1000 resultados para Dietary Astaxanthin


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The psychoactive cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa L. and the arachidonic acid-derived endocannabinoids are nonselective natural ligands for cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB(1)) and CB(2) receptors. Although the CB(1) receptor is responsible for the psychomodulatory effects, activation of the CB(2) receptor is a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of inflammation, pain, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis. Here, we report that the widespread plant volatile (E)-beta-caryophyllene [(E)-BCP] selectively binds to the CB(2) receptor (K(i) = 155 +/- 4 nM) and that it is a functional CB(2) agonist. Intriguingly, (E)-BCP is a common constituent of the essential oils of numerous spice and food plants and a major component in Cannabis. Molecular docking simulations have identified a putative binding site of (E)-BCP in the CB(2) receptor, showing ligand pi-pi stacking interactions with residues F117 and W258. Upon binding to the CB(2) receptor, (E)-BCP inhibits adenylate cylcase, leads to intracellular calcium transients and weakly activates the mitogen-activated kinases Erk1/2 and p38 in primary human monocytes. (E)-BCP (500 nM) inhibits lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced proinflammatory cytokine expression in peripheral blood and attenuates LPS-stimulated Erk1/2 and JNK1/2 phosphorylation in monocytes. Furthermore, peroral (E)-BCP at 5 mg/kg strongly reduces the carrageenan-induced inflammatory response in wild-type mice but not in mice lacking CB(2) receptors, providing evidence that this natural product exerts cannabimimetic effects in vivo. These results identify (E)-BCP as a functional nonpsychoactive CB(2) receptor ligand in foodstuff and as a macrocyclic antiinflammatory cannabinoid in Cannabis.


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One hundred fifty crossbred yearling steers with an average weight of 876 pounds were used in a 111-day experiment. Steers received either 1) no implant and no ionophore, 2) Synovex Plus¨ and no ionophore, 3) Cattlyst¨ and no implant, 4) Synovex Plus¨ and Cattlyst¨, or 5) Revalor S¨ and Rumensin¨. Implanting steers with ) Synovex Plus¨ increased gain and improved feed efficiency compared with control steers. Compared with steers not implanted, steers implanted with Synovex Plus¨ had heavier carcasses and larger ribeye areas, but similar fat thickness and yield grades. Feeding Cattlyst¨ alone did not increase gain or improve feed conversion, but there was some improvement in feedlot performance when Cattlyst¨ was fed to steers implanted with Synovex Plus¨. Steers implanted with Synovex Plus¨ and fed Cattlyst¨ had superior gains to steers implanted with Revalor S¨ and fed Rumensin¨.


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Yearling steers were sorted into four groups based on hip height and fat cover at the start of the finishing period. Each group of sorted steers was fed diets containing 0.59 or 0.64 Mcal NEg per pound of diet. The value of each carcass was determined by use of the Oklahoma State University Boxed Beef Calculator. Sorting to increase hip height decreased the percentage of Choice carcasses and fat cover, increased ribeye area, and had no effect on carcass weight or yield grades 1 and 2. Sorting to decrease initial fat cover decreased carcass weight, carcass fat cover, and percentage of choice carcasses and increased the proportion of yield grades 1 and 2 carcasses. Concentration of energy in the finishing diet had no effect on carcass measurements. Increasing the percentage of yield grades 1 and 2 carcasses did not result in increased economic value of the carcasses when quality grades were lower and when there was a wide spread between Choice and Select carcasses, as occurred in 1996. With less spread between Choice and Select, as in 1997, sorting the cattle to increase yield grades 1 and 2 resulted in increased value, especially for close-trim boxed beef. The results of this study emphasize the importance of knowing how carcasses will grade before selecting a valuebased market for selling cattle.


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Steers were sorted into four groups based on hip height and fat cover at the start of the finishing period. Each group of sorted steers was fed diets containing 0.59 or 0.64 Mcal NEg per lb. of diet dry matter. Steers with less initial fat cover (0.08 in.) compared with those with more (0.17) had less carcass fat cover 103 days later. The steers with less fat cover accumulated fat at a faster rate, but this was not apparent prior to 80 days. Accretion of fat was best predicted by an exponential growth equation, and was not affected by the two concentrations of energy fed in this study. Steers with greater initial height accumulated fat cover at a slower rate than shorter steers. This difference was interpreted to mean that large-frame steers accumulate subcutaneous fat at a slower rate than medium-frame steers. Increase in area of the ribeye was best described by a linear equation. Initial fat cover, hip height, and concentrations of energy in the diet did not affect rate of growth of this muscle. Predicting carcass fat cover from the initial ultrasound measurement of fat thickness found 46 of the 51 carcasses with less than 0.4 in. of fat cover. Twelve carcasses predicted to have less than 0.4 in. of fat cover had more than 0.4 in. Five carcasses predicted to have more than 0.4 in. actually had less than that. Accurate initial measurements of initial fat thickness with ultrasound might be a useful measurement to sort cattle for specific marketing grids.


