998 resultados para Condensed Matter Physics


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We present an electrochemical exfoliation method to produce controlled thickness graphene flakes by ultrasound assistance. Bilayer graphene flakes are dominant in the final product by using sonication during the electrochemical exfoliation process, while without sonication the product contains a larger percentage of four-layer graphene flakes. Graphene sheets prepared by using the two procedures are processed into films to measure their respective sheet resistance and optical transmittance. Solid-state electrolyte supercapacitors are made using the two types of graphene films. Our study reveals that films with a higher content of multilayer graphene flakes are more conductive, and their resistance is more easily reduced by thermal annealing, making them suitable as transparent conducting films. The film with higher content of bilayer graphene flakes shows instead higher capacitance when used as electrode in a supercapacitor.


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A qualitative analysis of the expected dilatation strain field in the vicinity of an array of grain-boundary (GB) dislocations is presented. The analysis provides a basis for the prediction of the critical current densities (jc) across low-angle YBa2Cu3O7- (YBCO) GBs as a function of their energy. The introduction of the GB energy allows the extension of the analysis to high-angle GBs using established models which predict the GB energy as a function of misorientation angle. The results are compared to published data for jc across [001]-tilt YBCO GBs for the full range of misorientations, showing a good fit. Since the GB energy is directly related to the GB structure, the analysis may allow a generalization of the scaling behavior of jc with the GB energy. © 1995 The American Physical Society.


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Atomic scale periodic ripples that extend for several nanometers on the surface of adjacent graphitic grains have been observed for the first time on highly ordered pyrolitic graphite by UHV-STM. The ripples emanate from a grain boundary, and are explained in terms of a mechanical deformation due to the elastic strain accumulated along the GB, which is relieved out-of-plane in the topmost graphene layer. We present a molecular dynamics model that accounts for the formation of similar ripples as result of the lattice mismatch induced by two different grain orientations.


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Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is widely utilized to synthesize graphene with controlled properties for many applications, especially when continuous films over large areas are required. Although hydrocarbons such as methane are quite efficient precursors for CVD at high temperature (∼1000 °C), finding less explosive and safer carbon sources is considered beneficial for the transition to large-scale production. In this work, we investigated the CVD growth of graphene using ethanol, which is a harmless and readily processable carbon feedstock that is expected to provide favorable kinetics. We tested a wide range of synthesis conditions (i.e., temperature, time, gas ratios), and on the basis of systematic analysis by Raman spectroscopy, we identified the optimal parameters for producing highly crystalline graphene with different numbers of layers. Our results demonstrate the importance of high temperature (1070 °C) for ethanol CVD and emphasize the significant effects that hydrogen and water vapor, coming from the thermal decomposition of ethanol, have on the crystal quality of the synthesized graphene.


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Taguchi method is for the first time applied to optimize the synthesis of graphene films by copper-catalyzed decomposition of ethanol. In order to find the most appropriate experimental conditions for the realization of thin high-grade films, six experiments suitably designed and performed. The influence of temperature (1000–1070 °C) and synthesis duration (1–30 min) and hydrogen flow (0–100 sccm) on the number of graphene layers and defect density in the graphitic lattice was ranked by monitoring the intensity of the 2D- and D-bands relative to the G-band in the Raman spectra. After critical examination and adjusting of the conditions predicted to give optimal results, a continuous film consisting of 2–4 nearly defect-free graphene layers was obtained.


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A pilot experiment was performed using the WOMBAT powder diffraction instrument at ANSTO in which the first neutron diffraction peak (Q0) was measured for D2O flowing in a 2 mm internal diameter aluminium tube. Measurements of Q0 were made at -9, 4.3, 6.9, 12, 18.2 and 21.5 °C. The D2O was circulated using a siphon with water in the lower reservoir returned to the upper reservoir using a small pump. This enabled stable flow to be maintained for several hours. For example, if the pump flow increased slightly, the upper reservoir level rose, increasing the siphon flow until it matched the return flow. A neutron wavelength of 2.4 Å was used and data integrated over 60 minutes for each temperature. A jet of nitrogen from a liquid N2 Dewar was directed over the aluminium tube to vary water temperature. After collection of the data, the d spacing of the aluminium peaks was used to calculate the temperature of the aluminium within the neutron beam and therefore was considered to be an accurate measure of water temperature within the beam. Sigmaplot version 12.3 was used to fit a Weibull five parameter peak fit to the first neutron diffraction peak. The values of Q0 obtained in this experiment showed an increase with temperature consistent with data in the literature [1] but were consistently higher than published values for bulk D20. For example at 21.5 °C we obtained a value of 2.008 Å-1 for Q0 compared to a literature value of 1.988 Å-1 for bulk D2O at 20 °C, a difference of 1%. Further experiments are required to see if this difference is real or artifactual.


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X-ray diffraction structure functions for water flowing in a 1.5 mm diameter siphon in the temperature range 4 – 63 °C were obtained using a 20 keV beam at the Australian Synchrotron. These functions were compared with structure functions obtained at the Advanced Light Source for a 0.5 mm thick sample of water in the temperature range 1 – 77 °C irradiated with an 11 keV beam. The two sets of structure functions are similar, but there are subtle differences in the shape and relative position of the two functions suggesting a possible differences between the structure of bulk and siphon water. In addition, the first structural peak (Q0) for water in a siphon, showed evidence of a step-wise increase in Q0 with increasing temperature rather than a smoothly varying increase. More experiments are required to investigate this apparent difference.


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Density functional calculations of the electronic band structure for superconducting and semi-conducting metal hexaborides are compared using a consistent suite of assumptions and with emphasis on the physical implications of computed models. Spin polarization enhances mathematical accuracy of the functional approximations and adds significant physical meaning to model interpretation. For YB6 and LaB6, differences in alpha and beta projections occur near the Fermi energy. These differences are pronounced for superconducting hexaborides but do not occur for other metal hexaborides.