1000 resultados para Cana-de-açúcar - Nutrição
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
The soil is one of the main C pools in terrestrial ecosystem, capable of storing significant C amounts. Therefore, understanding the factors that contribute to the loss of CO2 from agricultural soils is critical to determine strategies reducing emissions of this gas and help mitigate the greenhouse effect. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of soil tillage and sugarcane trash on CO2 emissions, temperature and soil moisture during sugarcane (re)planting, over a study period of 15 days. The following managements were evaluated: no-tillage with crop residues left on the soil surface (NTR); without tillage and without residue (NTNR) and tillage with no residue (TNR). The average soil CO2 emission (FCO2) was lowest in NTR (2.16 µmol m-2 s-1), compared to the managements NTNR (2.90 µmol m-2 s-1) and TNR (3.22 µmol m-2 s-1), indicating that the higher moisture and lower soil temperature variations observed in NTR were responsible for this decrease. During the study period, the lowest daily average FCO2 was recorded in NTR (1.28 µmol m-2 s-1), and the highest in TNR (6.08 µmol m-2 s-1), after rainfall. A loss of soil CO2 was lowest from the management NTR (367 kg ha-1 of CO2-C) and differing significantly (p<0.05) from the managements NTNR (502 kg ha-1 of CO2-C) and TNR (535 kg ha-1 of CO2-C). Soil moisture was the variable that differed most managements and was positively correlated (r = 0.55, p<0.05) with the temporal variations of CO2 emission from NTR and TNR. In addition, the soil temperature differed (p<0.05) only in management NTR (24 °C) compared to NTNR (26 °C) and TNR (26.5 °C), suggesting that under the conditions of this study, sugarcane trash left on the surface induced an average rise in the of soil temperature of 2 ºC.
Potencial produtivo da cana-de-açúcar sob irrigação por gotejamento em função de variedades e ciclos
This study aimed to evaluate the yield potential of different varieties of sugarcane under drip irrigation in two growth cycles. A trial was set up in October 2006 at Jaú region (São Paulo state, Brazil), in an experimental field with a eutrophic Ultisol. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks with factorial treatment structure 8 x 2, constituted by eight sugarcane varieties and two crop cycles, with six replicates. Stalk productivity (TCH), sugar productivity (TPH), juice quality traits and water use efficiency in relation to stalk productivity were evaluated in each crop cycle. It was observed that varieties of sugarcane respond differently to full irrigation, and this response is influenced by climatic conditions of the agricultural year. In this study, only the first evaluation cycle (plant cane) was decisive to differentiate the performance among the varieties. The varieties IAC91-1099, IACSP96-3060, RB855536, RB867515 and SP85-1115 showed higher agro-industrial yield potential and less consumption of water and can be recommended for the management of production under drip irrigation.
During the sugarcane mechanized harvester process, the wear of base cutting knives is directly correlated to the quality of the cut made by the machines, and the use of quality control tools important in monitoring this process. Thus, the present study in Ribeirão Preto region aimed to assess the knives cut baseline and damage caused to wear brass knuckles in mechanized harvesting of cane raw sugar, from the viewpoint of statistical quality control (SQC). The wear of the knives was quantified by mass loss and its dimensions, while cutting quality was assessed by cutting height and damage to stumps visually classified according to the level of damage caused. The results showed that the wear of the knives was more pronounced in certain periods of use, but still within control standards. The cutting height was not affected by the wear of the knives, keeping within the limits of desirable quality for operation. Eventually damage the stumps ranged among themselves depending on each face of the cutting knives evaluated, and the predominance of certain classes of damage in each cutting face, but always remained in statistical control.
