999 resultados para Crise Financeira Mundial


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Under september månad 2015 gav sökordet ”kris” dagligen upphov till ett trettiotal träffar i sökmotorn till Frankrikes största dagstidningar. Dagspressen överflödas av kriser och i skrivande stund är den mest omtalade krisen de flyktingströmmar som når Europa som resultat efter flera års krig i Mellanöstern. Pro gradu-avhandlingen studerar flyktingkrisen som en diskursiv händelse, en social konstruktion av en företeelse som tar de aktuella personerna och deras åsikter i beaktande. Avhandlingen är uppbyggd som en linje som inleds med mediestrategier och går till iscensättandet av nyheten, för att sedan analysera de olika åsikterna och personerna som ger upphov till lingvistisk polyfoni och mångtydighet. Syftet med avhandlingen är att studera hur medierna påverkar vår förståelse av en kris. För att få en dynamisk bild av bevakningen av flyktingkrisen studeras rubriker till ett hundratal titlar som publicerats i september 2015 av två stora franska dagstidningar: Le Figaro och Libération. Tidningarnas motsatta politiska orientering står som grund för en heltäckande och varierande genomläsning av medieuppmärksamheten kring flyktingkrisen. Som metod utförs en diskursanalys på materialet för att få reda på hur de båda tidningarna framställer krisen. Skillnader och likheter studeras, såväl som förekommande teman och en karakteristisk vokabulär i anknytning till krisen. Hypotesen är att flyktingarnas egna åsikter kommer i skymundan i medierna. Som resultat har jag noterat element i krisen som tidigare framställts som viktiga ur lingvistisk synvinkel på krisdiskurs av lingvisten Marie Veniard. Utöver det observeras några kompletterande betydelsekomponenter som står i förbindelse med flyktingkrisens komplexa natur. Ett speciellt mönster för att framställa flyktingarna har visat sig vara ofta förekommande i de båda tidningarna. Flyktingarna nämns för att ge rubrikerna ett autentiskt värde men paradoxalt nog möjliggör de även otydlighet i fråga om vem som faktiskt yttrar sig, flyktingarna eller journalisterna?


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The article analyzes the economic importance of the health activities in the developed countries in the last decades of the twentieth century. It takes into consideration the evolution of the weight of the employment in the health activities in European countries' and also in the United States' labour markets, which will be compared in an historical perspective. The evolution and the weight of the public expenditure in the health activities will also be taken into account so as to analyze the economic importance of the sector in the last decades of twentieth century. The role played by the political, economic and social context of the Post-Second World War in the construction of the system of social protection (Welfare State) and its effects over the health activities will be also considered.


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The State and the economy in South Korea: from the developmentist state to the Asian crisis and later recovery. The article focuses on the institutions of South Korean capitalism and on the interactions between the state and the economy. The economic model in South Korea was characterized by a very interventionist state, which played a very active role in the process of industrialization. However, South Korea suffered a severe crisis in 1997, attributed by many authors to the distortions inherent to strong state intervention. The article shows that the crisis was a result of the combination between internal economic fragilities and a rapid process of financial deregulation, which undermined the state's capacity of control. The crisis, nevertheless, does not disqualify the role of the national institutions in the very successful process of industrialization. Despite the reforms, the Korean capitalism conserves much of the previous model of business organization and industrial relations. The state continues strong and played active role in the process of economic reforms. There are, nevertheless, doubts about the impacts of the reforms and the new configuration of Korean capitalism. They will depend on the current transformations in world economy and in the East Asian countries.


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Monetary and financial cooperation: what is good to Asian is also good to Latin America?. This article compares the Asian and Latin American experiences with monetary cooperation. It is argued that in the latter such cooperation has hardly progressed, due to low degree of regional integration, the recurrent use of multilateral institutional resources to deal with external shocks and the lack of clear objectives: monetary cooperation is some times seen as a means to foster integration, but also as a means to provide long term funds and as a source of liquidity in foreign currencies. In Asia, differently, cooperation has apparently not been so instrumental to regional integration, but has proven to be quite important as a means to build a regional capital market as well as a mechanism to deal with external shocks.


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Inflation target, real exchange rate and external crisis in a Kaleckian model. Which role should the real exchange rate play in an inflation target regime? In this paper this point is discussed from the point of view of the conditions required for avoiding an external crisis. With this objective, a dynamic Kaleckian model is presented focusing on the stability of the external debt to capital ratio. The main conclusion is that policy makers should monitor closely the evolution of the real exchange rate in order to make compatible the inflation target regime with external stability.


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The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between exchange rate regime, capital account convertibility and economic growth in 1990-2007 period within the emerging countries that constitute what has been called BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India and China. Our hypothesis is that economic performance of these countries is the result, at least partially, of the quality of the macroeconomic policy management adopted in each country, in which exchange rate policy, capital account convertibility and the degree of external vulnerability plays a key role.


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The conventional argument favoring capital controls elimination is based on the predictions from the neoclassical model: free international capital mobility would allow capital flows from country where capital is abundant to countries where capital is scarce and the outcome in a global perspective is efficient allocation of savings and income convergence. Within this perspective, financial integration would be particularly beneficial for developing countries resulting in external savings import, temporary increase in per-capita GDP growth rate and a permanent increase in the per-capita GDP level. Using data for a sample of 105 countries from 1980 to 2004 the evidences show that capitals flows from developing to developed countries and that international financial integration and external savings do not increase the conditional convergence rate.


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This paper aims to analyze the elements of continuity and discontinuity in American foreign policy from the nineties. In this regard, it emphasizes the importance of financial issues within the scope of the U.S. government strategies for foreign integration and tries to analyze comparatively the Republicans and Democrats government of the period, ending with some prospective questions concerning the Democratic government of President Obama in the context of international economic crisis.