1000 resultados para Eventos científicos e de divulgação


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Based on the theoretical concepts about events, public relations and leadership, this work was developed with the aim of presenting in practical way the role of Public Relations professional in organizing events, checking his role as articulator of public interest in the cultivation of relationships. With definitions and characterization this study proposes legitimize the powers of the Public Relations event management. Beside this, the study aims to emphasize the exercise of leadership in management teams as one of the main points in the development of an event. So, the case of study develops a field research on the work of the infrastructure committee of the Southeast Intercom 2013


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The literary criticism was developed in Brazil in the period that comprehends the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. During that time, the mean of dissemination of the criticism were the footnotes of the newspapers, places in which literature was discussed and the critics expressed their personal impressions about literary works with the objective of orientating the good taste of the readers. With the progressive evolution of journalism and of the newspaper's audience, the criticism columns became incompatible with the informative part of the periodicals, being transferred to the literary supplements, during a transition phase, until it was concentrated in the universitary field. This change in the paradigms of the production of criticism also caused a change in the profile of the literary critics and in the criteria to do the criticism. Before, if the critics were professionals that only needed to have enough erudition to judge the literary works, they turn into literature experts and need to use scientific methodologies in the literary analysis, while the cultural journalist begins to look at the events and literary works as products which belong to a market that needs to be reported. This research proposes studying and comparing the critics published in the column Prosa de Sábado, of the literary supplement Sabático, produced by Silviano Santiago, critic of an academic origin, and Sérgio Augusto, journalist critic, with the objective of identifying similarities and contrasts between them, and analyse the relation of this critics with their distinct fields of literary legitimation, as well as reflecting about the presence of the literary criticism and of the critics in the current press


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A notificação espontânea por profissionais da saúde é o principal método de avaliação do risco/benefício da utilização de medicamentos, pois permite a análise da frequência, gravidade e expectativa dos eventos adversos a medicamentos (EAMs). No entanto, a principal limitação deste método é a subnotificação dos casos, causando grandes impactos na saúde pública, tais como gastos desnecessários para as instituições e diminuição da segurança do paciente. A fim de identificar técnicas de intervenção educativa efetivas no incentivo à notificação espontânea por profissionais da saúde nos diferentes níveis de atenção, realizou-se revisão sistemática nas bases de dados PUBMED, PAHO, LILACS e EMBASE no período de novembro de 2011 a janeiro de 2012, com posterior atualização em março de 2013, por meio da utilização de descritores científicos em farmacovigilância, buscando-se identificar estudos originais que avaliaram o impacto da intervenção educativa desenvolvida. Pela estratégia elaborada, foram identificados 101 artigos, dos quais 16 contemplaram os critérios de inclusão. A maioria dos estudos inclusos foram conduzidos na Europa (14), e a maioria das intervenções foi destinada ao nível terciário de atenção à saúde (11) e principalmente aos médicos (12). As técnicas efetivas de intervenção educativa identificadas foram multifacetadas, resultando no aumento do número absoluto, porcentagem ou taxa de notificação espontânea, além de melhorar a qualidade dos relatos de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAM): graves, inesperadas, relacionadas a medicamentos novos e com alta causalidade. Ademais, faz-se necessária educação permanente dos profissionais para maior adesão à farmacovigilância e contribuição para o gerenciamento de riscos


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This project has its topic on child aggression. Child aggression has always been present in the school environment. Therefore, aggressive behaviors have been interpreted as violence in which the educators have come to complaining earlier now. This study has its objective to survey published articles in electronic magazines, which talk about thematic aggression, child aggression and to systemize and analyze these procedures. Therefore, there will be a survey on the articles about this set of themes based on the data from Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online). In this data base, there are indexed published articles in electronic magazines from different areas of knowledge considered relevant. The articles will be identified by the keywords of aggressiveness, children, aggression, childhood, infantile, schools and their combinations


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Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo geral mapear e analisar a temática da avaliação educacional em periódicos científicos nacionais de educação disponíveis online, avaliados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) em 2012 como “A1”, entre os anos de 2001 a 2012. O estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, de levantamento e análise bibliográfica. Foram selecionados artigos científicos de educação de acordo com os descritores: educação básica, avaliação e evaluation. A pesquisa foi restrita a avaliação da educação básica, excluindo – se o ensino superior, pois busca – se evidenciar a produção acadêmica nessa etapa da educação e tornar as análises mais específicas quanto aos temas publicados dentro da temática. Foram selecionados 94 artigos onde houve a identificação de três subtemas: Avaliação da Aprendizagem; Avaliação Institucional e Avaliação Externa. Notou – se um grande interesse da comunidade acadêmica no subtema Avaliação Externa com aproximadamente 60,63% do total de artigos


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The city of São Paulo has, since the beginning of the expansion of its urban sprawl, represented relations of conflicts and contradictions between society and nature. Once the way society relates to nature is defined by how the social agents themselves correlate in certain social and historical contexts, the ways of interaction between the social and natural elements will be different according to the forms of production and appropriation of the urban space. Even more evident is the case of the great national metropolis, given its demographic dimensions and historical conditions, the process of urban expansion follows a logic where spaces of better quality for housing are occupied by those of better financial conditions. Thus, although there are exceptions, the poorest people live in places less desirable, in less resilient environments of lower environmental quality, relating to nature and its phenomena with greater risks. These risks are reflected here as recurring flooding, mudslides and landslides for which the rain is constantly blamed. So we have a situation where it is clear that a weather phenomenon differently interacts with different social groups. In this context, the study was conducted to compare extreme events occurred in two regions of São Paulo: the Freguesia do O, in the north side, and M'Boi Mirim, in the south side. Both are regions with large number of risk areas and are in the same urban climate unit. However, they present different conditions of social vulnerability. With the investigation of each extreme rain event occurred in the two regions, in the period of 2000-2010, supplemented by field research, we tried to observe how far the rain, with his intensity and volume, can, in fact, be related to the accidents.


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CurtaBauru (www.curtabauru.com.br) is a journalistc website which specializes on the covering of local art and culture. The idea came up from the three author's interest in Bauru's cultural scene and also from the scarcity of local media about the subject. The website was opened in the end of August 2012, and its archives include journalistic covering of some major events such as Revirada Cultural 2012, Festival Canja de Artes Integradas and Encontro de Academias de Letras e Entidades Afins. Besides that, the website is updated daily with articles about coming up events, and includes weekly sections about people and organizations related to the city's artistic scene, restaurant criticism and an agenda containing the main events of the following week


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)