibroblasts, which express different cadherin cell adhesion molecules and possess different actin cytoskeletal organizations. Our analysis revealed two striking features of heterocellular contact. First, the active free edge of an epitheliocyte reorganizes its actin cytoskeleton after making contact with a fibroblast. Upon contact with the leading edge of a fibroblast, epitheliocytes disassemble their marginal bundle of actin filaments and reassemble actin filaments into a geometric organization more typical of a fibroblast lamella. Second, epitheliocytes and fibroblasts form cell–cell adhesion structures that have an irregular organization and are associated with components of cell adhesion complexes. The structural organization of these adhesions is more closely related to the type of contacts formed between fibroblasts rather than to those between epitheliocytes. Heterotypic epithelio-fibroblastic contacts, like homotypic contacts between fibroblasts, are transient and do not lead to formation of stable contact interactions. We suggest that heterocellular contact interactions in culture may be regarded as models of how tissue systems consisting of epithelia and mesenchyme interact and become organized in vivo.


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We report that silver ion HPLC provides remarkable separations of C27 sterols differing only in the number or location of olefinic double bonds. This technique has been extended to LC-MS, analysis of purified components by GC, GC-MS, and 1H NMR, and to its use on a semipreparative scale. The application of this methodology for the demonstration of the catalysis, by rat liver microsomes, of the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholesta-5,8-dien-3 beta-ol is also presented.