1000 resultados para Empreses -- Productivitat
La jornada tècnica de l’arròs es consolida com una plataforma per presentar els resultats dels últims assajos i projectes d’investigació que s’estan duent a terme al Delta de l’Ebre associats al cultiu. Per una altra banda, és un punt de trobada entre tècnics, empreses i arrossers que permet l’intercanvi d’experiències i opinions. Un any més, us animem a participar en aquesta jornada tècnica que abordarà una gran varietat de temes relacionats amb la sanitat vegetal, l’agronomia del cultiu i el medi ambient.
This paper estimates the determinants of productivity differentials across urban areas in Spain. To do so we resort to Spanish Social Security administrative data (MCVL) matched with workers’ fiscal information. We use two-step approach that allows us to control for the confounding effects due to the sorting of more productive workers and more productive firms in bigger cities. Our results indicate that city size is a significant determinant of productivity differentials across Spanish urban areas. We estimate an elasticity of urban agglomeration of 3.3%, which is within the range of values already observed in other countries. We also find that the level of human capital, firm size and the level of industrial specialization also matters in order explain productivity differentials across Spanish cities. Keywords: Agglomeration, wages, productivity, city size. JEL codes: R10, R23, J31
[spa] Se analiza la "S. A. de Extractos Tánicos" fundada en el Pueblo Nuevo de Barcelona en el año 1909 por los hermanos Pedro Pablo, Fernando y Carlos de Corral y Tomé. El matrimonio de Pedro Pablo de Corral y Tomé con la rosarina Clara Margarita Casado Sastre nos permite reconstruir la vinculación familiar y empresarial entre la empresa barcelonesa dedicada a la importación de la "quiebra hacha" durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, y la "S. A. Carlos Casado Limitada, Compañía de Tierras", dedicada al quebracho colorado del Gran Chaco latinoamericano.
Al llarg del segle XVI es produí de manera lenta i heterogènia la progressiva introducció al Principat de les formes artístiques del Renaixement italià. Tradicionalment, a Catalunya, igual que a la resta del territori europeu, havia estat la noblesa, com a estament més proper al poder reial, la principal protagonista en el procés de comitència de les obres de més envergadura, moltes d"elles plantejades amb un sentit àulic que pretenia manifestar el predomini polític i econòmic de què havia gaudit d"antuvi aquest segment de la societat. Tanmateix, amb l"arribada a casa nostra dels nous corrents artístics renaixentistes es produí una certa inflexió en aquesta tendència, i hom pot observar com, a la fi del segle XVI i, sobretot, al llarg del segle XVII, aparegueren en l"escena del mercat artístic alts funcionaris reials, magistrats i juristes que, adherits al modern corrent de pensament humanista, dugueren a terme un important exercici de promoció i finançament d"empreses arquitectòniques, escultòriques i pictòriques seguidores dels preceptes renaixentistes. El present estudi analitza en quins termes es produí aquest relleu de patrocini artístic i repassa alguns casos ben emblemàtics.
En los estudios de las organizaciones domina la investigación relacionada con la gestión. Sin embargo,poco a poco, el análisis de la participación y la implicación activa de los socios en los órganos de gobierno de las organizaciones democráticas va creando su propio espacio de interés. Los directivos empiezan a descubrir que la implicación del socio en la sostenibilidad económica proporciona ventaja competitiva. En el caso del cooperativismo de consumo en España, es este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio encargado por Hispacoop al Centro de Investigación de Economía y Sociedad (cies, 2010) de la Universidad de Barcelona, siendo esta una primera aproximación al estudio de la participación del socio en el gobierno de diez cooperativas de consumo que operan en el mercado español. Palabras clave: consumo, cooperativas, gestión, gobierno organizacional, procesos de participación.
The 2010 Green Paper on Audit Policy by the European Commission has explicitly questioned the sufficiency of audit rotation rules established by European Union Members to guarantee auditor independence. In addition, the Paper clearly states that more research is needed regarding the effects of long audit tenures on independence. In this article, we have replicated the research by Ruiz-Barbadillo, Gómez-Aguilar, and Biedma (2005) about the effects of audit firm tenure on independence with more updated data. However, unlike them, we have performed panel data estimations instead of pooled regression. Our approach allows for a better control of individual unobserved heterogeneity, thus reducing potential problems caused by omitted variable bias. While Ruiz-Barbadillo et al. reported an unexpected positive effect of tenure on the likelihood of audit qualifications, we do not show any significant effect of tenure on the opinion of the audit report. Our results are robust to various sensitivity analyses.
The level of training provided by small firms to their employees is below that provided by their larger counterparts. The provision of firm-related training is believed to be associated to certain characteristics of the firm. In this paper we argue that small firms provide fewer training opportunities as they are less likely to be associated with these characteristics than large firms. The suitability of estimating training decisions as a double-decision process is examined here: first, a firm has to decide whether to provide training or not and, second, having decided to do so, the amount of training to provide. The differences in training provision between small and large firms are decomposed in order to analyse the individual contribution of these characteristics to explaining the gap. The results show that small firms face greater obstacles in accessing training and that the main reasons for that are related to their technological activity and the geographical scope of the market in which they operate.
The first objective of this study is to furnish new evidence concerning the aggregate profitability of the accumulation of human capital. In addition to the traditional measure of the return to human capital, combining the information on its shadow price with the social cost of providing education allows us to confirm the profitability of human capital investments as a tool for promoting economic growth. The possibility of obtaining estimations of these effects for each Spanish region enables us to empirically evaluate the amount of heterogeneity across economies in the effects of human capital. As a second objective, we provide evidence on the indirect effect of human capital in making private capital investment more attractive. Among the main explanations for this process, we observe that higher worker skill levels enable higher returns to be extracted from investment in physical capital.
This paper investigates the extent to which the gap in total factor productivity between small and large firms is due to differences in the endowment of factors determining productivity and to the returns associated with these factors. We place particular emphasis on the contribution of differences in the propensity to innovate and in the use of skilled labor across firms of different size. Empirical evidence from a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing firms corroborates that both differences in endowments and returns to innovation and skilled labor significantly contribute to the productivity gap between small and large firms. In addition, it is observed that the contribution of innovation to this gap is caused only by differences in quantity, while differences in returns have no effect; in the case of human capital, however, most of the effect can be attributed to increasing differences in returns between small and large firms.
In recent years, we have seen how the quality of work life has been focused and defined by the European Commission (EC). In our study we compare the EC definition with the academic one and try to see how close they are. We also analyse the possibility of applying the institutional definition to the Spanish case through the development of specific indicators. Our main conclusions are that QWL is increasingly important for policy makers. In addition, it is essential to have objective indicators and to conduct surveys in order to reliably measure QWL.