Phosphorus is one of the limiting nutrients for sugarcane development in Brazilian soils. The spatial variability of this nutrient is great, defined by the properties that control its adsorption and desorption reactions. Spatial estimates to characterize this variability are based on geostatistical interpolation. However, inherent uncertainties in the procedure of these estimates are related to the variability structure of the property under study and the sample configuration of the area. Thus, the assessment of the uncertainty of estimates associated with the spatial distribution of available P (Plabile) is decisive to optimize the use of phosphate fertilizers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) and ordinary kriging (OK) in the modeling of uncertainty in available P estimates. A sampling grid with 626 points was established in a 200-ha experimental sugarcane field in Tabapuã, São Paulo State. The sGs algorithm generated 200 realizations. The sGs realizations reproduced the statistics and the distribution of the sample data. The G statistic (0.81) indicated good agreement between the values of simulated and observed fractions. The sGs realizations preserved the spatial variability of Plabile without the smoothing effect of the OK map. The accuracy in the reproduction of the variogram of the sample data obtained by the sGs realizations was on average 240 times higher than that obtained by OK. The uncertainty map, obtained by OK, showed less variation in the study area than that obtained by sGs. Thus, the evaluation of uncertainties by sGs was more informative and can be used to define and delimit specific management areas more precisely.
In agriculture, the search for higher crop yields based on sustainable soil management has led to a gradual pursuit of knowledge of the variables related to production systems. The identification of the causes of variability of these properties has become a part of strategic planning in the sugar and ethanol industry. This study investigated the spatial variability of iron oxides in the clay fraction and its relationship to soil physical and chemical properties in different sugarcane cultivation systems in the region of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State. Two 1-ha plots were outlined in areas with mechanical and manual harvesting systems. Soil samples were taken at 126 points from the 0.00-0.25 m layer in both areas. The mineralogical and chemical data were subjected to geostatistical analyses, to determine the spatial dependence, semivariograms and kriging maps of the properties. To analyze the correlation between the parameters cross-semivariograms were constructed. The spatial variability of chemical properties was greater in areas with mechanical harvesting than burnt harvesting (manual harvesting), whereas the range of the mineralogical properties was largest in the area of green-harvested sugarcane. The properties organic matter, mean crystal diameter goethite had a negatively spatial correlation, while clay was positive correlated with P sorption in the two sugarcane harvest systems.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction among meteorological variables and yield components of six sugarcane varieties and to establish appropriate varietal management at the Coastal Tablelands of the Alagoas State (Brazil). The sugarcane planting was carried out in September 2005, and three cane harvests were made in November 2006, 2007 and 2008. The experimental design was in randomized block with six treatments consisting of the varieties RB863129, RB867515, RB92579, RB93509, RB931003 and RB951541, with four replications. The growth variables evaluated were number and length of stalks, leaf area index, and productivity of stalks and sugar. On average, the crop water balance showed water deficit of 869 mm between September and March and excess of 837 mm from April to August. The irregularity of rainfall in the Coastal Tablelands promoted differential responses in the development and productivity of varieties of sugarcane. Varieties RB93509 and RB931003 are considered options for the varietal management in this region.
Aiming at the assessment of the production parameters and leaf tissues morph anatomical possible changes of the sugar cane RB 86 7515 variety in its establishment phase in the conditions of weed competition, a study over vases has been accomplished in the city of Dracena, São Paulo State, from April to June, 2010, at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. The species Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria decumbens, which are regarded as invaders, were used. It was also used the Completely Randomized Design with seven treatments and five repetitions, totalizing 35 lots or vases. The treatments ranged according to the number of Brachiaria brizantha and Brachiaria decumbens seeds, as it follows: T1 - no occurrence of weed competition; T2 - low occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria brizantha; T3 - medium occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria brizantha; T4 - high occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria brizantha; T5 - low occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria decumbens; T6 - medium occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria decumbens, and T7 - high occurrence of weed competition with Brachiaria decumbens. There was an evaluation over the following issues after 60 days of the sugar cane plantation and the invading plants: the weight of the total dry matter of the plants, the thickness of the upper surface epidermis or adaxial, the thickness of the lower surface or abaxial, the thickness of the mesophill, the thickness of the limbo, the diameter of the xylematic vessels and the diameter of the phloem vessels. The weed competition of the species Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria decumbens, which are considered as invaders, provoked some reduction of the morph anatomical characteristics and of the sugar cane production. In general, the Brachiaria decumbens was the species which mostly influenced the leaf thickness of the sugar cane in negative aspects.