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In this paper, the diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT) of single-source, single-sink (ss-ss), multihop relay networks having slow-fading links is studied. In particular, the two end-points of the DMT of ss-ss full-duplex networks are determined, by showing that the maximum achievable diversity gain is equal to the min-cut and that the maximum multiplexing gain is equal to the min-cut rank, the latter by using an operational connection to a deterministic network. Also included in the paper, are several results that aid in the computation of the DMT of networks operating under amplify-and-forward (AF) protocols. In particular, it is shown that the colored noise encountered in amplify-and-forward protocols can be treated as white for the purpose of DMT computation, lower bounds on the DMT of lower-triangular channel matrices are derived and the DMT of parallel MIMO channels is computed. All protocols appearing in the paper are explicit and rely only upon AF relaying. Half-duplex networks and explicit coding schemes are studied in a companion paper.


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The throughput-optimal discrete-rate adaptation policy, when nodes are subject to constraints on the average power and bit error rate, is governed by a power control parameter, for which a closed-form characterization has remained an open problem. The parameter is essential in determining the rate adaptation thresholds and the transmit rate and power at any time, and ensuring adherence to the power constraint. We derive novel insightful bounds and approximations that characterize the power control parameter and the throughput in closed-form. The results are comprehensive as they apply to the general class of Nakagami-m (m >= 1) fading channels, which includes Rayleigh fading, uncoded and coded modulation, and single and multi-node systems with selection. The results are appealing as they are provably tight in the asymptotic large average power regime, and are designed and verified to be accurate even for smaller average powers.


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Channel-aware assignment of subchannels to users in the downlink of an OFDMA system requires extensive feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the base station. Since bandwidth is scarce, schemes that limit feedback are necessary. We develop a novel, low feedback, distributed splitting-based algorithm called SplitSelect to opportunistically assign each subchannel to its most suitable user. SplitSelect explicitly handles multiple access control aspects associated with CSI feedback, and scales well with the number of users. In it, according to a scheduling criterion, each user locally maintains a scheduling metric for each subchannel. The goal is to select, for each subchannel, the user with the highest scheduling metric. At any time, each user contends for the subchannel for which it has the largest scheduling metric among the unallocated subchannels. A tractable asymptotic analysis of a system with many users is central to SplitSelect's simple design. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the speed with which subchannels and users are paired. The net data throughput, when the time overhead of selection is accounted for, is shown to be substantially better than several schemes proposed in the literature. We also show how fairness and user prioritization can be ensured by suitably defining the scheduling metric.


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Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and Long Period Grating (LPG) chemical sensors are one of the most exciting developments in the field of optical fiber sensors. In this paper we have proposed a simple and effective chemical sensor based on FBG and LPG techniques for detecting the traces of cadmium (Cd) in drinking water at ppm level. The sensitiveness of these two has been compared. Also, these results have been compared with the results obtained by sophisticated spectroscopic atomic absorption and emission spectrometer instruments. For proper designing of FBG to act as a concentration sensor, the cladding region of the grating has been etched using HF solution. We have characterized the FBG concentration sensor sensitivities for different solutions of Cd concentrations varying from 0.01 ppm to 0.04 ppm and observed reflected spectrum in FBG and transmitted spectrum in LPG using Optical Spectrum Analyzer. Proper reagents have been used in the solutions for detection of the Cd species. The overall shift in wavelength is 10 nm in case of LPG and the shift of Bragg wavelength is 0.07 nm in case of FBG for 0.01-0.04 ppm concentrations. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the design and performance analysis of a detector based on suprathreshold stochastic resonance (SSR) for the detection of deterministic signals in heavy-tailed non-Gaussian noise. The detector consists of a matched filter preceded by an SSR system which acts as a preprocessor. The SSR system is composed of an array of 2-level quantizers with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) noise added to the input of each quantizer. The standard deviation sigma of quantizer noise is chosen to maximize the detection probability for a given false alarm probability. In the case of a weak signal, the optimum sigma also minimizes the mean-square difference between the output of the quantizer array and the output of the nonlinear transformation of the locally optimum detector. The optimum sigma depends only on the probability density functions (pdfs) of input noise and quantizer noise for weak signals, and also on the signal amplitude and the false alarm probability for non-weak signals. Improvement in detector performance stems primarily from quantization and to a lesser extent from the optimization of quantizer noise. For most input noise pdfs, the performance of the SSR detector is very close to that of the optimum detector. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Regenerating codes are a class of recently developed codes for distributed storage that, like Reed-Solomon codes, permit data recovery from any arbitrary of nodes. However regenerating codes possess in addition, the ability to repair a failed node by connecting to any arbitrary nodes and downloading an amount of data that is typically far less than the size of the data file. This amount of download is termed the repair bandwidth. Minimum storage regenerating (MSR) codes are a subclass of regenerating codes that require the least amount of network storage; every such code is a maximum distance separable (MDS) code. Further, when a replacement node stores data identical to that in the failed node, the repair is termed as exact. The four principal results of the paper are (a) the explicit construction of a class of MDS codes for d = n - 1 >= 2k - 1 termed the MISER code, that achieves the cut-set bound on the repair bandwidth for the exact repair of systematic nodes, (b) proof of the necessity of interference alignment in exact-repair MSR codes, (c) a proof showing the impossibility of constructing linear, exact-repair MSR codes for d < 2k - 3 in the absence of symbol extension, and (d) the construction, also explicit, of high-rate MSR codes for d = k+1. Interference alignment (IA) is a theme that runs throughout the paper: the MISER code is built on the principles of IA and IA is also a crucial component to the nonexistence proof for d < 2k - 3. To the best of our knowledge, the constructions presented in this paper are the first explicit constructions of regenerating codes that achieve the cut-set bound.


