995 resultados para Cryoelectron Microscopy


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The three-dimensional structures of human parvovirus B19 VP2 capsids, alone and complexed with its cellular receptor, globoside, have been determined to 26 resolution. The B19 capsid structure, reconstructed from cryo-electron micrographs of vitrified specimens, has depressions on the icosahedral 2-fold and 3-fold axes, as well as a canyon-like region around the 5-fold axes. Similar results had previously been found in an 8 angstrom resolution map derived from x-ray diffraction data. Other parvoviral structures have a cylindrical channel along the 5-fold icosahedral axes, whereas density covers the 5-fold axes in B19. The glycolipid receptor molecules bind into the depressions on the 3-fold axes of the B19:globoside complex. A model of the tetrasaccharide component of globoside, organized as a trimeric fiber, fits well into the difference density representing the globoside receptor. Escape mutations to neutralizing antibodies map onto th capsid surface at regions immediately surrounding the globoside attachment sites. The proximity of the antigenic epitopes to the receptor site suggests that neutralization of virus infectivity is caused by preventing attachment of viruses to cells.


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Type II DNA topoisomerases, which create a transient gate in duplex DNA and transfer a second duplex DNA through this gate, are essential for topological transformations of DNA in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and are of interest not only from a mechanistic perspective but also because they are targets of agents for anticancer and antimicrobial chemotherapy. Here we describe the structure of the molecule of human topoisomerase II [DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing), EC] as seen by scanning transmission electron microscopy. A globular approximately 90-angstrom diameter core is connected by linkers to two approximately 50-angstrom domains, which were shown by comparison with genetically truncated Saccharomyces cerevisiae topoisomerase II to contain the N-terminal region of the approximately 170-kDa subunits and that are seen in different orientations. When the ATP-binding site is occupied by a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, a quite different structure is seen that results from a major conformational change and consists of two domains approximately 90 angstrom and approximately 60 angstrom in diameter connected by a linker, and in which the N-terminal domains have interacted. About two-thirds of the molecules show an approximately 25 A tunnel in the apical part of the large domain, and the remainder contain an internal cavity approximately 30 A wide in the large domain close to the linker region. We propose that structural rearrangements lead to this displacement of an internal tunnel. The tunnel is likely to represent the channel through which one DNA duplex, after capture in the clamp formed by the N-terminal domains, is transferred across the interface between the enzyme's subunits. These images are consistent with biochemical observations and provide a structural basis for understanding the reaction of topoisomerase II.


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When respiring rat liver mitochondria are incubated in the presence of Fe(III) gluconate, their DNA (mtDNA) relaxes from the supercoiled to the open circular form dependent on the iron dose. Anaerobiosis or antioxidants fail to completely inhibit the unwinding. High-resolution field-emission in-lens scanning electron microscopy imaging, in concert with backscattered electron detection, pinpoints nanometer-range iron colloids bound to mtDNA isolated from iron-exposed mitochondria. High-resolution field-emission in-lens scanning electron microscopy with backscattered electron detection imaging permits simultaneous detailed visual analysis of DNA topology, iron dose-dependent mtDNA unwinding, and assessment of iron colloid formation on mtDNA strands.


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Cardiac muscle contraction is triggered by a small and brief Ca2+ entry across the t-tubular membranes, which is believed to be locally amplified by release of Ca2+ from the adjacent junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). As Ca2+ diffusion is thought to be markedly attenuated in cells, it has been predicted that significant intrasarcomeric [Ca2+] gradients should exist during activation. To directly test for this, we measured [Ca2+] distribution in single cardiac myocytes using fluorescent [Ca2+] indicators and high speed, three-dimensional digital imaging microscopy and image deconvolution techniques. Steep cytosolic [Ca2+] gradients from the t-tubule region to the center of the sarcomere developed during the first 15 ms of systole. The steepness of these [Ca2+] gradients varied with treatments that altered Ca2+ release from internal stores. Electron probe microanalysis revealed a loss of Ca2+ from the junctional SR and an accumulation, principally in the A-band during activation. We propose that the prolonged existence of [Ca2+] gradients within the sarcomere reflects the relatively long period of Ca2+ release from the SR, the localization of Ca2+ binding sites and Ca2+ sinks remote from sites of release, and diffusion limitations within the sarcomere. The large [Ca2+] transient near the t-tubular/ junctional SR membranes is postulated to explain numerous features of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle.


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A methodology has been developed for the study of molecular recognition at the level of single events and for the localization of sites on biosurfaces, in combining force microscopy with molecular recognition by specific ligands. For this goal, a sensor was designed by covalently linking an antibody (anti-human serum albumin, polyclonal) via a flexible spacer to the tip of a force microscope. This sensor permitted detection of single antibody-antigen recognition events by force signals of unique shape with an unbinding force of 244 +/- 22 pN. Analysis revealed that observed unbinding forces originate from the dissociation of individual Fab fragments from a human serum albumin molecule. The two Fab fragments of the antibody were found to bind independently and with equal probability. The flexible linkage provided the antibody with a 6-nm dynamical reach for binding, rendering binding probability high, 0.5 for encounter times of 60 ms. This permitted fast and reliable detection of antigenic sites during lateral scans with a positional accuracy of 1.5 nm. It is indicated that this methodology has promise for characterizing rate constants and kinetics of molecular recognition complexes and for molecular mapping of biosurfaces such as membranes.