995 resultados para Emigración e inmigración - Maldivas - 2000-2012
Objective: Current prevalence of smoking, even where data are available, is a poor proxy for cumulative hazards of smoking, which depend on several factors including the age at which smoking began, duration of smoking, number of cigarettes smoked per day, degree of inhalation, and cigarette characteristics such as tar and nicotine content or filter type. Methods: We extended the Peto-Lopez smoking impact ratio method to estimate accumulated hazards of smoking for different regions of the world. Lung cancer mortality data were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease mortality database. The American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study, phase 11 (CPS-II) with follow up for the years 1982 to 1988 was the reference population. For the global application of the method, never-smoker lung cancer mortality rates were chosen based on the estimated use of coal for household energy in each region. Results: Men in industrialised countries of Europe, North America, and the Western Pacific had the largest accumulated hazards of smoking. Young and middle age males in many regions of the developing world also had large smoking risks. The accumulated hazards of smoking for women were highest in North America followed by Europe. Conclusions: In the absence of detailed data on smoking prevalence and history, lung cancer mortality provides a robust indicator of the accumulated hazards of smoking. These hazards in developing countries are currently more concentrated among young and middle aged males.
Background Smoking is a risk factor for several diseases and has been increasing in many developing countries. Our aim was to estimate global and regional mortality in 2000 caused by smoking, including an analysis of uncertainty. Methods Following the methods of Peto and colleagues, we used lung-cancer mortality as an indirect marker for accumulated smoking risk. Never-smoker lung-cancer mortality was estimated based on the household use of coal with poor ventilation. Relative risks were taken from the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study, phase II, and the retrospective proportional mortality analysis of Liu and colleagues in China. Relative risks were corrected for confounding and extrapolation to other regions. Results We estimated that in 2000, 4.83 (uncertainty range 3.94-5.93) million premature deaths in the world were attributable to smoking; 2.41 (1.80-3.15) million in developing countries and 2.43 (2.13-2.78) million in industrialised countries. 3.84 million of these deaths were in men. The leading causes of death from smoking were cardiovascular diseases (1.69 million deaths), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (0.97 million deaths), and lung cancer (0.85 million deaths). Interpretation Smoking was an important cause of global mortality in 2000. In view of the expected demographic and epidemiological transitions and current smoking patterns in the developing world, the health loss due to smoking will grow even larger unless effective interventions and policies that reduce smoking among men and prevent increases among women in developing countries are implemented.
Este livro traz os relatos das 10 iniciativas premiadas no 17?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal. Iniciativa da ENAP, em parceria com o MP, o Concurso conta com o apoio, para as premia????es, das embaixadas da Fran??a, da Noruega e da Nova Zel??ndia; da Coopera????o Alem?? para o Desenvolvimento (GIZ); e da Ag??ncia Brasileira de Coopera????o (ABC). Ao longo de 17 anos, o Concurso tem cumprido seu objetivo de estimular a implementa????o de iniciativas inovadoras de gest??o em organiza????es do governo federal; dissemin??-las e valorizar servidores p??blicos que atuam de forma criativa em suas atividades
Em 1996, O governo estadual do Cear?? preocupado em reverter o quadro da desnutri????o e da morbi-mortalidade infantil no Cear?? mobilizou uma parceria entre a Secretaria Estadual de Sa??de, UNICEF e OMS e os Correios e Tel??grafos a efetuarem campanha educativa conjunta. Tal iniciativa viria a promover, proteger apoiar o aleitamento materno enfatizando a import??ncia do leite humano na sa??de infantil. O Projeto foi um sucesso. A campanha resultou na duplica????o do n??mero de m??es que amamentavam no Cear?? saltando de 46% em 1996 para 51% em 1998
Parceria concebida pela DRT-GO que envolve as Pol??cias Rodovi??rias com outros ??rg??os do governo e entidades sindicais, para equacionar problemas existentes no transporte de trabalhadores rurais devido ?? falta de fiscaliza????o. As Pol??cias Rodovi??rias Federal e Estadual assumiram a fiscaliza????o e o controle do transporte de trabalhadores em todo o estado. Foram reduzidas as den??ncias de transporte irregular de trabalhadores rurais. A incid??ncia de mortes ou invalidez por acidentes de trajeto devido ao transporte irregular dos trabalhadores foi praticamente eliminada no Estado