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Climate responses and changes in marine environments during the last deglaciation have been controversial and few paleoceanographic data are available from the tropical South Pacific, though this region is crucial in the investigations of ocean-atmosphere interactions. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310 was conducted to establish the time course of the postglacial sea-level rise at Tahiti in the South Pacific. A principal objective of this expedition was to examine the variation of marine environments during the last deglaciation. As fossil Porites coral is ideal for assessing past marine environments, we selected only Porites specimens from the many coral specimens retrieved, examined them by XRD, and dated them by the 14C method. In all, we obtained 17 pristine Porites specimens composed of only aragonite with ages from 15 to 9 ka. Then, we measured Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca, and U/Ca ratios and Cd contents as proxies for upwelling and sea surface temperature. Higher Ba/Ca ratios and Cd content together with lower reconstructed SSTs using U/Ca ratios in the coral specimens between 12.6 and 9.8 cal ka compared to around 15 cal ka suggest that upwelling and/or entrainment of subsurface water into mixed layer was enhanced around Tahiti during this period. This finding is consistent with previous reports and supports the idea that the South Pacific was characterized by La Niña-like conditions at least from 12.6 to 9.8 cal ka.


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Pollen and organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from core GeoB 9503-5 retrieved from the mud-belt ( 50 m water depth) off the Senegal River mouth have been analyzed to reconstruct short-term palaeoceanographic and palaeoenvironmental changes in subtropical NW Africa during the time interval from ca. 4200 to 1200 cal yr BP. Our study emphasizes significant coeval changes in continental and oceanic environments in and off Senegal and shows that initial dry conditions were followed by a strong and rapid increase in humidity between ca. 2900 and 2500 cal yr BP. After ca. 2500 cal yr BP, the environment slowly became drier again as indicated by slight increases in Sahelian savannah and desert elements in the pollen record. Around ca. 2200 cal yr BP, this relatively dry period ended with periodic pulses of high terrigenous contributions and strong fluctuations in fern spore and river plume dinoflagellate cyst percentages as well as in the fluxes of pollen, dinoflagellate cysts, fresh-water algae and plant cuticles, suggesting "episodic flash flood" events of the Senegal River. The driest phase developed after about 2100 cal yr BP.


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This work is the first detailed description of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and Recent Ostracoda of the Laptev Sea. A total of 45 species in 22 genera and 13 families have been identified. All these species are described monographically. Three different ecological assemblages of ostracodes corresponding to different combinations of environmental parameters have been established; they are restricted to three regions of the sea: western-central, eastern, and southern. The recent ostracode assemblages of the Laptev Sea have been compared with those from other Arctic areas and are most similar to those of the Beaufort and Kara seas. Data on recent Ostracoda are used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions on the eastern shelf and western continental slope of the Laptev Sea. For this purpose, ostracodes from five sections obtained from these parts of the sea have been examined. The oldest sediments, which are of Late Pleistocene age (15.8 cal. ka BP), have been recovered in a core from the western continental slope. These yielded five ostracode assemblages, which correspond to different paleoenvironments and replaced each other in the course of the rapid postglacial sea-level rise, thus showing variations in the Atlantic water inflow from the west and freshwater discharge from the subaerially exposed shelf. On the outer shelf of the eastern part of the sea, the rapid sea-level rise in the Early Holocene (lowermost dating 11.3 cal. ka BP) led to a rapid transition from assemblages of brackish-water nearshore environments to those of modernlike normal marine environments; modern environments were established about 8.2 cal. ka ago. Since core sections from the inner shelf correspond to the time when the level of the sea had already reached its modern values, changes in taxonomic composition of ostracode assemblages primarily mirror variations in river runoff.