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The Linear phase(LP) Finite Impulse Response(FIR) filters are widely used in many signal processing systems which are sensitive to phase distortion. In this article, we obtain a canonic lattice structure of an LP-FIR filter with a complex impulse response. This lattice structure is based on some novel lattice stages obtained from some properties of symmetric polynomials.This canonic lattice structure exploits the redundancy in the zeros of an LP-FIR filter.


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We report the first demonstration of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors with Eu2O3 dielectric for analog and DRAM applications. The influence of different anneal conditions on the electrical characteristics of the fabricated MIM capacitors is studied. FG anneal results in high capacitance density (7 fF/mu m(2)), whereas oxygen anneal results in low quadratic voltage coefficient of capacitance (VCC) (194 ppm/V-2 at 100 kHz), and argon anneal results in low leakage current density (3.2 x 10(-8) A/cm(2) at -1 V). We correlate these electrical results with the surface chemical states of the films through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. In particular, FG anneal and argon anneal result in sub-oxides, which modulate the electrical properties.


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The maximal rate of a nonsquare complex orthogonal design for transmit antennas is 1/2 + 1/n if is even and 1/2 + 1/n+1 if is odd and the codes have been constructed for all by Liang (2003) and Lu et al. (2005) to achieve this rate. A lower bound on the decoding delay of maximal-rate complex orthogonal designs has been obtained by Adams et al. (2007) and it is observed that Liang's construction achieves the bound on delay for equal to 1 and 3 modulo 4 while Lu et al.'s construction achieves the bound for n = 0, 1, 3 mod 4. For n = 2 mod 4, Adams et al. (2010) have shown that the minimal decoding delay is twice the lower bound, in which case, both Liang's and Lu et al.'s construction achieve the minimum decoding delay. For large value of, it is observed that the rate is close to half and the decoding delay is very large. A class of rate-1/2 codes with low decoding delay for all has been constructed by Tarokh et al. (1999). In this paper, another class of rate-1/2 codes is constructed for all in which case the decoding delay is half the decoding delay of the rate-1/2 codes given by Tarokh et al. This is achieved by giving first a general construction of square real orthogonal designs which includes as special cases the well-known constructions of Adams, Lax, and Phillips and the construction of Geramita and Pullman, and then making use of it to obtain the desired rate-1/2 codes. For the case of nine transmit antennas, the proposed rate-1/2 code is shown to be of minimal delay. The proposed construction results in designs with zero entries which may have high peak-to-average power ratio and it is shown that by appropriate postmultiplication, a design with no zero entry can be obtained with no change in the code parameters.


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Frequent episode discovery framework is a popular framework in temporal data mining with many applications. Over the years, many different notions of frequencies of episodes have been proposed along with different algorithms for episode discovery. In this paper, we present a unified view of all the apriori-based discovery methods for serial episodes under these different notions of frequencies. Specifically, we present a unified view of the various frequency counting algorithms. We propose a generic counting algorithm such that all current algorithms are special cases of it. This unified view allows one to gain insights into different frequencies, and we present quantitative relationships among different frequencies. Our unified view also helps in obtaining correctness proofs for various counting algorithms as we show here. It also aids in understanding and obtaining the anti-monotonicity properties satisfied by the various frequencies, the properties exploited by the candidate generation step of any apriori-based method. We also point out how our unified view of counting helps to consider generalization of the algorithm to count episodes with general partial orders.