993 resultados para Capacitance meters.


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Individual lifestyle includes health and risk behaviors that can altar health status. Excess weight is a public health problem of modern civilization and there is an estimated mean prevalence of 45% in European countries. In Spain, the Murcia Region is an area of high morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disorders. In this study we assess the differences in health and risk behaviors in ove/weight and normal weight undergraduates at the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). Methods: Transversal design of parallel groups (overweight - cases and normal weight - control) , formed using the anthropometric technique. A questionnaire applied to a sample of 471 undergraduates of either sex, between the ages of 18 and 29 years, enrolled in 4 bachelor degree courses (ADE, CA, PER, PUB) at UCAM. We performed a standardized measurement of body mass (weight in kg), height (in meters) using a Seca® scale with calibrated stadiometer, waist and hip circumferences (in cm) with an inelastic tape and skinfolds thickness (triceps and subscapular in mm) with a Holtain® caliper, to calculate body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and the sum of skinfolds (SSF). We applied a lifestyle questionnaire about alcohol and tobacco consumption, knowledge and behaviors related to health indicators (arterial pressure and cholesterol), diet and physical activity. The information was collected in April and May, 2001 at the UCAM laboratory of Applied Nutrition. Statistical analysis: analysis of independent groups, contingency tables that reveal which qualitativa variables show differences and associations between the groups, Pearson's chi-square,and a significance levei of p < 0.05 followed by a residual analysis (1.96). Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to establish the two groups: case and contrai with 65 men and 26 women each who had BMI < 25 kg/m2. Results: A total of 65 of the men assessed (14%) and 26 (6%) of the women were overweight. Mean body mass index of the case group was 27. 78 ±: 2.83 kg/m2 in the men and 26.26 ± 1.37 kg/m2 in the women, while contrai group men had mean BMI of 22.36 ± 1.72 kg/m2, while for the women it was 20.76 ±: 2.13 kg/m2. The self-declared values of weight and height were underestimated, but with high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Thus, these can be used to calculate the BMI of overweight Spanish undergraduates. Regular vigorous physical activity was observed only in normal weight men. The analysis showed the following significant differences for the qualitativa variables of the two groups. The contrai group was interested in arterial hypertension, believed that they were not overweight, that they had no abdominal fat, and had not considered controlling 'fatty food consumption. Those who thought of controlling it sometimes, did so without professional help. However, part of the overweight group believed that they were overweight and had abdominal fat between average and considerable, had often or always considered controlling fatty foods and had often or always tried to control consumption with the help of professionals. They had always thought of engaging in physical activities, unlike the normal weight individuals. Nearly all (95%) of the overweight undergraduates and most (75%) of the normal weight group reported that they sometimes or always controlled fatty food ingestion. Mean physical activity was nearly twice as high in the summer than in the winter. Conclusions: The overweight undergraduates in this sample displayed a lifestyle with a greater number of healthy behaviors when compared to normal weight individuals


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho a obtenção de padrões de infestação de plantas daninhas na cultura de cana-de-açúcar com histórico de colheita mecanizada sem queima prévia da palha. Foram realizadas amostragens em 28 talhões na região de Ribeirão Preto, SP; em cada talhão foram demarcadas unidades de avaliação e coleta, na proporção de duas por hectare, que consistiram de áreas (quatro linhas de 4 metros de comprimento) mantidas sem controle de plantas daninhas e onde foram realizadas as amostragens de plantas emergidas. As amostragens foram realizadas aos 120 dias após o corte, com quadrados vazados (0,5 x 0,5 m) lançados aleatoriamente duas vezes em cada uma das unidades de avaliação e coleta. Com os dados obtidos, calculou-se a importância relativa e o índice de agregação das espécies ou grupo de espécies. Esses índices foram usados no processamento da análise de agrupamento hierárquica, utilizando como medida de semelhança a distância euclidiana e como estratégia de agrupamento o método UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method using arithmetic Averages). Foi possível distinguir quatro grupos em função da importância relativa e cinco grupos de talhões em função do índice de agregação; dentro de alguns grupos houve formação de subgrupos.


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Estudos regionais mais detalhados, utilizando modelos de paisagem e geoestatística, têm demonstrado que, em áreas consideradas homogêneas, sob uma única classe de solo, existe dependência espacial de atributos granulométricos. Visando a avaliar a variabilidade espacial de atributos granulométricos em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, foram feitas amostragens do solo em intervalos regulares de 50 m, em forma de malha, totalizando 306 pontos de amostragem. Foram coletadas amostras nas profundidades de 0-0,2 m e 0,6-0,8 m para a determinação da argila, silte, areia total (AT), areia grossa (AG), areia média (AM), areia fina (AF) e areia muito fina (AMF). Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva, geoestatística e interpolação por krigagem. Os valores do coeficiente de variação apresentaram-se baixos para argila, médios para silte, AT, AF, AM e AMF e altos para AG. Observou-se ocorrência de dependência espacial para todas as variáveis com grau moderado de dependência espacial, com os maiores alcances ocorrendo na profundidade de 0-0,2 m. Os latossolos, apesar de serem homogêneos, mesmo em áreas de mesma classe de solo e manejo, apresentaram variabilidade diferenciada para os atributos granulométricos.