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Steers were sorted into four groups based on hip height and fat cover at the start of the finishing period. Each group of sorted steers was fed a diet containing 0.59 or 0.64 Mcal NEg per pound of diet. Steers with less initial fat cover (.08 in.) gained slightly faster, consumed less feed, and therefore tended to be more efficient than steers with greater finish (.16 in.). Steers fed the lower-energy diet consumed more feed, gained similarly, and were less efficient than steers fed the higher-energy diet. The NRC computer model to evaluate beef cattle diets underpredicted performance of cattle in this experiment, but accurately predicted the differences in gain and feed efficiency observed between the leaner and fatter steers and between the two diets. In this study, the shorter steers (49.4 vs 52.2 in. initial height at the hip) gained faster with slightly greater feed intake and the same feed conversion.


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BDE-47 is one of the most widely found congeners of PBDEs in marine environments. The potential immunomodulatory effects of BDE-47 on fish complement system were studied using the marine medaka Oryzias melastigma as a model fish. Three-month-old O. melastigma were subjected to short-term (5 days) and long-term (21 days) exposure to two concentrations of BDE-47 (low dose at 290 +/- 172 ng/day; high dose at 580 +/- 344 ng/day) via dietary uptake of BDE-47 encapsulated in Artemia nauplii. Body burdens of BDE-47 and other metabolic products were analyzed in the exposed and control fish. Only a small amount of debrominated product, BDE-28, was detected, while other metabolic products were all under detection limit. Transcriptional expression of six major complement system genes involved in complement activation: C1r/s (classical pathway), MBL-2 (lectin pathway), CFP (alternative pathway), F2 (coagulation pathway), C3 (the central component of complement system), and C9 (cell lysis) were quantified in the liver of marine medaka. Endogenous expression of all six complement system genes was found to be higher in males than in females (p < 0.05). Upon dietary exposure of marine medaka to BDE-47, expression of all six complement genes were downregulated in males at day 5 (or longer), whereas in females, MBl-2, CFP, and F2 mRNAs expression were upregulated, but C3 and C9 remained stable with exposure time and dose. A significant negative relationship was found between BDE-47 body burden and mRNA expression of C1r/s, CFP, and C3 in male fish (r = -0.8576 to -0.9447). The above findings on changes in complement gene expression patterns indicate the complement system may be compromised in male O. melastigma upon dietary exposure to BDE-47. Distinct gender difference in expression of six major complement system genes was evident in marine medaka under resting condition and dietary BDE-47 challenge. The immunomodulatory effects of BDE-47 on transcriptional expression of these complement components in marine medaka were likely induced by the parent compound instead of biotransformed products. Our results clearly demonstrate that future direction for fish immunotoxicology and risk assessment of immunosuppressive chemicals must include parallel evaluation for both genders.


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INTRODUCTION Herbal and dietary supplements are widely used as measures to improve and preserve health and well-being. Among the bestselling preparations are dietary supplement containing glucosamine and chondroitine sulfate taken to improve symptoms of osteoarthritis. METHODS AND RESULTS We here present a case of a male patient with biopsy-proven acute and severe autoimmune hepatitis subsequent to intake of a preparation containing glucosamine and chondroitine sulfate. Response to steroids was favorable and resulted in complete remission of the patient. Diagnostic work-up of the case revealed no other possible cause of liver injury, and causality assessment using the Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method (RUCAM) resulted in a possible causal relationship between intake of glucosamine and chondroitine sulfate and the adverse hepatic reaction. CONCLUSION The present case recalls that products containing glucosamine and chondroitine sulfate can occasionally cause acute liver injury mimicking autoimmune hepatitis, and reminds of the potential dangers of compounds with poor efficacy and ill-defined safety records.


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CONTEXT: As patients look to complementary therapies for management of their diseases, it is important that the physician know the effectiveness and/or lack of effectiveness of a variety of dietary approaches/interventions. Although the pathogenesis of the inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease) is not fully understood, many suspect that diet and various dietary factors may play a modulating role in the disease process. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: The purpose of this article is to present some of what is known about various dietary/nutritional factors in inflammatory bowel disease, with inclusion of evidence from various studies regarding their putative effect. MedLINE was searched (1965-present) using combinations of the following search terms: diet, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. Additionally, references of the articles obtained were searched to identify further potential sources of information. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: While much information is available regarding various dietary interventions/supplements in regard to inflammatory bowel disease, the lack of controlled trials limits broad applicability. Probiotics are one of the few interventions with promising results and controlled trials. CONCLUSION: While there are many potential and promising dietary factors that may play a role in the modulation of inflammatory bowel disease, it is prudent to await further controlled studies before broad application/physician recommendation in the noted patient population.


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The objective of this cross-sectional study is to compare the dietary behaviors of children from low food secure (LFS) households with children from very low food secure (VLFS) households over an entire day, and during meals specifically consumed at home —breakfast, snack, and dinner. Parents of the recruited children completed a demographic questionnaire, along with USDA's 6-item short form food security questionnaire. Children completed 24-hour dietary recalls in person. Complete data from 102 children 9 to 12 years old were used. Using ANOVA to assess the differences among groups in intakes over an entire day and during meals consumed at home, no significant differences were found, except for vitamin C intake during breakfast. Based on the definitions of LFS and VLFS, it was hypothesized that children from VLFS group would have lower dietary intakes compared to children from the LFS group. However, this study found little difference. Speculations have been made for these findings and implications for research have been presented.