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Samples of dust from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core, Summit, Greenland, dated within marine isotope stage 2 (between 23,340 and 26,180 calendar years B.P.) around the time of the coldest, local, last glacial temperatures, have been analyzed to determine their provenance. To accomplish this, we have compared them with approximately Coeval aeolian sediments (mostly loesses) sampled in possible source areas (PSAs) from around the northern hemisphere. The <5-µm grain-size fraction of these samples was analyzed on the basis that it corresponds to the atmospheric dust component of that time and locale, which was sufficiently fine grained to be transported over long distances. On the basis of comparison of the clay mineralogy and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope composition with ice dust and PSAs and assuming that we have sampled the most important PSAs, we have determined that the probable source area of these GISP2 dusts was in eastern Asia. The dust was not derived from either the midcontinental United States or the Sahara, two more proximal areas that have been suggested as potential sources based on atmospheric circulation modeling. Except for a brief period during an interstadial, when dust transport was exceptionally low (for glacial times) and had a mineralogical composition indicative of a slightly more southern provenance, the source area of the dust did not change significantly during times of variably higher fluxes of dust with larger mean grain size or lower fluxes of dust with smaller mean grain size. This includes the high-dust period that correlates with the Heinrich 2 period of major iceberg discharge into the North Atlantic. Variable wind strengths must therefore be invoked to account for these abrupt and significant changes in dust flux and grain size.


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[1] Planktonic d18O and Mg/Ca-derived sea surface temperature (SST) records from the Agulhas Corridor off South Africa display a progressive increase of SST during glacial periods of the last three climatic cycles. The SST increases of up to 4°C coincide with increased abundance of subtropical planktonic foraminiferal marker species which indicates a progressive warming due to an increased influence of subtropical waters at the core sites. Mg/Ca-derived SST maximizes during glacial maxima and glacial Terminations to values about 2.5°C above full-interglacial SST. The paired planktonic d18O and Mg/Ca-derived SST records yield glacial seawater d18O anomalies of up to 0.8 per mill, indicating measurably higher surface salinities during these periods. The SST pattern along our record is markedly different from a UK'37-derived SST record at a nearby core location in the Agulhas Corridor that displays SST maxima only during glacial Terminations. Possible explanations are lateral alkenone advection by the vigorous regional ocean currents or the development of SST contrasts during glacials in association with seasonal changes of Agulhas water transports and lateral shifts of the Agulhas retroflection. The different SST reconstructions derived from UK'37 and Mg/Ca pose a significant challenge to the interpretation of the proxy records and demonstrate that the reconstruction of the Agulhas Current and interocean salt leakage is not as straightforward as previously suggested.


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Alkenone unsaturation ratios and planktonic delta18O records from sediment cores of the Alboran, Ionian and Levantine basins in the Mediterranean Sea show pronounced variations in paleo-temperatures and -salinities of surface waters over the last 16,000 years. Average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are low during the last glacial (averages prior to 13,000 years: 11-15°C), vary rapidly at the beginning of the Holocene, and increase to 17-18°C at all sites during S1 formation (dated between 9500 and 6600 calendar years). The modern temperature gradient (2-3°C) between the Mediterranean sub-basins is maintained during formation of sapropel S1 in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. After S1, SSTs have remained uniform in the Alboran Sea at 18°C and have fluctuated around 20°C in the Ionian and Levantine Basin sites. The delta18O of planktonic foraminifer calcite decreases by 2 per mil from the late glacial to S1 sediments in the Ionian Basin and by 2.8 per mil in the Levantine Basin. In the Alboran Sea, the decrease is 1.7 per mil. Of the 2.8 per mil decrease in the Levantine Basin, the effect of global ice volume accounts for a maximum of 1.05 per mil and the temperature increase explains only a maximum of 1.3 per mil. The remainder is attributed to salinity changes. We use the temperature and salinity estimates to calculate seawater density changes. They indicate that a reversal of water mass circulation is not a likely explanation for increased carbon burial during S1 time. Instead, it appears that intermediate and deep water formation may have shifted to the Ionian Sea approximately 2000 years before onset of S1 deposition, because surface waters were as cold, but saltier than surface water in the Levantine Basin during the Younger Dryas. Sapropel S1 began to form at the same time, when a significant density decrease also occurred in the Ionian Sea.