994 resultados para ESCHERICHIA COLI


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Escherichia coli can respond to gradients of specific compounds, moving up gradients of attractants and down gradients of repellents. Stimulated phagocytic leukocytes produce H2O2, OCl-, and N-chlorotaurine in a response termed the respiratory burst. E. coli is actively repelled by these compounds. Catalase in the suspending medium eliminated the effect of H2O2. Repulsion by H2O2 could be demonstrated with 1 microM H2O2, which is far below the level that caused overt toxicity. Strains with defects in the biosynthesis of glutathione or lacking hydroperoxidases I and II retained this response to H2O2, and 2.0 mM CN- did not interfere with it. Mutants with defects in any one of the four known methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins also retained the ability to respond to H2O2, but a "gutted" mutant that was deleted for all four methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, as well as for CheA, CheW, CheR, CheB, CheY, and CheZ, did not respond to H2O2. Hypochlorite and N-chlorotaurine were also strongly repellent. Chemotaxis down gradients of H2O2, OCl-, and N-chlorotaurine may contribute to the survival of commensal or pathogenic microorganisms.


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We have previously described the mutator alleles mutA and mutC, which map at 95 minutes and 42 minutes, respectively, on the Escherichia coli genetic map and which stimulate transversions; the A.T-->T.A and G.C-->T.A substitutions are the most prominent. In this study we show that both mutA and mutC result from changes in the anticodon in one of four copies of the same glycine tRNA, at either the glyV or the glyW locus. This change results in a tRNA that inserts glycine at aspartic acid codons. In view of previous studies of missense suppressor tRNAs, the mistranslation of aspartic acid codons is assumed to occur at approximately 1-2%. We postulate that the mutator tRNA effect is exerted by generating a mutator polymerase and suggest that the epsilon subunit of DNA polymerase, which provides a proofreading function, is the most likely target. The implications of these findings for the contribution of mistranslation to observed spontaneous mutation rates in wild-type strains, as well as other cellular phenomena such as aging, are discussed.


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Correct folding of newly synthesized proteins is proposed to be assisted by molecular chaperones and folding catalysts. To identify cellular factors involved in the initial stages of this process we searched for proteins associated with nascent polypeptide chains. In an Escherichia coli transcription/translation system synthesizing beta-galactosidase we identified a 58-kDa protein which associated with translating ribosomes but dissociated from these ribosomes upon release of nascent beta-galactosidase. N-terminal sequencing identified it as trigger factor, previously implicated in protein secretion. Direct evidence for association of trigger factor with nascent polypeptide chains was obtained by crosslinking. In a wheat germ translation system complemented with E. coli lysates, epsilon-4-(3-trifluoromethyldiazirino)benzoic acid-lysine residues were incorporated into nascent secretory preprolactin and a nonsecretory preprolactin mutant. Trigger factor crosslinked to both types of nascent chains, provided they were ribosome bound. Trigger factor contains key residues of the substrate-binding pocket of FK506-binding protein-type peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerases and has prolyl isomerase activity in vitro. We propose that trigger factor is a folding catalyst acting cotranslationally.


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The Escherichia coli dnaQ gene encodes the proofreading 3' exonuclease (epsilon subunit) of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme and is a critical determinant of chromosomal replication fidelity. We constructed by site-specific mutagenesis a mutant, dnaQ926, by changing two conserved amino acid residues (Asp-12-->Ala and Glu-14-->Ala) in the Exo I motif, which, by analogy to other proofreading exonucleases, is essential for the catalytic activity. When residing on a plasmid, dnaQ926 confers a strong, dominant mutator phenotype, suggesting that the protein, although deficient in exonuclease activity, still binds to the polymerase subunit (alpha subunit or dnaE gene product). When dnaQ926 was transferred to the chromosome, replacing the wild-type gene, the cells became inviable. However, viable dnaQ926 strains could be obtained if they contained one of the dnaE alleles previously characterized in our laboratory as antimutator alleles or if it carried a multicopy plasmid containing the E. coli mutL+ gene. These results suggest that loss of proofreading exonuclease activity in dnaQ926 is lethal due to excessive error rates (error catastrophe). Error catastrophe results from both the loss of proofreading and the subsequent saturation of DNA mismatch repair. The probability of lethality by excessive mutation is supported by calculations estimating the number of inactivating mutations in essential genes per chromosome replication.