998 resultados para Carcinoid Tumor


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The adenovirus type 5 E1A gene was originally developed as a gene therapy to inhibit tumorigenicity of HER-2-overexpressing cells by transcriptional downregulation of HER-2. Our goal is to improve the overall efficacy of E1A gene therapy. To achieve this goal, we have conducted two preclinical experiments. ^ First, we hypothesized that Bcl-2 overexpressing ovarian cancer is resistant to E1A gene therapy. This hypothesis is based on that the 19 kDa protein product of the adenoviral E1B gene which is homologous to Bcl-2 inhibits E1A-induced apoptosis. Treating high Bcl-2-xpressing cells with E1A in combination with an antisense oligonucleotide to Bcl-2 (Bcl-2-ASO) resulted in a significant decrease in cell viability due to an increased rate of apoptosis relative to cells treated with E1A alone. In an ovarian cancer xenograft model, mice implanted with low HER-2, high Bcl-2 cells, treated with E1A plus Bcl-2-ASO led to prolonged survival. Bcl-2 thus may serve as a predictive molecular marker enabling us to select patients with ovarian cancer who will benefit significantly from E1A gene therapy. ^ Second, we elucidated the molecular mechanism governing the anti-tumor effect of E1A in ovarian cancer to identify a more potent tumor suppressor gene. We identified PEA-15 (phospho-protein enriched in astrocytes) upregulated in E1A transfected low HER-2-expressing OVCAR-3 ovarian cancer cell, which showed decreased cell proliferation. PEA-15 moved ERK from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and inhibited ERK-dependent transcription and proliferation. Using small interfering RNA to knock down PEA-15 expression in OVCAR-3 cells made to constitutively express E1A resulted in accumulation of phosphoERK in the nucleus, an increase in Elk-1 activity, DNA synthesis, and anchorage-independent growth. PEA-15 also independently suppressed colony formation in some breast and ovarian cancer cell lines in which E1A is known to have anti-tumor activity. We conclude that the anti-tumor activity of E1A depends on PEA-15. ^ In summary, (1) Bcl-2 may serve as a predictive molecular marker of E1A gene therapy, allowing us to select patients and improve efficacy of E1A gene therapy. (2) PEA-15 was identified as a component of the molecular mechanism governing the anti-tumor activity of E1A in ovarian cancer, (3) PEA-15 may be developed as a novel therapeutic gene. ^


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Though E2F1 is deregulated in most human cancers by mutations of the p16-cyclin D-Rb pathway, it also exhibits tumor suppressive activity. A transgenic mouse model overexpressing E2F1 under the control of the bovine keratin 5 (K5) promoter exhibits epidermal hyperplasia and spontaneously develops tumors in the skin and other epithelial tissues after one year of age. In a p53-deficient background, aberrant apoptosis in K5 E2F1 transgenic epidermis is reduced and tumorigenesis is accelerated. In sharp contrast, K5 E2F1 transgenic mice are resistant to papilloma formation in the DMBA/TPA two-stage carcinogenesis protocol. K5 E2F4 and K5 DP1 transgenic mice were also characterized and both display epidermal hyperplasia but do not develop spontaneous tumors even in cooperation with p53 deficiency. These transgenic mice do not have increased levels of apoptosis in their skin and are more susceptible to papilloma formation in the two-stage carcinogenesis model. These studies show that deregulated proliferation does not necessarily lead to tumor formation and that the ability to suppress skin carcinogenesis is unique to E2F1. E2F1 can also suppress skin carcinogenesis when okadaic acid is used as the tumor promoter and when a pre-initiated mouse model is used, demonstrating that E2F1's tumor suppressive activity is not specific for TPA and occurs at the promotion stage. E2F1 was thought to induce p53-dependent apoptosis through upregulation of p19ARF tumor suppressor, which inhibits mdm2-mediated p53 degradation. Consistent with in vitro studies, the overexpression of E2F1 in mouse skin results in the transcriptional activation of the p19ARF and the accumulation of p53. Inactivation of either p19ARF or p53 restores the sensitivity of K5 E2F1 transgenic mice to DMBA/TPA carcinogenesis, demonstrating that an intact p19ARF-p53 pathway is necessary for E2F1 to suppress carcinogenesis. Surprisingly, while p53 is required for E2F1 to induce apoptosis in mouse skin, p19ARF is not, and inactivation of p19ARF actually enhances E2F1-induced apoptosis and proliferation in transgenic epidermis. This indicates that ARF is important for E2F1-induced tumor suppression but not apoptosis. Senescence is another potential mechanism of tumor suppression that involves p53 and p19ARF. K5 E2F1 transgenic mice initiated with DMBA and treated with TPA show an increased number of senescence cells in their epidermis. These experiments demonstrate that E2F1's unique tumor suppressive activity in two-stage skin carcinogenesis can be genetically separated from E2F1-induced apoptosis and suggest that senescence utilizing the p19ARF-p53 pathway plays a role in tumor suppression by E2F1. ^


