996 resultados para Formation à distance


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In order to determine the properties of the bicycloheptatrienyl anion (Ia) (predicted to be conjugatively stabilized by Hückel Molecular Orbital Theory) the neutral precursor, bicyclo[3. 2. 0] hepta-1, 4, 6-triene (I) was prepared by the following route.

Reaction of I with potassium-t-butoxide, potassium, or lithium dicyclohexylamide gave anion Ia in very low yield. Reprotonation of I was found to occur solely at the 1 or 5 position to give triene II, isolated as to its dimers.

A study of the acidity of I and of other conjugated hydrocarbons by means of ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy resulted in determination of the following order of relative acidities:

H2S ˃ C5H6 ˃ CH3NO2 ˃ 1, 4- C5H8 ˃ I ˃ C2H5OH ˃ H2O; cyclo-C7H8 ˃ C2 H5OH; фCH3 ˃ CH3OH

In addition, limits for the proton affinities of the conjugate bases were determined:

350 kcal/mole ˂ PA(C5 H5-) ˂ 360 kcal/mole

362 kcal/mole ˂ PA(C5H7-, Ia, cyclo-C7H7-) ˂ 377 kcal/mole PA(фCH2-) ˂ 385 kcal/mole

Gas phase kinetics of the trans-XVIII to I transformation gave the following activation parameters: Ea = 43.0 kcal/mole, log A = 15.53 and ∆Sǂ (220°) = 9.6 cu. The results were interpreted as indicating initial 1,2 bond cleavage to give the 1,3-diradical which closed to I. Similar studies on cis-XVIII gave results consistent with a surface component to the reaction (Ea = 22.7 kcal/mole; log A = 9.23, ∆Sǂ (119°) = -18.9 eu).

The low pressure (0.01 to 1 torr) pyrolysis of trans-XVIII gave in addition to I, fulvenallene (LV), ethynylcyclopentadiene (LVI) and heptafulvalene (LVII). The relative ratios of the C7H6 isomers were found to be dependent upon temperature and pressure, higher relative pressure and lower temperatures favoring formation of I. The results were found to be consistent with the intermediacy of vibrationally excited I and subsequent reaction to give LV and LVI.


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The contribution to the magnetic uniaxial perpendicular anisotropy which arises from substrate constraint through magnetostrictive effects has been measured in Ni-Fe and Ni-Co thin films evaporated on substrates at room temperature. This was accomplished by measuring the perpendicular anisotropy before and after removal of the film from the substrate. Data are given for the fcc crystal structure regions of both alloy systems, but data for Ni-Co include compositions with less than 60% Ni which have a small percentage of the hcp phase mixed with the fcc phase. The constraint contribution to the perpendicular anisotropy correlates well with the value of the bulk magnetostriction constant using the equation ∆K˔=3/2λsσ. Measured values of isotropic stress for films thicker than 600 Å were 1.6 x 1010 dyn/cm2. In films less than 600 Å thick the isotropic stress decreased with decreasing thickness. After removal of the films from the substrates, the measured perpendicular anisotropy deviated from the expected geometrical shape anisotropy near pure Ni in both alloys. This indicates that additional significant sources of anisotropy exist at these compositions.

The effect of substrate constraint on the crystalline anisotropy K1 of Ni-Fe epitaxial films has been studied by use of a film removal technique, which involves the evaporation of an epitaxial layer of LiF on MgO, the epitaxial growth of the metallic film on the LiF, and the stripping of the film with water soluble tape. Films ranging in composition from 50% to 100% Ni have been studied. For compositions below 90% Ni the experimental values agree reasonably well with the first order theoretical prediction, ∆K1=[-9/4(C11-C122 100+9/2C44λ2111].

In order to compare the magnetic properties of epitaxial thin films more completely with the properties of bulk single crystals, Ni-Fe films ranging in composition from 60% to 90% Ni, which were evaporated epitaxially on (100) MgO substrates, have been subsequently annealed at 400°C in a vacuum of less than 10-7 Torr to form the ordered Ni3Fe structure near the 75% composition. This ordered structure has been confirmed by electron diffraction.

The saturation magnetization at Ni3Fe increased about 6% with ordering which is in good agreement with previous bulk data. Measurements of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy K1 for the epitaxial films show the same large changes with ordering as observed in bulk single crystal samples. In the (001) plane the magnetostriction constants λ100, λ111 are directly related to the induced anisotropy due to a uniform uniaxial strain in the [100] and [110] directions respectively. Assuming that the elastic constants of a film are the same as in bulk material and are unchanged by ordering, the changes in strain sensitivity with ordering for the epitaxial films are found to be in good agreement with values predicted from bulk data. The exchange constant A as measured by ferromagnetic resonance has been measured at the Ni3Fe composition and found to increase 25% with ordering. This seems to indicate a significant increase in the Curie temperature which has only been inferred indirectly for bulk material.


