995 resultados para Efeito eletrônico


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The rocket is a leafy herbaceous annual, features small size, rapid vegetative growth and short life cycle. Silicon is considered a beneficial element, and despite not having his definition of essential mineral nutrition of plants has been widely used in research. The objective was to assess the effect of foliar fertilization with silicon levels in soils in the cultivation of the rocket. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in the DRN / Soil Science, UNESP / FCA, Botucatu-SP, from April 15 to May 20, 2008. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial 2x5 (two solos and five doses of silicon). At the end of the experiment, evaluated at the point of harvest to plant height (cm), leaf area (LA), total fresh mass (TFM), total dry matter (TDM), leaf area ratio (LAR), specific weight Leaf (PEF), amount of water in the shoot (AWS) and content and accumulation of silicon in the leaves. It was concluded that silicon had no influence on the agronomic characteristics of the rocket and changes were only to soil type.


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Nitrogen (N), besides being one of the macro more absorbed by plants, is the that most limits the production of sunflower. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutrient content in leaves, grains and nutrient export due to nitrogen levels in sunflower cultivation. A randomized experimental block design consisting of five treatments and four replications: T1 - 50 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 20 and 20 kg ha(-1), T2 - 70 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 30 and 30 kg ha(-1); T3 - 90 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 40 and 40 kg ha(-1), T4 - 110 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 50 and 50 kg ha(-1), T5 - 130 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 60 and 60 kg ha(-1). These applications were made in installments when sowing and 34 and 48 days after sowing. The parameters were evaluated in leaf nutrient content, nutrient content in grains and nutrient export. Under the experimental conditions it was found that the optimum foliar N were purchased at a dosage above 110 kg ha-1 N. With the increasing amount of N supplied in the sunflower crop was exported over this element, but not at the same rate of increase in dosage. The lowest dose of N the lowest rates of export of P, K, Mg, S, B, Cu, Mn and Zn, while increasing the dose of this nutrient decreased the export of Ca.


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The potentially toxic cyanobacterial blooms in water bodies are spread across the globe, resulting in the loss of water quality and adverse effects on human health. In arid and semiarid regions, the hydrologic regime characterized by an annual cycle of drought and rain, change the volume and the retention time of the reservoir. Such changes affect the limnological characteristics and causing changes in composition and biomass community of cyanobacteria. The reservoir Cruzeta (Zmax = 8.7 m) is a eutrophic water supply source located in the semiarid tropical (Northeast Brazil). Raised the hypothesis that the hydrological regime of semi-arid tropical is a determining factor in the availability of resources in eutrophic water sources, which influences the composition of dominant species of cyanobacteria. The aim of this study was to analyze the changes in biomass and species composition of cyanobacteria for two annual hydrological cycles and evaluate factors drivers. The study was divided into five distinct periods (dry 2010, rain 2011, dry 2011, rain 2012, dry 2012). The dominant group found in all periods was Cyanobacteria (99% of total biomass), which contributed to the low diversity. The filamentous species Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was present at both points in almost every study. The colonial species Microcystis panniformis and Sphaerocavum brasiliensis dominated only in periods with lower volumes of water. The diatoms contribute more to the biomass during the period of severe drought. The point near the dam (P1) had phytoplankton biomass larger than the point near the tributary (P2). The dominant species of colonial cyanobacteria lasted until the overflow in P1, and P2 this dominance was until the first rains. The redundancy analysis indicated that physical factors such as light availability and water level were the main factors driving the seasonal succession of phytoplankton. The composition of phytoplankton in spring was alternated by species of filamentous cyanobacteria in conditions of poor stability of the water column, such as Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, and colonial species under conditions of high stability of the water column, such as Microcystis panniformis and Sphaerocavum brasiliensis. The extremes of torrential rains and severe droughts, governed by the hydrological regime of the semi-arid region led to the availability of resources in the watershed, directing the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton in the reservoir Cruzeta


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This study aimed at evaluating the effect of collect time (day and night) on ant fauna attracted to baits in areas of Eucalyptus cloeziana (Myrtaceae) and cerrado. The ants were collected in Fazenda Boa Vista, Mannesmann Fi-El Florestal Ltda, Paineiras, Minas Gerais State. Eigthteen sample units were collected: 12 in E. cloezina and six in cerrado. Each sample unit consisted of three plots (25 x 35 m each). The plot consisted of 34 baits distributed in a grid pattern at 5 m intervals. The sampling was carried out in the diurnal and nocturnal period. The results obtained revealed that both type of vegetation (cerrado x Eucalyptus) and the collect time (day x night) had a significative influence on the epigaeic ant fauna. The ordination (DCA) indicated that collect time effect was more important to fauna structuration than the vegetation effect. Brachymyrmex sp.1, Brachymyrmex sp.2, Camponotus crassus Mayr, Camponotus rufipes (Fabricius), Cephalotes pusillus (Klug) and Ectatomma brunneum Smith were indicator species of nocturnal period, and Camponotus renggeri Emery, Camponotus atriceps (Smith), Camponotus melanoticus Emery and Paratrechina sp.1 were indicators of nocturnal period.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da idade no expoente da função-potência nas Condições experimentais Perceptiva, Memória e Inferência. Para cada Condição, as faixas etárias dos sujeitos variaram de 17 a 34 anos (I), 38 a 57 anos (II) e 58 a 77 anos de idade (III). Os sujeitos estimaram áreas dos Estados do Brasil, utilizando o método psicofísico de estimação de magnitude. Os resultados obtidos pelas três Faixas etárias não diferiram para cada Condição experimental, com exceção da Condição Memória (24 horas). A análise entre as Condições experimentais e Faixas etárias evidenciou uma diferença da Condição Perceptiva em relação às demais, não havendo diferenças entre as Condições Memória e Inferência. Os dados apresentados sugerem que no processo de relembrar, não há perda da informação em função da idade.