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Oligodendrogliomas are primary neoplasms of the central nervous system (CNS). One of the most common and characteristic chromosomal abnormalities observed in oligodendroglioma is allelic loss of 1p (Reifenberger et al., 1994; Bello et al., 1995). Since 1p loss has been reported for both well-differentiated and anaplastic oligodendroglioma, it is believed to occur early in tumor development (Bello et al., 1995). This allelic loss also has clinical significance, for oligodendroglioma patients with 1p loss generally respond significantly better to combination chemotherapy and have longer average survival than do oligodendroglioma patients without 1p loss (Cairncross et al., 1998). To date, no genes on 1p have been implicated as essential to the development or treatment response of oligodendroglioma. In order to localize and/or identify a gene involved in oligodendroglioma development, I tested 170 oligodendrogliomas for deletions of 1p and tested 26 tumors for differential expression of genes in the region of 1p36. Evidence obtained from these methods implicated two genes, SHREW1 and the gene encoding DNA fragmentation factor beta (DFFB). The function for the SHREW1 locus is currently not well known, but preliminary data suggests that it a novel member of adherens junctions. The DFFB gene is an enhancer for apoptosis. Thus, both SHREW1 and DFFB may be candidates for an oligodendroglioma tumor suppressor. Mutational analysis of both genes did not uncover any mutations. Future studies will evaluate other mechanisms that may be responsible for inactivation of these genes in oligodendrogliomas. ^


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The importance of IGF-1/IGF-1R signaling is evident in human cancers including breast, colon, prostate, and lung which have been shown to overexpress IGF-1. Also, serum levels of IGF-1 have been identified as a risk factor for these cancers. IGF-1 has been primarily shown to mediate its mitogenic effects through signaling pathways such as MAPK and PI3K/Akt. In this regard, BK5.IGF-1 transgenic mice were generated and these mice displayed hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis in the epidermis. In addition, these mice were also found to have elevated MAPK, PI3K, and Akt activities. Furthermore, overexpression of IGF-1 in epidermis can act as a tumor promoter. BK5.IGF-1 transgenic mice developed papillomas after initiation with DMBA without further treatment with a tumor promoter such as TPA. Previous data has also shown that inhibition of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway by the inhibitor LY294002 was able to reduce the number of tumors formed by IGF-1 mediated tumor promotion. The current studies presented demonstrate that Akt may be the critical effector molecule in IGF-1/IGF-1R mediated tumor promotion. We have found that inhibition of PI3K/Akt by LY294002 inhibits cell cycle components, particularly those associated with G1 to S phase transition including Cyclin D1, Cyclin E, E2F1, and E2F4, that are elevated in epidermis of BK5.IGF-1 transgenic mice. We have also demonstrated that Akt activation may be a central theme in early tumor promotion. In this regard, treatment with diverse tumor promoters such as TPA, okadaic acid, chrysarobin, and UVB was shown to activate epidermal Akt and its downstream signaling pathways after a single treatment. Furthermore, overexpression of Akt targeted to the basal cells of the epidermis led to hyperplasia and increased labeling index as determined by BrdU staining. These mice also had constitutively elevated levels of cell cycle components, particularly Cyclin D1, Cyclin E, E2F1, E2F4, and Mdm-2. These mice developed skin tumors following initiation with DMBA and were hypersensitive to the tumor promoting effects of TPA. Collectively, these studies provide evidence that Akt activation plays an important role in the process of mouse skin tumor promotion. ^