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Unit activity was recorded from the midbrain and pons of 40 freely moving rats in an appetitive classical conditioning situation. Responses to auditory stimuli were observed from 100 units before and during a conditioning procedure in which presentation of food occurred 1 sec after the onset of the auditory stimulus. Conditioned unit responses (i.e., spike rate accelerations or decelerations) were considered to be positive when 1) no similar responses appeared prior to conditioning, and 2) latencies were equal to or less than those of sensory responses derived from the inferior colliculus. Such short latency conditioned unit responses were recorded from 11 probes located in the mid-lateral pert of the ventral region of the brain stem. This region was differentiated from paramedian, far lateral and dorsal parts of the brain stem reticular formation. Conditioned unit responses of considerably longer latencies were recorded from 76 probe located in these other regions. Among the longer latency responses interesting differences appeared in experiments conducted after the first conditioning series was completed. With additional training, units in the "reticular activating system" of midbrain and pons tended to yield stabilized responses in the early portion of the CS-US interval closely related in time to the orientation responses evoked by the CS. In contrast, the responses of units in the limbic midbrain tended to stabilize in the later part of the CS-US interval closely related in time to preparatory responses tied to the US. During extinction when the auditory stimulus was no longer followed by presentation of food, many of the responses were reduced to their pre-conditioning levels. However, there was a tendency for units which had displayed short latency responses on the first conditioning day to be more resistant to extinction than units which had displayed longer latency conditioned responses. The data were interpreted as indicating a local correlate of learning in the reticular formation of midbrain end pons and a separation of the midbrain system into at least two areas: 1) the classical "reticular activating system" related to orienting reactions, and 2) the limbic midbrain areas related to drives and rewards. Because the ventral and mid-lateral area with very short latency conditioned responses was not clearly tied to either of these; it was considered as possibly representing a third division.


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Segundo os PCN, o ensino de Inglês deve contribuir para a formação de indivíduos questionadores e autônomos, que sejam capazes de fazer uso da linguagem como prática social. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta para desenvolver o letramento crítico através da leitura (KLEIMAN, 1995; SOARES, 2006), de forma a atender essa necessidade. Para tanto, indico, nesta dissertação, formas de abordar textos multimodais didaticamente, através da Análise Crítica do Discurso (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003) usando os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos e as categorias analíticas oferecidas pela Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional. A relevância do estudo de textos com imagens na escola está na possibilidade de trazer para esse ambiente a discussão de como essas semioses expressam diferentes modos de acesso ao conhecimento. Além disso, apesar da existência de trabalhos dedicados à habilidade de leitura em Inglês (RAMOS, 2004; BAMBIRRA, 2007; VIAN JR., 2009) e, por outro lado, de pesquisas acerca da leitura de imagens e ensino (SARDELICH, 2006: OLIVEIRA, 2006), poucos são os trabalhos que contemplam a leitura crítica em língua estrangeira no que diz respeito à integração da linguagem verbal e visual para a produção de sentidos. Para investigar as escolhas linguísticas e imagéticas e sua relação, responsáveis pela mensagem a ser negociada com o leitor, foram estudados dezessete textos, separados em quatro grupos representando quatro gêneros textuais compostos pelo verbal e pelo visual: cinco artigos de revista, três resenhas, cinco tirinhas e quatro anúncios publicitários. Eles foram examinados separadamente através de algumas das seguintes categorias dentro das três metafunções: a ideacional, principalmente pela análise dos Processos (HALLIDAY & MATTHIESSEN, 2004; KRESS & VAN LEEUWEN, 2006) e da Representação dos Atores Sociais (VAN LEEUWEN, 1997 e 2008); a interpessoal, pela Valoração (MARTIN e WHITE, 2005) e as instâncias de Contato, Distância Social e Atitude no visual (KRESS & VAN LEEUWEN, 2006); a textual, somente na imagem, quanto à Saliência, ao Valor Informacional e à Moldura (KRESS & VAN LEEUWEN, 2006). A partir da descrição e discussão dos resultados das análises de cada gênero, proponho algumas atividades para exemplificar a aplicação da LSF em contexto escolar. A construção dos exercícios baseou-se principalmente no artigo de Ramos (2004) sobre a implementação de gêneros em sala de aula. Assim, o trabalho com os corpora se dividiu em três momentos, usando cada gênero de uma vez: 1) descrição do gênero em seu contexto situacional e considerações sobre o contexto cultural; 2) análise do corpus aplicando a LSF e 3) exemplificação de atividades a partir da análise. Os resultados indicam que verbal e visual tendem a se complementar nos gêneros estudados e os ferramentais teóricos utilizados se mostraram como um generoso ponto de partida para o desenvolvimento de atividades de leitura crítica


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We propose to utilize the leading pulse of a petawatt class laser to create a conic plasma channel in the dense plasmas. This plasma channel could serve as a natural cone to guide the main pulse to the cone tip, as behaves similarly to the physical Au cone. We estimate that the leading pulse of a petawatt laser could create a natural cone with cone tip only about 100 mu m away from the edge of compressed core plasma. The natural cone formation should be compatible for a good uniform compression and efficient fast heating of the imploded fuel.