994 resultados para Doca-salt rats
Invocatio: I.J.N.
An evaluation of hydration and thermal decomposition of HAlg and its sodium salt is described using thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). TG curves in N2 and air, were obtained for alginic acid showed two decomposition steps attributed to loss of water and polymer decomposition respectively. The sodium alginate decomposed in three steps. The first attributed to water loss, followed by the formation of a carbonaceous residue and finally the Na2CO3. DSC curves presented peaks in agreement with the TG data. In the IR alginic acid presented bands at 1730 and 1631 cm-1, while sodium alginate presented a doublet at 1614 e 1431 cm-1, evidencing the presence of salified carboxyl groups.
Os autores pesquisam o efeito do Dextran 40 sobre a formação de aderências pós-operatórias em um modelo experimental em ratos. Vinte ratos Wistar foram divididos de forma aleatória em dois grupos. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos a laparotomia mediana e realizada escarificação serosa do peritônio visceral do intestino grosso e peritônio parietal adjacente. O grupo I (controle), formado por dez animais que não receberam tratamento complementar, e o grupo 2, formado por dez animais nos quais administrou-se Dextran 40 na cavidade peritoneal. No vigésimo dia de pós-operatório, os animais foram mortos e submetidos a nova laparotomia mediana e retirada dos segmentos intestinais previamente escarificados. A análise histológica das peças operatórias demonstrou menor formação de fibrose no grupo de animais nos quais foi utilizado Dextran 40 (grupo 2), quando comparados ao grupo controle (p<0,05). Os autores concluem que o Dextran 40 interfere no processo de fibrinogênese reduzindo as aderências intra-abdominais pós-operatórias.
OBJECTIVE: To assess liver regeneration in rats after 60% hepatectomy with and without supplementation of L-glutamine through liver weight changes, laboratory parameters and histological study.METHODS: 36 male rats were divided into two groups: glutamine group and control group. Each group was subdivided into three subgroups, with death in 24h, 72h and seven days. The glutamine group received water and standard diet supplemented with L-glutamine, and the control recieved 0.9% saline. In all subgroups analysis of liver regeneration was made by the Kwon formula, study of liver function (AST, ALT, GGT, total bilirubin, indirect and indirect bilirubin and albumin) and analysis of cell mitosis by hematoxylin-eosin.RESULTS: In both groups there was liver regeneration by weight gain. Gamma-GT increased significantly in the control group (p < 0.05); albumin increased in the glutamine group. The other indicators of liver function showed no significant differences. Histological analysis at 72h showed a higher number of mitoses in the glutamine group, with no differences in other subgroups.CONCLUSION: Diet supplementation with L glutamine is beneficial for liver regeneration.