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Gene silencing due to promoter methylation is an alternative to mutations and deletions, which inactivate tumor suppressor genes (TSG) in cancer. We identified RIL by Methylated CpG Island Amplification technique as a novel aberrantly methylated gene. RIL is expressed in normal tissues and maps to the 5q31 region, frequently deleted in leukemias. We found methylation of RIL in 55/80 (69%) cancer cell lines, with highest methylation in leukemia and colon. We also observed methylation in 46/80 (58%) primary tumors, whereas normal tissues showed substantially lower degrees of methylation. RIL expression was lost in 13/16 cancer cell lines and was restored by demethylating agent. Screening of 38 cell lines and 13 primary cancers by SSCP revealed no mutations in RIL, suggesting that methylation and LOH are the primary inactivation mechanisms. Stable transfection of RIL into colorectal cancer cells resulted in reduction in cell growth, clonogenicity, and increased apoptosis upon UVC treatment, suggesting that RIL is a good candidate TSG. ^ In searching for a cause of RIL hypermethylation, we identified a 12-bp polymorphic sequence around the transcription start site of the gene that creates a long allele containing 3CTC repeat. Evolutionary studies suggested that the long allele appeared late in evolution due to insertion. Using bisulfite sequencing, in cancers heterozygous for RIL, we found that the short allele is 4.4-fold more methylated than the long allele (P = 0.003). EMSA results suggested binding of factor(s) to the inserted region of the long allele, but not to the short. EMSA mutagenesis and competition studies, as well as supershifts using nuclear extracts or recombinant Sp1 strongly indicated that those DNA binding proteins are Sp1 and Sp3. Transient transfections of RIL allele-specific expression constructs showed less than 2-fold differences in luciferase activity, suggesting no major effects of the additional Sp1 site on transcription. However, stable transfection resulted in 3-fold lower levels of transcription from the short allele 60 days post-transfection, consistent with the concept that the polymorphic Sp1 site protects against time-dependent silencing. Thus, an insertional polymorphism in the RIL promoter creates an additional Sp1/Sp3 site, which appears to protect it from silencing and methylation in cancer. ^


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Melanoma patients with metastases have a very low survival rate and limited treatment options. Therefore, the targeting of melanoma cells when they begin to invade and metastasize would be beneficial. A specific adhesion molecule that is upregulated at the vertical growth phase is the melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM/MUC18). MUC18 is expressed in late primary and metastatic melanoma with little or no expression on normal melanocytes. MUC18 has been demonstrated to have a role in the progression and metastasis of human melanoma. We utilized the alphavirus-based DNA plasmid, SINCp, encoding full length human MUC18 for vaccination against B16F10 murine melanoma cells expressing human MUC18. The alphavirus-based DNA plasmid leads to the expression of large quantities of heterologous protein as well as danger signals due to dsRNA intermediates produced during viral replication. In a preventative primary tumor model and an experimental tumor model, mice vaccinated against human MUC18 had decreased tumor incidence and reduced lung metastases when challenged with B16F10 murine melanoma cells expressing human MUC18. In a therapeutic tumor model, vaccination against human MUC18 reduced the tumor burden in mice with pre-existing lung metastases but did not have a significant effect on therapeutic vaccination in a primary tumor model. We next cloned murine MUC18 into SINCp for use in determining the efficacy of vaccination against murine MUC18 in a syngeneic animal model. Mice were vaccinated and challenged in a primary tumor and experimental metastasis model. In both models, vaccination significantly reduced tumor incidence and lung metastases. Humoral and cell-mediated responses were then determined. Flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry showed that specific antibodies were developed from vaccination against both human and murine MUC18. IgG2a antibody isotype was also developed indicating a Th1 type response. ELISPOT results showed that mice vaccinated against human MUC18 created a specific T cell response to targets expressing human MUC18. Mice vaccinated against murine MUC18 raised specific effector cells against target cells expressing murine MUC18 in a cell killing assay. These results indicate that vaccination against MUC18 developed specific immune responses against MUC18 and were effective in controlling tumor growth in melanoma expressing MUC18. ^